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Notice. --The Commissioners, Conductors and Clerks who have been appointed to conduct the Presidential Election on Tuesday next, will meet at the office of Thomas U. Dudley, in the City Hall, on Monday Evening, at 4½ o'clock, for the purpose of taking the oaths and making the necessary arrangements for conducting the election. N. B. Hill, Com'rs. G. A. Myers, Com'rs. no 3--2t J. H. Gilmer, Com'rs.
Munford, 104; John Randolph Tucker, 100; Peachy R. Grattan, 49; John M. Patton, 41; P. H. Aylett, 37; James R. Crenshaw, 35; Thos. P. August, 23; scattering, 105. The Chair announced that Messrs. Randolph and Steger were nominated. Mr. N. B. Hill moved that the three highest be nominated by acclamation. This was objected to. Messrs. Tucker, Grattan, Crenshaw, Patton and Aylett successively withdrew their names, and expressed a hope that the meeting would unite upon the threead a letter from Col. Geo. W. Munford, withdrawing his name from the canvass. A good many declared their purpose to vote for him any how, when Major Wm. Munford arose and stated that it was his father's wish to have his name withdrawn. Mr. Hill nominated Judge Robertson as the third candidate, and the question being put, there was a loud response in the affirmative. The Chair then announced the names of the three candidates selected--George W. Randolph, John O. Steger, and Judge J
n election will be held on Monday, February 4th, 1861, for the election of three delegates to a State Convention, to be holden at the Capitol, in the city of Richmond, on Wednesday, the 12th February, 1861. Said act provides that the Commissioners and Officers conducting the State Election in May last shall conduct this election. The following is a list of the Commissioners and Conductors then appointed: Jefferson Ward.--Joseph Brummel, Abel F. Picot, E. A. Smith, John J. Wilson, and N. B. Hill, Commissioners; and Reuben T. Seal, Conductor. Madison Ward.--James H. Grant, George Whitfield, R. R. Howison, George W. Randolph, and Thomas R. Price, Commissioners; and Thomas U. Dudley, Conductor. Monroe Ward.--Thomas Barham, Thomas M. Jones, Thomas Boudar, Charles H. Powell, and Felix Matthews, Commissioners; and James L. Bray, Conductor. The Commissioners and Conductors are requested to meet at my office, at the City Hall, on Saturday evening, the 2d inst., at 5 o'clock
n election will be held on Monday, February 4th, 1861, for the election of three Delegates to a State Convention, to be holden at the Capitol, in the City of Richmond, on Wednesday, the 13th February, 1861. Said act provides that the Commissioners and Officers conducting the State Election in May last shall conduct this election. The following is a list of the Commissioners and Conductors then appointed: Jefferson Ward.--Joseph Brummel, Abel F. Picot, E. A. Smith, John J. Wilson, and N. B. Hill, Commissioners; and Reuben T. Seal, Conductor. Madison Ward.--James H. Grant, George Whitfield, R. R. Howison, George W. Randolph, and Thomas R. Price, Commissioners; and Thomas U. Dudley, Conductor. Monroe Ward.--Thomas Barham, Thomas M. Jones, Thomas Boudar, Charles H. Powell, and Felix Matthews, Commissioners; and James L. Bray, Conductor. The Commissioners and Conductors are requested to meet at my office, at the City Hall, on Saturday evening, the 2d inst., at 5 o'clock
The Palmetto tree. --There is naturally considerable interest felt in regard to this kind of tree at the present time. Those desirous of seeing one as it appears in its native Carolina, have been afforded an opportunity of gratifying a commendable curiosity, a fine specimen having been sent on to N. B. Hill, Esq., of this city, which he has caused to be planted in his yard on 19th street, between Franklin and Grace streets. It is a good representative of the sturdy independence of the race on whose soil it had its being.
border. " Bro. Coombe, of the Philadelphia Conference, said--"Dr. Kingsley said that, when the cry of pro-slavery was heard up here, I stood up for the border. Nothing but a sense of duty has led me to do this. There is war at the North, as well as with you at the South." Dr. K. refers to this state of things up there as the reason why the New Chapter should be passed. There was a conflict at the North. They were losing many members there. This thing, then, became to them a necessity. Mr. Hill said, "There is a public sentiment here as well as with you." The war was carried into Africa. They lost because of the Discipline of '56. That very thing was doing bad work. Yet you dream of redress at the hands of these men who base their action on such reasons.--You are dreaming! Suppose you delay. Everything precludes redress. And if you don't put moral principles before property, I pity you. You, know they can't give what you demand. You, by your demands, tie both your hands
The Charter Election is near at hand, and old Jefferson Ward has not seceded from the city of Richmond. We beg leave to present to the voters of that ward the following gentlemen for Councilmen and Aldermen: For Councilmen: R. O. Haskins, W. H. Richardson, J. H. Greanor, N. B. Hill, Jas. M. Talbott, mh 26--dtde For Aldermen: W. Taylor, A. F. Picot, C. B. Hill, George E. Sadler, R. D. Sanxay. Jefferson Ward.
ght, to nominate candidates for Aldermen and Common Council for Jefferson Ward. Whereupon, N. M. Lee was called to the Chair, and Thos. J. Starke appointed Secretary. On motion, a committee of seven were appointed by the Chair to make nominations, who having retired, brought forward the following names, which, upon being put to the vote, were unanimously nominated: for Aldermen: for Councilmen: C. B. Hill, R. O. Haskins, N. M. Lee, J. M. Talbott, George E. Sadler, N. B. Hill, Dr. A. F. Picot, J. H. Greanor, Thos. J Starke. John J. Wilson. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the Common Council of the city of Richmond be requested to cause a poll to be opened at each precinct in the city of Richmond, for or against secession, and that each voter be asked the question, are you in favor or against secession, and that his vote be recorded accordingly. Resolved. That the other two Wards will adopt a similar reso
The charter election near at hand, and old Jefferson Ward has not seceded from the city of Richmond. We beg leave to present to the voters of that ward the following gentlemen for Councilmen and Aldermen: For Councilmen: R. O. Haskins W. H. Richardson, J. H. Greanor, N. B. Hill, Jas. M. Talbott, For Aldermen: W. Taylor, A. F. Picet, C. B. Hill, George E. Sadler, R. D. Sanxay. mh 26--dide Jefferson Ward.
Councilmen and Aldermen. Jefferson Ward.--Councilmen: N. B. Hill. 550; R. O. Haskins, 545; Jno. H. Greanor, 521; A. Y. Stokes, 388. Aldermen: Wm. Taylor, 533; C. B. Hill, 574; R. D. Sanxay, 573; G. E. Sadler, 548; A. F. Picot, 462; J. M. Higgins, 382; E. A. J. Clopton, 309; N. M. Lee, 263; G. W. Allen, 295; Jno. Hagan, 161; T. J. Starke, 262. Madison Ward.--Councilmen: George K. Crutchfield, 850; James A. Scott, 832; D. J. Burr, 790; P. R. Grattan, 752; Thomas H. Wynne, 573. Aldermen: R. M. Burton, 1,082; J. J. Binford, 1,065; James Bray, 1,049; Jas. K. Caskie, 1,019; W. B. Smith, 631. Monroe Ward.--Councilmen: D. J. Saunders, 896; L. W. Glazebrook, 863; S. D. Denton, 731; Fleming Griffin, 729; Thomas G. Epps, 690. Aldermen: all of the old officers are elected.