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three times as many. This tragedy instantly threw the whole city into a wild frenzy of insurrection. That same afternoon an immense secession meeting in Monument Square listened to a torrent of treasonable protest and denunciation, in which Governor Hicks himself was made momentarily to join. The militia was called out, preparations were made to arm the city, and that night the railroad bridges were burned between Baltimore and the Pennsylvania line to prevent the further transit of Union reg Maryland towns subsided almost as quickly as it had risen. The Union leaders and newspapers asserted themselves,, and soon demonstrated their superiority in numbers and activity. Serious embarrassment had been created by the timidity of Governor Hicks, who, while Baltimore remained under mob terrorism, officially protested against the landing of Union troops at Annapolis; and, still worse, summoned the Maryland legislature to meet on April 26-a step which he had theretofore stubbornly refu
her reasons, to remain neutral. The authorities refused the right of United States troops to pass through her domain with hostile intent toward the South, announced her determination not to send her troops to the soil of any other State, and Governor Hicks officially demanded new guarantees for her rights, and proclaimed her sympathy with the Southern people. On April 19, 1861, a body of troops was brought to the railway dep6t, and the citizens, being unarmed, assailed them with stones. The he Legislature were arrested. The quorum was destroyed. S. T. Willis, whose report in defence of the constitutional rights of his fellow-citizens was considered cause for imprisonment, and Henry May, a member of Congress, were arrested. Governor Hicks found himself convinced by these strenuous measures, and came out in sympathy with the successful party. Mr. Davis said: Last in order, but first in cordiality, were the tender ministrations of Maryland's noble daughters to the sick and w
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The First Maryland cavalry, C. S. A. (search)
of the same family. The first company organized was named the Howard County Dragoons, commanded by Captain Geo. R. Gaither. Both companies were handsomely uniformed according to United States army regulations, well mounted, and furnished by Governor Hicks with the best cavalry sabres and Colt's revolvers. When the indignation of the citizens of Baltimore burst forth at the appearance, on the 19th of April, 1861, of a Massachusetts regiment marching through her streets to make war on the South, the Howard County Dragoons immediately assembled at Ellicott's Mills, and on the next day marched into the city and placed themselves under the command of General G. H. Steuart. This action, and the subsequent treachery of Governor Hicks, made it necessary, when quiet was seemingly restored, either to disband the company or to march it South of the Potomac. Early in May a large portion of the Dragoons, mounted and equipped, crossed at Point of Rocks and rendezvoused at Leesburg under Captain
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
ters. We conversed freely in regard to the impending trouble, and especially of the danger in which Washington stood. I informed him I would leave three of my detectives in the city, and, at his request, agreed to instruct them to report to him verbally any things of importance they should discover. I stopped in Baltimore that night on my way home, and ascertained from Marshal Kane himself the plan by which Maryland was to be precipitated out of the Union, against the efforts of Govr. Hicks to keep it there; and with Maryland also the District of Columbia. He told me Maryland would wait for the action of Virginia, and that action would take place within a month; and that when Virginia seceded through a convention, Maryland would secede by gravitation. It was at this interview I ascertained Fort McHenry to be garrisoned by a corporal's guard, consisting of one man, and that the Baltimore police were keeping guard on the outside, to prevent the roughs from capturing it prematur
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott), March 14-17, 1862.-expedition from Savannah, Tenn., to Yellow Creek, Miss., and occupation of Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. (search)
ere utterly impassable. My plan was to follow up with the four brigades of my division to a point about half way, where the road branches to Iuka, and there await the return of the cavalry force, and accordingly ordered the First Brigade, Colonel Hicks, to move at 3 a. m.; the Second Brigade, Colonel Stuart, at 4; the Third Brigade, Colonel Hildebrand, and the Fourth Brigade, Colonel Buckland, at daylight. Notwithstanding the pouring rain and snow-storm the brigades were put in motion ater as rising at the rate of 6 inches per hour. This and the terrible condition of the roads induced me to order back one of the two batteries. The head of the column was brought to a halt by the swollen creek without name 44 miles out. Colonel Hicks partially bridged it, but the water soon rose above the timbers, and as our cavalry had passed it quite early in the night and had gone on, I ordered the construction of another bridge. While at work on this a messenger returned from the cav
Jackson W. T. Sherman's advance to Meridian Sovy Smith's failure Osband's fight at Yazoo City Palmer's advance to Dalton Forrest takes Union City repulsed by Hicks at Paducah assaults and carries Fort Pillow butchery after surrender Sturgis routed by Forrest at Guntown A. J. Smith worsts Forrest at Tupelo Forrest's raid ce, and next day appeared before Paducah at tho head of a division of his force which had moved thither directly from Jackson. He found here the 40th Illinois, Col. Hicks, 655 strong; who promptly withdrew into Fort Anderson, where he could be aided by the gunboats Piosta and Paw-Paw, Capt. Shirk. and whence he answered Forrest'of war, Forrest, not three weeks before, had seen fit to summon Paducah in these terms: headquarters Forrest's cavalry corps, Paducah, March 25, 1864. To Col. Hicks, commanding Federal forces at Paducah: Having a force amply sufficient to carry your works and reduce the place, in order to avoid the unnecessary effusion o
Wade. Indiana--Henry S. Lane. Illinois--Trumbull. Missouri--Brown. Henderson. Michigan--Chandler, Howard. Iowa — Grimes, Harlan. Wisconsin--Doolittle, Howe. Minnesota--Ramsey, Wilkinson. Kansas--J. H. Lane, Pomeroy. Oregon--Harding, Nesmith. California--Conness.--Total, 38. Nays--[All Democrats.] Delaware--Riddle, Saulsbury. Kentucky--Davis, Powell. Indiana--Hendricks. California--McDougall.--Total, 6. Not Voting.--Buckalew, Pa.; Wright, N. J.; Hicks, Md.; Bowden and Carlile, Va.; Richardson, Ill.--all Democrats. But it failed June 15. in the House: Yeas 95; Nays 66--substantially, though not absolutely, a party division. Mr. Ashley, of Ohio — changing his vote to enable him to do so — now moved a reconsideration; and the subject went over to await the issues of the War and of the pending election of President. Mr. Lincoln, in his Message already quoted, now urged the House to concur with the Senate in adopting the Amendment-s<
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Contents of Thie first volume. (search)
CUMENTSDOCUMENT Page   Doc. Page 1.Maryland--Reply of Gov. Hicks to Mississippi Commissioner,1 2.South Carolina--Secessi17 15.Carrington's Call to Washington Volunteers,17 16.Gov. Hicks' Address,17 17.Gov. Ellis to Secretary Holt, and Reply,72 64.Major Anderson's Official Report,76 65.Maryland--Gov. Hicks' Proclamation. Baltimore--Mayor Brown's Proclamation,76mes--Article on the Conflict,132 84.Secretary Seward to Gov. Hicks,133 85.Baltimore--Attack on Massachusetts Troops,133 8 8th, 13th, and 69th Regiments, departure of,141 93 1/2.Gov. Hicks' and Gen. Butler's Correspondence,144 94.Gov. Magoffin'legiance,158 108.Women of New York, Address to,158 109.Gov. Hicks' Message to Maryland Legislature,159 110.Blockade of ViGen. Butler's Proclamation at Baltimore, May 14,243 166.Gov. Hicks' Proclamation, May 14,245 167.Connecticut 2d Regiment,24 239.J. M. Mason's Speech at Richmond, June 8,346 240.Gov. Hicks' Proclamation, June 7,347 241.Gen. Morris' Proclamation
urry back to the Old Bay State to show their battered faces and broken limbs, and that they should yet come back and play Hail Columbia in the streets of Baltimore, where they had been so inhumanly assaulted. The noble-hearted woman who rescued these men is a well-known character in Baltimore, and, according to all the usages of Christian society, is an outcast and a polluted being; but she is a true heroine, nevertheless, and entitled to the grateful consideration of the country. When Gov. Hicks had put himself at the head of the rabble rout of miscreants, and Winter Davis had fled in dismay, and the men of wealth and official dignity had hid themselves in their terror, and the police were powerless to protect the handful of unarmed strangers who were struggling with the infuriated mob, this degraded woman took them under her protection, dressed their wounds, fed them at her own cost, and sent them back in safety to their homes. As she is too notorious in Baltimore not to be perf
The three greatest villains and traitors which the present war has produced, are, beyond all doubt, Hicks, Scott, and Harney. We place them in the order of their infamy. Hicks ranks his confederates by long odds. Scott and Harney have some palliation in the fact of their being mercenaries, and in their carnal weakness. But Hicks ranks his confederates by long odds. Scott and Harney have some palliation in the fact of their being mercenaries, and in their carnal weakness. But in Hicks' villainy there are no mitigating circumstances — no plea of human frailty. His treachery was deliberate, cold-blooded, cowardly, and hypocritical. Before the incensed populace of Baltimore, he quailed into submission, abjured his Unionism, and declared unqualifiedly his determination to resist the Lincoln invasion to thHicks' villainy there are no mitigating circumstances — no plea of human frailty. His treachery was deliberate, cold-blooded, cowardly, and hypocritical. Before the incensed populace of Baltimore, he quailed into submission, abjured his Unionism, and declared unqualifiedly his determination to resist the Lincoln invasion to the death. The threats for vengeance against the Yankee murderers of Baltimore citizens has hardly died away, before he slunk off to Winter Davis' den, and set to work concocting a plan to betray Maryland into Lincoln's hands. The men of the South, unfortunately, trusted his assurances, and now Baltimore and Maryland are suffering