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Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Grand movement of the Army of the Potomac- crossing the Rapidan-entering the Wilderness- battle of the Wilderness (search)
's Brigade. Brig.-Gen. Joseph Finegan's Brigade. Maj.-Gen. C. M. Wilcox's division. Brig.-Gen. E. L. Thomas's Brigade. (n) Brig.-Gen. James H. Lane's Brigade. Brig.-Gen. Samuel McGowan's Brigade. Brig.-Gen. Alfred M. Scale's Brigade. Maj.-Gen. H. Heth's division. (o) Brig.-Gen. J. R. Davis's Brigade. Brig.-Gen. John R. Cooke's Brigade. Brig.-Gen. D. McRae's Brigade. Brig.-Gen. J. J. Archer's Brigade. Brig.-Gen. H. H. Walker's Brigade. Unattached: 5th Alabama Battalion. Cavalrys promptly as he generally did when receiving such orders. At four o'clock he again received his orders to attack, and General Getty received orders from Meade a few minutes later to attack whether Hancock was ready or not. He met the enemy under Heth within a few hundred yards. Hancock immediately sent two divisions, commanded by Birney and Mott, and later two brigades, Carroll's and Owen's, to the support of Getty. This was timely and saved Getty. During the battle Getty and Carroll wer
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Interview with Sheridan-Grand movement of the Army of the Potomac-Sheridan's advance on five Forks-battle of five Forks-Parke and Wright storm the enemy's line-battles before Petersburg (search)
m until night, when further pursuit was stopped. Miles bivouacked for the night on the ground which he with Sheridan had carried so handsomely by assault. I cannot explain the situation here better than by giving my dispatch to City Point that evening: Boydton Road, near Petersburg, April 2, 1865, 4.40 P. M. Colonel T. S. Bowers, City Point. We are now up and have a continuous line of troops, and in a few hours will be intrenched from the Appomattox below Petersburg to the river above. Heth's and Wilcox's divisions, such part of them as were not captured, were cut off from town, either designedly on their part or because they could not help it. Sheridan with the cavalry and 5th corps is above them. Miles's division, 2d corps, was sent from the White Oak Road to Sutherland Station on the South Side Railroad, where he met them, and at last accounts was engaged with them. Not knowing whether Sheridan would get up in time, General Humphreys was sent with another division from
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 2: Lee's invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. (search)
nd Gettysburg, and, at about nine o'clock the next morning, July 1, 1863. he met the van of the Confederates, under General H. Heth, Hill's Corps consisted of the divisions of Heth, Pender, and Anderson, the First two containing 10,000 men each,Heth, Pender, and Anderson, the First two containing 10,000 men each, and the last, 15,000. Longstreet's Corps followed, with McLaws's division, 12,000, in advance; Hood's, 12,000; and Pickett's, 7,000; the latter having the wagon-trains of the Confederates in charge. Two divisions of Ewell's Corps (Rodes's, 10,000 arge upon Cemetery Hill, supported on his right by Wilcox's brigade, and on his left by a brigade of North Carolinians, of Heth's division, commanded George Pickett. by General Pettigrew; in all about fifteen thousand strong. The batteries had noPender, and Semmes were mortally wounded; Generals Hood and Trimble were severely wounded, and Generals Anderson, Hampton, Heth, Jones, Pettigrew, Jenkins, and Kemper, not so badly. but each rested on the night after the battle, in ignorance of the r
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 3: political affairs.--Riots in New York.--Morgan's raid North of the Ohio. (search)
Third Brigades, and Hayes's Third. soon drove the Confederates, and captured six of their guns, which were instantly turned upon the fugitives. A flank attack by Heth's (formerly Pettigrew's See page 72.) was repulsed, with a Confederate loss of four hundred and fifty men made prisoners, with two battle-flags. This was an nd Ohio railway, See page 367, volume II. early in 1862. Little was done there after that, except watching and raiding for more than a year. In May, 1862, General Heth was in the Greenbrier region, and on the day when Kenly was attacked at Front Royal, See page 391, volume II. he marched upon Lewisburg with three regiments, and attacked two Ohio regiments stationed there, under Colonel George Crooke. Heth was routed, and escaped by burning the bridge over the Greenbrier behind him, with a loss of over one hundred men (mostly prisoners), four guns, and three hundred muskets. Crooke's loss was sixty-three men. After this there was comparative qu
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 11: advance of the Army of the Potomac on Richmond. (search)
ble line of battle in front of the Brock road, facing Hill's line stretched across the plank road. Hill's corps consisted of the divisions of Generals Anderson, Heth, and Wilcox. Hancock at once began to throw up breastworks on his front, but before they were completed, he was ordered to advance on Hill and drive him beyond Parker's store. Getty, moving on each side of the plank road, had already made a vigorous attack on Heth, driving in his pickets, and becoming hotly engaged. Then Hancock ordered to his support the divisions of Mott and Birney, with Ricketts's Battery and a company of the First Pennsylvania Artillery, when a most sanguinary battle he plank road, wheeled up that highway, and commenced driving the Confederates, for Longstreet had not yet come into position, and Anderson's division was absent. Heth and Wilcox were driven a mile and a half back upon their trains and artillery, and nearly to Lee's Headquarters. The Confederate rifle-pits were captured, with ma
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 12: operations against Richmond. (search)
pared to cross and take the Confederates in reverse. Bartlett's brigade waded the stream, armpit deep, and formed a battle-line to cover the construction of a pontoon bridge. This was quickly done, and early that afternoon the whole of Warren's corps passed over to the south side of the river, and formed a line of battle. Cutler's division was on the right, Griffin's in the center, and Crawford's on the left. They took position at a piece of woods, where, at five o'clock, the divisions of Heth and Wilcox, of Hill's corps, fell upon Griffin's division. They were repulsed, when three Confederate brigades, under General Brown, struck Cutler's division a sudden blow, which threw it into confusion and uncovered Griffin's right. The Confederates pushed quickly forward to attack it, but the danger was avoided by a refusal of that flank. Bartlett was hurried to its support, and in that movement a volley of musketry, given at close quarters by the Eighty-third Pennsylvania, The Eighty
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 13: invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania-operations before Petersburg and in the Shenandoah Valley. (search)
n a second attack they were again repulsed, with heavy loss. But Hill was determined to capture the works, and he ordered Heth's division to do so at all hazards. That commander then .concentrated a powerful artillery fire on the Nationals, and thim was scarcely a mile. These movements had been eagerly watched by the Confederates, and Hill's leading division, under Heth, was sent to attack Hancock's isolated force before the remainder of the Army of the Potomac should cross Hatcher's Run. Heth moved so stealthily, that the first intimation of his presence was given at four o'clock in the afternoon by volleys of musketry and a furious charge upon Pierce's brigade of Mott's division. That startled brigade gave way, and left two guns. rawford's lines, and were captured. Had that officer been ordered to advance at that moment, the capture or dispersion of Heth's whole force might have been the result. Ayres was on the way, but night fell, and he halted before reaching Hancock, wh
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 20: Peace conference at Hampton Roads.--the campaign against Richmond. (search)
ten o'clock that morning. So strong did Lee feel, that he ordered a charge on the besiegers, to regain some of the works on his left, carried by the Ninth Corps. Heth commanded the charging party, which consisted of his own division of A. P. Hill's Corps. So heavily did the Confederates press, that the troops holding City Point, were ordered up to the support of the Ninth Corps. Heth was repulsed, and so ended the really last blow struck for the defense of Richmond by Lee's Army. In that movement, General A. P. Hill, one of Lee's best officers, and who had been conspicuous throughout the War, was shot dead while reconnoitering. Lee now perceived thin his position, if possible, until night, and then retreat with the hope of making his way to Johnston by the Danville railroad. Immediately after the repulse of Heth, or at half-past 10 o'clock in the morning, he telegraphed to Davis, at Richmond, saying, in substance, My lines are broken in three places; Richmond must be evacu
t to interfere with the counties in which General H. Heth is operating. W. H. Taylor, Assistant AdSecretary of War, am I to presume also that General Heth and I are to command within the range of thr spared for the purpose. With regard to General Heth, you say in calling on the militia I must tnot to interfere with the counties in which General Heth is operating. I do not know them nor the squested you in my letter to correspond with General Heth, in order that there might be no conflict ihould you be unable to form a junction with General Heth, to ascertain the best route into North Carad at which your march may be interrupted. General Heth has been directed to keep you advised of hiLee, General. (Similar letter sent to General Heth.) Corinth, April 22, 1862. General Earl Vthe districts commanded by Generals Jackson and Heth, and not over that in which I am operating, unls here are unfit for them. I mean Marshall and Heth. They may be good soldiers and brave men. They[14 more...]
n Major-General Hill, whose division, under General Heth, was advanced to the line of intrenchments ching it, A. P. Hill's division in front, under Heth, with Lane's, McGowan's, Archer's, and Heth's bHeth's brigades on the right of the road, within half a mile of Chancellorsville, near the apex of the ridge, and McGowan were wounded, and Paxton killed. Heth and Ramseur, though painfully wounded, persisten having become somewhat broken and disordered, Heth took the advance — Archer on the extreme right,in motion, and I joined with it and went to General Heth's position. The march was not delayed for camp Gregg, Va., May 14, 1863. Brigadier-General H. Heth, commanding A. P. Hill's Division: ght. The brigade was placed in position by General Heth, commanding division, on the extreme left avision remained until just after daybreak, when Heth's brigade was ordered up. Two regiments — the Fort of Colonel Brockenbrough. headquarters Heth's brigade, May 18, 1863. R. H. Finney, A. A. G[26 more...]<