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Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Debates of Lincoln and Douglas: Carefully Prepared by the Reporters of Each Party at the times of their Delivery., Fourth joint debate, at Charleston, September 18, 1858. (search)
who were out fighting the battles of their country. I say that Ficklin knows it is false. When that charge was brought forward by the Chicago Times, the Springfield Register [Douglas organ] reminded the Times that the charge really applied to John Henry; and I do know that John Henry is now making speeches and fiercely battling for Judge Douglas. If the Judge now says that he offers this as a sort of a set-off to what I said to-day in reference to Trumbull's charge, then I remind him that he mJohn Henry is now making speeches and fiercely battling for Judge Douglas. If the Judge now says that he offers this as a sort of a set-off to what I said to-day in reference to Trumbull's charge, then I remind him that he made this charge before I said a word about Trumbull's. He brought this forward at Ottawa, the first time we met face to face ; and in the opening speech that Judge Douglas made, he attacked me in regard to a matter ten years old. Isn't he a pretty man to be whining about people making charges against him only two years old! The Judge thinks it is altogether wrong that I should have dwelt upon this charge of Trumbull's at all. I gave the apology for doing so in my opening speech. Perhaps it
ield. All the officers and men did their whole duty, and are entitled to great praise for their bravery and good conduct. Accompanying this is a list of the casualties. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, William Wells, Major Commanding First Vermont Calvary. list of casualties occurring in First regiment of Vermont cavalry, September Thirteenth, 1863. Major William Wells, wounded slightly in the shoulder. Adjutant C. D. Gates, missing. Private John Henry, company B, killed. Sergeant L. V. H. Haskell, company G, wounded in the left arm. Private Monroe Lyford, company C, wounded in the shoulder. Private F. A. Russell, company I, wounded in the side. Sergeant B. G. Chapman, company B, missing. Private B. J. Merrill, company B, missing. Sergeant H. P. Aldrich, company C, missing. Bugler A. F. Hacket, company M, missing. William Wells, Major Commanding First Vermont Cavalry. A National account Culpeper Court-H
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 34: (search)
eers, Strong Conklin and Lemuel Albert; Acting-Master's Mates, J. Aspinwall, Jr., Wm. Betts, John Hill and C. Washburn. Steamer Cohasset. [Commander not found], Acting-Master's Mates, Wm. P. Burke and Jacob Daggett; Acting-Assistant Engineers, Sidney Smith and Chas Robinson. Steamer Ceres. Acting-Volunteer Lieutenant, John Macdearmid; Acting-Master, G. B. Thompson. Steamer A. C. Powell. Acting-Master's Mate, A. P. Matthews; Acting-Engineer Wm. Mahan. Steamer W. G. Putnam. Acting-Master, W. J. Hotchkiss; Acting-Assistant Engineers, James Osborne and John Henry. Steamer Young America. Acting-Master, G. W. Graves; Acting-Assistant Engineers, James Hamilton, C. E. Rainer and W. B. Whitmore. Steamer Zouave. Acting-Assistant Engineers, John Badgely and Isaac Buck. Note.--The above list of officers is necessarily incomplete and not strictly correct, from the fact that the Navy Register for September, 1862, does not furnish the information usually given.
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 35: operations of the North Atlantic Squadron, 1863. (search)
and D. M. Gaskins. Steamer John L. Lockwood. Acting-Master, G. W. Graves; Acting-Master's Mates, A. H. Hicks and Edw. Austin; Engineers: Acting-Second-Assistants, J. T. Newton and W. W. Whiting; Acting-Third-Assistant, J. T. Miller. Steamer General Putnam. Acting-Master, Wm. J. Hotchkiss; Acting-Ensign, Wm. Jennings; Acting-Master's Mates, H. C. Hawkins, A. P. Kirkham and C. A. Jones; Engineers: Acting-Second-Assistants, James Osburn and R. A. Copeland; Acting-Third-Assistants, John Henry and W. P. Higgins. Steamer Henry Brinker. Acting-Master, James H. Hardesty; Acting-Ensign, H. S. Livermore; Acting-Master's Mate, Wm. B. Miles; Engineers: Acting-Second-Assistant, J. W. Kelsey; Acting-Third-Assistants, Robert Ross and W. H. Tate. Steamer Young Rover. Acting-Masters, Ira B. Studley and T. W. Dodge; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, Robert Cowie; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, Geo. W. Stone; Acting-Ensigns, D. S. Thompson, J. A. Edgren and E. M. Ryder; Acting-Master's Mates
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 40: (search)
ster, C. H. Hammatt; Acting-Ensigns, A. Buhner, R. W. Elwell and C. A. Stewart; Acting-Master's Mates, I. S. Sampson and T. M. Webb; Engineers: Acting-Second-Assistants,W. T. Worrell and W. S. Sillman; Acting-Third-Assistants, Erastus Barry, John Ross, A. L. Churchill and George Foster. Steamer General Putnam. Acting-Master, H. H. Savage; Acting-Ensigns, Wm. Jennings and H. R. Fowle; Acting-Master's Mates, W. F. Gregg, J. H. Gilley and B. H. Spear; Engineers : Acting-Second-Assistant, J. Henry; Acting-Third-Assistants, A. F. Rockefeller and Wm P. Higgins. Steamer Victoria. Acting Masters, Chas. W. Lee and Alfred Everson; Acting-Ensign, Paul Borner; Acting-Master's Mates, B. W. Tucker and Wm. Moody; Acting-Assistant-Surgeon, John G. Park; Acting-Assistant-Paymaster, Samuel Thomas; Acting-Third-Assistant Engineer, John Haversfield. Steamer Hunchback. Acting-Master, Robert G. Lee; Acting-Ensign, E. K. Valentine; Acting-Master's Mattes, John Maddock and J. F. Sias; Acting
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 42: Red River expedition.--continued. (search)
Fox and Wm. Downey; Acting-Second-Assistant, G. W. Shellenberger; Acting-Third-Assistant, Geo. S. Read. Steamer Tawah. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, Jason Goudy; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, H. S. Nicholson; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, D. W. Hale; Acting-Master, M. V. B. Haines; Acting-Ensigns, J. B. Williams and Joseph Sawyer; Acting-Master's Mates, I. P. Neave and John W. Adams; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, J. H. Linn; Acting Second-Assistant, T. J. Reed; Acting-Third-Assistants, John Henry and Walter Mossington. Steamer Key West. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, E, M. King; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, R. W. Gifford; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, W. B. Crosby, Jr.; Acting-Master, M. J. Cronin; Acting-Ensigns, John H. Welsh and N. A. Closson: Acting-Master's Mates, Wm. Hammett, Jr., Menzies Dickson and John Winram; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, R. J. Stone; Acting-Second-Assistants, G. W. Dean and G. L. Mortimer; Acting-Third-Assistant, Michael Sodon. Steamer Peosta.
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 55: operations of the Mississippi Squadron in the latter part of 1864 and in 1865. (search)
r, R. Carroll. Cincinnati--Fourth-rate. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, Jason Goudy; Acting-Master, J. B. Williams; Acting-Ensigns, Walter Pinner and S. J. Denight; Acting-Master's Mates, J. G. Abbott, A. B. Allen and J. B. A. Conant; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, E. Dayton; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, J. R. Carmody; Engineers: Acting-Chief, J. W. Hartuper; Acting-First-Assistant, E. D. Collett; Acting-Second-Assistants, T. Guernsey and G. W. Dean; Acting-Third-Assistants, Andrew Boland and John Henry; Acting Gunner, L. K. Ellis; Acting-Carpenter, John Cronan. Naumkeag--Fourth-rate. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, John Rogers; Acting-Ensigns, Thos. Cadwell; Acting-Master's Mates, Alex. Procter, H. R. Ferris and J. P. Popejoy; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, Edgar L. R. Draper; Acting-Assistant-Paymaster, Henry B. Mears; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, Edward Cage; Acting-Second-Assistant, J. A. McCormick; Acting-Third-Assistant, J. R. Byland. Fort Hindman--Fourth-rate. Acting-Volu
Two rebel printers were killed at the battle of Dranesville, Va. They were both formerly employed upon the Washington (D. C.) Globe. Their names were Melvin Gibbs and John Henry.
t, under my command, to one hundred and eighty-four men. The following is a list of the casualties which occurred in my regiment: In Company A, none. In Company B, L. P. Smith, mortally wounded, and since dead; H. Osborne, slightly. In Company C, Lieutenant H. H. Harris, wounded; private R. S. Brooks, killed; privates J. S. Jackson, J. T. Taylor, D. Tinsley, and J. B. Young, wounded. In Company D, Lieutenant Oscar Kennard, wounded; private Wm. Hicks, killed ; privates John Essill and John Henry, wounded. In company E, Sergeant R. M. Hague, wounded; privates James Bowers, and Isaac Rutledge, killed; privates Elbert Gramor, B. Logan, and J. L. Thompson, wounded. In Company F, A. P. Fowler, W. P. Ratliff, J. Leach, J. W. Wallace, and D. P. Howell, wounded. In Company G, Lieutenant P. V. Daniel, privates N. M. Beauchamp, Thomas Stith, Miche Meardin, Allen Dereby, Frank Keath, Green Woorley, and M. S. Newman, wounded. In company K, Sergeant John H. Hughes, Corporal Moses Lafeiter,
had--  1-2 John,b. July 8, 1752. Mary,  3  4Peter, b. Jan. 27, 1755.  5Elizabeth, b. Jan. 4, 1761.   Elizabeth Clark m. Samuel Page, jun., Mar. 25, 1747.   Martha Clark m. N. Mason, of Watertown, July 6, 1756.   Cleaveland, Abigail, dau. of Aaron and Abigail C., b. May 10, 1706.  1CLOUGH, John, b. in Marblehead, 1790; moved to Medford, 1816; m., 1820, Mary Ann D. Tainter, dau. of Elisha L. Tainter, and had--  1-2Mary Ann.  3Franklin W., d. s. p.  4Sarah F., d. s. p.  5John Henry, d. s. p.  6Emily. Cradock, Mathew, the founder of Medford, was descended from an old English family, whose pedigree is printed in the N. E. His. and Gen. Register for April, 1855. An abstract is here given:-- John Cradock, living 1446. He fled to France for killing a man; but, receiving a pardon, returned and settled at Stafford, where he m. Jane, dau. of Richard Needham, of Dorrington. His son John d. 11 Ed. IV. (1471), and had by wife — dau. of R. Middleton