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the best on the continent, left Hillsborough, and on the thirtieth sailed to take possession of the Government Hillsborough to Tryon, 11 Feb. 1771. of New-York, leaving the burden of an illegally contracted debt of more than forty thousand pounds. So general was the disgust, that his successor dared not trust the people with the immediate election of a new Assembly, Martin to Hillsborough, 1771. though terror and despair had brought six thousand of the Regulators to submission. President Hazel of North Carolina Council to Hillsborough, 4 July, 1771. The Governors of South Carolina and of Virginia, were requested not to harbor the fugitives. But the Chap. XLVI.} 1771. June. far wilderness offered shelter beyond the mountains, and the savages seemed comparatively mild protectors. Without concert, instinctively impelled by discontent and the wearisomeness of life exposed to bondage, men crossed the Alleghanies and descending into the basin of the Tennessee, made their h