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The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], To James M. Estes, Wm. M. Caldwell, and others. (search)
be employed by the Governor." The bill, with its proposed amendments gave rise to considerable discussion, Messrs, Haymond, Richardson, Smith and others participating therein. On motion of Mr. Haymond, who desired to offer an amendment acceptMr. Haymond, who desired to offer an amendment acceptable to members from all sections of the State, the bill was laid on the table for the present. Committee on the Capital.--The Chairman announced the following Special Committee on the above subject, viz: Messrs. Magruder, Christian, Tomlin, Seof Accomac, Boreman, Edwards, Crane and Preston. Petitions, &c.--The following petitions, &c., were presented: by Mr. Haymond, the application of Thomas Hough for relief from any alleged erroneous assessment: by Mr. Haymond, a copy of the orderMr. Haymond, a copy of the order of the County Court of Marion, refunding $65 to M. W. Selby; by Mr. Mong, the petition of A. S. Chambers and ninety-eight other citizens of Martinsburg, praying an amendment to their town charter. Stay Law.--The Committee of Courts of Justice
s standing committee, having these subjects peculiarly in charge. At a proper time, Mr. R. would propose a change in the existing law, with the view of putting an end to the practice of the Banks in discounting time paper payable at the North, in preference to paper payable in Virginia. Mr. Smith, of Amherst, called the previous question, which was sustained. Mr. Boreman demanded the yeas and nays, and the same being ordered, the motion to recommit was lost — yeas 44, nays 65. The question recurring, shall the ryder be engrossed and read a third time, the House refused, on a call of the yeas and nays, 27 to 73. The bill was then put on its passage, and carried in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Haymond, the title was amended by striking out the word --temporary.-- State Defence.--Mr. Smith, of Kanawha, moved to take up bill appropriating one million of dollars for the defence of the State. A discussion ensued, pending which The House adjourned.
Conventions of their respective States. On motion, the documents were laid on the table and ordered to be printed. State Defence.--Mr. Smith, of Kanawha, called up the bill appropriating one million of dollars for the defence of the State, which had been returned from the Senate with amendments to which the House had agreed. The pending question was a proviso offered by Mr. Smith that $50,000 of the amount to be expended in fortifications, &c., should be devoted to building an arsenal for arms in the Kanawha Valley, or some locality adjacent. Messrs. Smith, Boreman, Edgixoton, Haymond, Yerby, and Cowan, spoke in favor of the proviso, and Messrs. Bisbie, Crump, Gibson, Chapman, Anderson, and Jones of Gloucester, in opposition thereto. The previous question being demanded, the ayes and noes were called, and resulted in the adoption of the proviso by a vote of 64 ayes to 47 noes. Pending a motion to take up bills on their second reading, The House adjourned.
rd time and passed. Mr. Lockridge was requested to inform the Senate. State Defence.--The House was informed by Mr. Thompson of the agreement by the Senate to House amendments to the bill appropriating one million of dollars for State defence. Winchester and Potomac Railroad.--The engrossed bill amending the charter of the Winchester and Potomac Railroad was taken up and considered. Messrs. Ward, Kaufman and Sibert favored the passage of the bill, and Messrs, Walker, Chapman and Haymond favored laying the bill on the table. A motion of Mr. Hunt to lay on the table prevailed.--In advocating the latter proposition, Mr. Walker said he hoped it would be the pleasure of the House to lay the bill on the table. He was placed in a position of great difficulty. The passage of the bill would, perhaps, be beneficial, to some extent, to the constituency he represented on this floor; but he was also aware that his constituents had an interest of $200,000 in the Manassas Gap Railroad
affirmative. Ayes 80, noes 13. Delegate from Madison.--Gen. James L. Kemper, member from Madison, and Chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs, appeared in his seat to-day for the first time for several days, having been called home by business engagements and sickness in his family. Motion to Adjourn.--Mr. Freslow moved that when the House adjourn Friday, it meet again Feb. 11th. He submitted it in consequence of the absence of so many members--(about 140 were present.) Messrs. Haymond, Collier and Yerby objected to the resolutions. The Governor convened the Assembly for working purposes. It had done very little as yet. The motion was laid over under the rules. Stay Law.--The hour of 1 o'clock having arrived, the Speaker announced that the proposition for a general Stay Law having been made the special order, must now be considered. Mr. Keen moved that the subject be made the special order for next Wednesday, at the same hour. Members had expressed a desi
e act of 1854, and the 4th section of the act 1856, concerning mining and other companies; Mr. Magruder, from the same committee, presented an adverse report to the petition for the formation of a new county out of parts of Monroe and Fayette; Mr. Haymond, from the Finance Committee, reported a bill for the partial suspension of the sale of State bonds, and to provide for complying with contracts already made upon the Covington and Ohio Railroad. --Mr. Haymond, from the same committee presentedMr. Haymond, from the same committee presented an adverse report to the petition of Wm. Stration, Clerk of the County and Circuit Courts of Logan, asking that certain fines imposed and paid by him be refunded. Mr. Gibson, from the Committee on Banks, presented an adverse report to amending 1st section, chapter 58 of the Code of Virginia. Mr. Gibson, from the same committee, presented a report, asking that the Committee on Banks be discharged from the further consideration of a resolution inquiring into the expediency of repealing the 9th
rules, to lay on the table, and to take up business from the table, shall be decided without debate. Motion to Adjourn Temporarily.--Mr. Mallor moved that when the House adjourns to-day it adjourn to meet next wednesday.-- Objected to by Mr. Haymond and many others, and withdrawn. Bills Passed.--The following bills were read the requisite number of times and passed, viz: Amending the 107th section of chapter 35 of the Code of Virginia, and providing for the correction of erroneous asnd currencies. Recommends the appointment of an international commission for the purpose of producing an uniform system of metrology throughout the world. Recommends, also, that Congress offer a premium for the best system. On motion of Mr. Haymond, referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Commerce. New Jersey and the Union.--The Speaker laid before the House a Message from Gov. Letcher, transmitting a communication from Charles S. Olden, Esq., Chief Magistrate of the State of N
B. Major, trustees, to sell a church lot in the county of Halifax; by Mr. Richardson, of exempting from military duty all employees of the several telegraph companies, such as superintendents, operators, line repairers and battery keepers; by Mr. Haymond, of requesting the Governor to report to the House the number of stand of arms contracted to be sold to J. R. Anderson & Co., how many has been delivered, and when the balance are to be delivered, by whom sold, and by what authority, with a stit a copy of these resolutions to the President of the United State, to Lieut. Gen. Winfield Scott, to each of our Senators and Representatives in the Congress of the United States, and to the Governors of the several States. On motion of Mr. Haymond, the first Kentucky resolutions were laid on the table and printed. On motion of Mr. Hopkins, the second series of resolutions from the State were laid on the table, ordered to be printed, and referred to the Committee on Federal Relation
ing bill was reported, and read once: A bill amending the 9th section of chapter 212 of the Code of Virginia, providing compensation to the owners of condemned slaves." Commerce, Mining and Manufactures.--Mr. Bisbie offered the following: Resolved, That a select committee of nine be appointed by the Speaker upon a proper State system of Commerce, Mining, and Manufactures. Adopted. The Speaker appointed the following committee: Messrs. Bisbie, Barbour, Collier, Edgington, Haymond, Hopkins, Martin of Henry, Segar, and Saunders. James River and Kanawha Company.--Mr. Hunt submitted the following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Myers, was laid on the table: Resolved, That the Committee of Roads and Navigation be requested to lay before this House such proof, if any, of the ability of the firm of Bellot des Minieres, Bros., & Company, to execute their contract made in August last, for the purchase and completion of the James River and Kanawha Canal. M
The President informed the Convention that he had received about 23 applications for the office of Page, but as he was not authorized to make the appointments, he desired the Convention to take such action thereupon as might be necessary. Mr. Haymond then offered a resolution authorizing the President to appoint four Pages, which was adopted. Mr. Haymond offered a resolution giving the members the right to occupy any seats they might prefer, without regard to any previous selections. Mr. Haymond offered a resolution giving the members the right to occupy any seats they might prefer, without regard to any previous selections. Rejected. Mr. Montague said that the rules which had been adopted required a complete organization of the Convention before the transaction of any other business. There was another Doorkeeper to elect, and he hoped the rules would be adhered to. On motion of Mr. Morris, the Convention adjourned to meet again on Friday, at 12 o'clock.