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an twenty dollars, the offence could not be considered a grand larceny, and the prisoner was, therefore, remanded for indictment by the Grand Jury of the Hustings Court. Mrs. Fannie H. Ferguson, charged with obtaining salt twice from Spotts, Harvey & Co. under false pretences, and assaulting and beating a negro in said Spotts, Harvey & Co.'s store, was required to give security for her good behavior and to pay a fine for assaulting a negro. Mrs. Ferguson stoutly denied the charge of havingHarvey & Co.'s store, was required to give security for her good behavior and to pay a fine for assaulting a negro. Mrs. Ferguson stoutly denied the charge of having gone to the salt-house twice on her own account; but stated that she had a sister-in-law who resembled her very much, and she supposed that they had been mistaken for the same persons. Albert Throgmorton, a soldier, was charged with stealing a horse, valued at one thousand dollars, the property of the Confederate States. Captain J. H. Rives, in whose company the accused is a private, stated that the horse was stolen from his camp, in Henrico county, near the reservoir, and brought to this
eral army might be compelled to attack us in a position of our own choosing, or to a retreat, easily converted into a rout. After we crossed the Etowah, five detachments of cavalry were successively sent, with instructions to destroy as much as they could of the railroad between Dalton and the Etowah. All failed because too weak. We could never spare a sufficient body of cavalry for this service, as its assistance was absolutely necessary in the defence of every position we occupied. Captain Harvey, an officer of great courage and sagacity, was detached on this service, with one hundred men, on the 11th of June, and remained for several weeks near the railroad, frequently interrupting, although not strong enough to prevent its use. Early in the campaign the statements of the strength of the cavalry in the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana, given me by Lieutenant-General Polk, just from the command of that department, and my telegraphic correspondence with his successor,
ngs, knowing the same to have been stolen from the Confederate States; Elizabeth Jeter, charged with threatening to assault and beat Ellen Mitchell, as well as to poison her son; Albert Groomes, charged with felony, and Henrietta, slave of Thomas Friend, charged with forging passports, were called; but, owing to the absence of witnesses, were continued for a future hearing. Edwin, slave of Joseph Dowdey, charged with stealing a coat, valued at six hundred dollars, the property of Joseph Kemper, was ordered to receive thirty-nine lashes. Twenty stripes were inflicted upon William, slave of Samuel Reeves, charged with being an employee in a fare bank. Sarah, slave of Jane Simpson, arrested as a runaway, was committed for identification. The following parties were discharged: George Hodgers, charged with stealing a mule, valued at one thousand five hundred dollars, the property of Benjamin W. Green, and Emanuel Davenport, conniving at the escape of a slave of Mr. Harvey.
llected that Mrs. Harvie, having reason to suspect her husband's fidelity towards her, went to Miss Lee's, in order to satisfy her suspicions and make arrangements for a divorce from him. Harvie was occupying the house with the accused, but refused to get out of bed and come down stairs to see his wife. Mrs. Harvie then started to go up to him, when she was met at the head of the steps by Lee, who threatened to knock her in the head with a poker if she advanced towards her. Subsequently, Mrs. Harvey had an interview with her husband, when he positively refused to live with her again.] The Mayor remanded both Mr. Harvie and Miss Lee for examination before the Hustings Court on the charge of desertion and lascivious and lewd association with each other. Henry M. Jones was again present to answer the charge of feloniously obtaining, under false pretences, three thousand six hundred dollars from William B. Cook, for the purchase of a negro, named Jim, sold to him by Jones as his pro
ent visible on Main street. Eleven stores have been completed on this street, thirty- five are in course of construction, many of which are nearly completed, and forty-five vacant lots remain to be improved. On Cary street, nine buildings are completed, six are nearly finished, seventeen more have been commenced, and there are sixty-seven vacant lots. Among the most prominent of the buildings are those of Habliston & Brother, Asa Snyder, (foundry,) Dunlop, Moncure & Co., Major Beckham, Harvey & Williams, F. Brauer, and P. B. Borst. The last named is one of the finest in the whole city, comprising four tenements of four stories high, elegant brick, with ornamental cast-iron fronts. Near Cary street, and fronting on the basin, the foundations have been laid for the rebuilding of the Gallego Mills, which will be one of the most extensive and complete establishments of the kind, in the world. The corn mill has been rebuilt and is in operation. On Fourteenth street, south of M
oss for his heresy, and thus addressed his persecutors till he expired. A sharp spear was run through the body of Thomas; Simon was crucified, as was the Nazarene before him; and Matthias was first stoned and then beheaded. Galileo, a disciple of Copernicus, came near losing his life for teaching the revolution of the planets. Descartes taught the philosophy of "innate ideas." For this the University of Paris denounced him as an atheist, and ordered that all his books should be burned! Dr. Harvey was treated with scorn, deprived of his practice, and driven into exile, because he discovered and taught the circulation of the blood! Dr. Jenner was violently denounced and threatened with disgrace because he advocated vaccination for small-pox! Columbus, Fulton, Fitch, all suffered by the opposition to their several discoveries and reforms. Fulton was laughed at and neglected by the "respectable" and "intelligent" of his day, and they let him die in extreme indigence. Examples of fo