ated that there were important matters before the Committee on Wave and Means, which required mature deliberation, and argued against a hasty adjournment.
The resolution was further debated by Mr. Perkins in opposition, and Messrs Singleton and Machen in favor, and the question being taken on the motion to refer, was decided in the negative.
The question recurring on the passage of the resolution, the vote resulted — ayes 41, noes 35.
So the resolution passed.
A motion by Mr. Hartridge to reconsider was lost.
Mr. J. T. Leach, of N. C., introduced a bill to amend the act regulating the granting of furloughs and discharges in the army and navy.
Mr. Atkins introduced a resolution restricting debate to thirty minutes, and to one speech on any one question, which was not adopted — ayes 44, noes 33, less than two thirds voting in the affirmative.
Mr. Atkins also offered a resolution that hereafter the daily hour of meeting of the House shall be 11 o'c
ary Committee the Supreme Court bill, which was ordered to be printed and made a continuing special order.
Mr. Russell moved to go into secret session.
Mr. Orr said, to test the matter, he would call the yeas and nays, which were ordered, and resulted as follows:
Yeas--Messrs. Anderson, Atkins, Baylor, Blandford, Bradley, Branch, Bridgers, E. M. Bruce, H. W. Bruce, Chambers, Chilton, Clark, Cluskey, Colyar, Conrow, Darden, Dejarnette, Dickinson, Dupre, Ewing, Foote, Gholson, Hartridge, Hatcher, Herbert, Holliday, Johnston, Keeble, Kenner, Lyon, Machen, McCallum, McMullen, Montague, Norton, Perkins, Read, Rives, Russell, Sexton, Triplett, Vest, Welsh, Wilkes, Mr. Speaker--45.
Nays--Messrs. Akin, Ayer, Baldwin, Bell, Boyee, Clopton, Farrow, Foster, Fuller, Gaither, Garland, Gilmer, Hanly, Hilton, Holder, Lamkin, J. M. Leach, Lester, Logan, Marshall, Miles, Murray, Orr, Ramsay, Simpson, J. M. Smith, W. E. Smith, Smith of Alabama, Smith of North Carolina, Staples, Turn