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otion of Mr. Johnson, the hour of meeting of the Senate, hereafter, was changed to 12 o'clock, instead of 11. On motion of Mr. Taylor, the vote ordering to its engrossment the bill in relation to duelling was reconsidered, and a substitute offered for the same, reliving Colonel William S. Peters from the liabilities incurred for having fought a duel. On motion of Mr. Dickinson, the bill was amended so as to include the names of John B. Harvie and William Old, Jr. On motion of Mr. Hart, the bill was further amended so as to include all who may hereafter be engaged in fighting a duel. Mr. Dickinson moved that the bill and substitute be indefinitely postponed. The vote was taken on postponing indefinitely, and decided in the affirmative.-- ayes, 23; noes, 18. The President presented a communication from the Auditor, in answer to a resolution adopted by the Senate, asking for the number of slaves that have escaped to, or been abducted from the State by, the en
the payment of claims due to clerks, attorneys and jailors, on the certification of judges in vacation, for services actually rendered, when, by reason of the public enemy, the courts cannot be held. The bill was debated and then rejected. Mr. Hart, of Albemarle, called up a bill providing for an increase of the salaries of the professors of the University and to provide for the education of disabled and wounded soldiers. The bill increases the salaries of the professors to four thousand five hundred dollars and appropriates seventy thousand dollars to the education of disabled soldiers. The bill was advocated by Messrs. Hart and Hunter, and opposed by Mr. Johnson, of Bedford, and was finally passed. Mr. Christian, of Augusta, offered a resolution that the members of the Legislature of North Carolina, now in this city on official business, be invited to privileged seats on the floor of the Senate, which was adopted; and Messrs. Christian and Nash were appointed a
nia Legislature. [Extra Session.] Senate. Wednesday, February 15, 1865. At 11 o'clock the Senate met and was called to order. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Peterkin. The bill to supply fuel for the city of Richmond was taken up, and afterwards, on motion of Mr. Nash, was laid on the table. The bill to amend the act passed March 24, 1863, so as to increase the fees of clerks of county and corporation courts ten the amount existing previous to the war, was taken up, discussed by Messrs. Hart, Johnson, Coghill and Nash, and passed. The bill to amend the forty-sixth section of chapter eighty-five of the Code, so as to increase the allowances of officers having charge of lunatics, was taken up and passed. On motion of Mr. Newton, the vote taken on yesterday, fixing the time of holding the elections for members of the Virginia Legislature and Congress, was reconsidered, in order to permit him to make a motion to change the time of holding the election for members of Con
on to persons liable to military duty. The rule of the Senate requiring all bills to be kept in the hands of the Clerk two days before being sent to the House of Delegates was rescinded for the remainder of the present session, on motion of Mr. Hart. Mr. Keen, of Pittsylvania, arose to a personal explanation in relation to a card, over the signature of Mr. Collier, of Petersburg, which appeared in the Enquirer of this morning, concerning the bill and substitute passed by the Senate, inarnett, Garrison, Hunter, Keen, Lewis, Nash, Neeson, Newlon, Newman of Mason, Newman of Madison, Stevenson, Spitler, Tayloe, Taylor and Thomas--22. Nays.--Messrs. Bales, Bruce, Christian of Middlesex, Collier, Dickinson, Dulaney, Graham, Guy, Hart, Jones, Logan, Lynch, Quesenberry, Saunders, Wiley and Witten--16. Admiral Buchanan appearing in the hall, on motion, the chair was vacated for ten minutes, in order to give the members of the Senate an opportunity to be introduced to him.
ation and distribution of the effects of deceased officers and soldiers from Virginia against the Confederate States, was taken up, twice read, and, on motion of Mr. Hart, the rule requiring the commitment of the same was suspended. Mr. Garrison offered, as a substitute for the said bill, Senate bill to establish an agency tothe negroes of J. N. Clarkson for the year 1864, by the Board of Supervisors of the Salt Works, being the unfinished business of last evening, was taken up. Mr. Hart thought the question an important one, and, as the Senate was very thin, he moved that the bill be laid upon the table. Mr. Armstrong opposed the motion to ested a committee of conference on the subject. The following committee of conference was then appointed on the part of the Senate: Messrs. Brannon, Lynch and Hart. House bill to amend and re-enact an act entitled an act to empower the Governor to have made out and filed in the State Department complete lists of Virginia