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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 20 6 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 17 1 Browse Search
L. P. Brockett, The camp, the battlefield, and the hospital: or, lights and shadows of the great rebellion 11 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 24, 1862., [Electronic resource] 9 1 Browse Search
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley 8 0 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 7 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: December 5, 1861., [Electronic resource] 7 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 6 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 22, 1864., [Electronic resource] 5 1 Browse Search
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen 5 1 Browse Search
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he crowd of stragglers (presumably from Grant's army) was so great as to continually obstruct his view, and in consequence he pressed into service a guard from among the stragglers themselves to keep his view clear, and placed his associate, Lieutenant Hart, in charge. Presently General Grant himself came riding up the bank, and, as luck would have it, came into Lieutenant Hinson's line of vision. Catching sight of a cavalry boot, without stopping to see who was in it, in his impatience, LieuLieutenant Hart sang out: Git out of the way there! Ain't you got no sense? Whereupon Grant very quietly apologized for his carelessness, and rode over to the side of General Buell. When the lieutenant found he had been addressing or dressing a major-general, his confusion can be imagined. (See frontispiece). After arriving before Fort McAllister, General Sherman sent General Hazen down the right bank of the Ogeechee to take the fort by assault, and himself rode down the left bank to a ric
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 9: the last review. (search)
hillips, erect on the gun-carriage, launched percussion into buildings full of sharpshooters picking off my best men. And where is Bigelow of the 9th Massachusetts, who on the exposed front fell back only with the recoil of his guns before the hordes swarming through the Peach Orchard, giving back shot, shrapnel, canister, rammer, pistol, and saber, until his battery-guns, limbers, horses, men-and he himself were a heap of mingled ruin? Which, also, a year after, with Mink's 1st New York and Hart's 15th, came to support the charge at the ominous Fort Hell; whence Bigelow, with watchful eyes, sent his brave men down through hissing canister, and enfilading shell, and blinding turf and pebbles flying from the up-torn earth, to bring back my useless body from what else were its final front. I Roar on, ye throngs around and far away; there are voices in my ear out-thundering yours! All along in the passing column I have exchanged glances with earnest, true-hearted surgeons, rememb
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The right flank at Gettysburg. (search)
uty still farther to the right, but was not actively engaged in the fight. One squadron of the First New Jersey, under Captain Hart, remained drawn up, mounted, in the woods, in support of the line. To meet this movement, the Confederate skirmish li force our lines on the right, but their charge was gallantly repulsed by Miller's squadron of the Third Pennsylvania, and Hart's squadron of the First New Jersey, in the woods. The enemy having filled the large barn at Rummel's with sharpshooterng that a little more was needed to turn the tide, cut his way over to the woods on the right, where he knew he could find Hart, with his fresh squadron of the First New Jersey. In the melee, near the colors, was an officer of high rank, and the twounded. By this time the edges of the Confederate column had begun to fray away, and the outside men to draw back. As Hart's squadron, and the other small parties who had rallied and mounted, charged down from all sides, the enemy turned. Then
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, April, 1863. (search)
coffee, the Judge hitched in, and we got under way at 5.30 A. M. The country just the same as yesterday — a dead level of sand, mosquite-trees, and prickly-pears. At 7.30 A. M. we reached Leatham's ranch, and watered our mules. As the water was tolerable, we refilled our water-barrels. I also washed my face, during which operation Mr. Sargent expressed great astonishment, not unmingled with contempt. At Leatham's we met a wealthy Texan speculator and contractor, called Major or Judge Hart. I find that our Judge is also an M. P., and that, in his capacity as a member of the Texan legislature, he is entitled to be styled the Honorable---- . At 9 A. M. we halted in the middle of a prairie, on which there — was a little grass for the mules, and we prepared to eat. In the midst of our cooking, two deer came up quite close to us, and could easily have been killed with rifles. We saw quantities of rat-ranches, which are big sort of mole-hills, composed of cow-dung, sti
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 12: West Virginia. (search)
cut and climbed their way through a pathless forest and thicket to the very crest of Rich Mountain. Their ascent was made south of the turnpike, while Pegram was expecting the attempt on the north. To guard against either contingency, however, as his own camp and entrenchments were near the west base of the mountain, Pegram had sent a detachment of three hundred and ten men and two guns back to where the turnpike crosses the summit, two miles in his rear. There, at the farm of a man named Hart, they had scarcely had time to throw up some slight entrenchments for their guns, when Rosecrans' force, advancing toward the road from the south, encountered them. The rebels made a plucky resistance, but the Unionists had such advantage in numbers that the contest was quickly decided. We formed at about three o'clock, reports Rosecrans, under cover of our skirmishers, guarding well against a flank attack from the direction of the rebels' position, and after a brisk fire which threw the r
he flank, following a road selected the night before, by which the men were partially sheltered, until it was necessary to take the crown of the ridge and expose themselves to the full view of the enemy, known to be lying concealed behind his well-planned parapet. At the very minute named in General Grant's orders, the storming party dashed up the road at the double-quick, followed by Ewing's brigade, the Thirtieth Ohio leading. The artillery of Wood's, Barrett's, Waterhouse's, Spoor's, and Hart's batteries kept a concentric fire on the bastion, which was doubtless constructed to command this very approach. The storming party reached the salient of the bastion, and passed toward the sally-port, when rose from every part commanding it a double rank of the enemy that poured on the head of the column a terrific fire. It halted, wavered, and sought cover. The rear pressed on, but the fire was so terrific that very soon all sought cover. The head of the column crossed the ditch on
rest — the only noises heard were the voices of numberless birds and the low rustling of the leaves. Arriving near the False River, the boats were hid in the bushes, and the party waded waist-deep through the water a mile further in, where they struck the old State Levee, following which for a short distance, they came out into the open road in full sight of the enemy's batteries, which were no longer to be feared, for right ahead was the welcome sight of the flag-ship. The Albatross, Captain Hart, came quickly down and took us on board. While waiting for her to reach us, the enemy fired a few shells at the party, which went harmlessly over. In a few moments we were alongside the Admiral's ship, who gave us a most cordial welcome. The officers vied with each other in making us comfortable, and eagerly asked numberless questions about the news below. After a good night's rest, the party, decreased by the officers belonging above, early the next morning started to return, which
imes coming half a dozen at once. There was not a portion of the work which was not taken in reverse from mortars. On Friday, before dinner, several of the vessels of the fleet, beyond the bar, were seen through the port-holes. They dipped their flag. The commander ordered Sumter's flag to be dipped in return, which was done, while the shells were bursting in every direction. [The flag-staff was located in the parade, which was about the center of the open space within the fort.] Sergeant Hart saw the flag of Fort Sumter half-way down, and, supposing it had been cut by the enemy's shot, rushed out through the fire to assist in getting it up. Shortly after it had been re-raised, a shell burst and cut the halliards, but the rope was so intertwined around the halliards, that the flag would not fall. The cartridges were exhausted by about noon, and a party was sent to the magazines to make more of the blankets and shirts; the sleeves of the latter being readily converted to the u
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 1.4, chapter 1.7 (search)
in any way, and yet he obtained my admiration, because he had been to America, had manfully endured the tortures of sea-life, and bore himself indomitably. Long Hart, the cook, was another kind of hero to me. He stood over six feet high in his galley felts, and his saffron complexion and creased neck spoke of foreign suns, mariange to say, the majority of the sailors preferred the American ships, with all their brutality, to the English, with their daily doses of lime-juice. Harry, Long Hart, and the forecastle arguments which we had perforce to hear, as our den adjoined that of the sailors, sufficiently informed me of the fact that the soft-tack, plumrent to the swing-swang of the sea. As Nelson said, with a condescending but evil smile, I was fresh as a daisy. The gales and tempests about which Harry and Long Hart loved to talk were so long a-coming that I doubted whether the sea was really so very dreadful, or that the canvas towers would ever need to be taken in. From sunr
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 2.13, Index (search)
, Stanley's life at, 56-68. Livingstone, Stanley goes to Aden to meet, 237; Stanley is commissioned to search for, 245; reported character of, 250; Stanley in search of, 251-263; found, 263-267; why he did not return of his own accord, 267-272; leaves Ujiji, 273; character of, 273-278, 281-284, 526; Stanley's parting from, 279, 280; death of, 280; feelings of Stanley at news of his death, 295, 296; letters of, to Sir George Grey, 435. Llys, the, 40. Loafers, thoughts on, 530. Long Hart, 72. Low, Sidney, his article on Stanley's African explorations, 392-404; poem of, on Stanley, 539. Lowell, J. R., Letters of, 458, 459, 461. Lualaba, the, 318-330. See Congo. Lyall, Sir, Alfred, Stanley presides at lecture of, 501. Lyons, Colonel, 168. Machiavelli, 463, 464. Mackay, A. M., 406. Mackinnon, Sir, William, patronises the Emin Relief Expedition, 354; and the East African Company, 446-449; death and funeral of, 446, 449; remarks on, 459, 460. Malone, Tom, 16