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ed father, and fond mother, have better and higher sources of comfort than any which earthly praise can give! Their sons were Christians, and their ransomed spirits were wafted from the clash and storm of the battlefield to those peaceful joys, of which it has not entered into the heart of man to conceive. I have not heard which was there to welcome his brother to his home in the skies; but both were there to receive the spirit of another, who was to them as a brother. I allude to Mr. Peyton Harrison, a gifted young lawyer of the same village. He was lieutenant of their company, and their mother's nephew, and fell a few moments after the last brother. He left a young wife and little children to grieve, to faint, and almost to die, for the loss of a husband and father, so devoted, so accomplished, so brave. Like his young cousins, he was a Christian; and is now with them rejoicing in his rest. Martinsburg has lost one other of her brave sons; and yet another is fearfully wounde
Among the rebels who fell at the siege of Fort Donelson, was Dabney Carr Harrison, who commanded a company from Hanover County, Va. He was wounded in the struggle of Saturday, and was carried on board a steamboat and died on his way to Clarksville. Alluding to his death, the Lynchburgh Virginian says: He was a son of the Rev. Peyton Harrison, of Cumberland, and was himself a minister of the Presbyterian Church. He was chaplain for two years of the University of Virginia, and for some months temporarily in charge of the First Presbyterian Church, in this city. The war found him in charge of a congregation in Hanover County. Impelled by a lofty patriotism, he deemed it his duty to enter the army. He was chosen chaplain of a volunteer company, and soon showed the qualities of an excellent soldier. He was a Christian gentleman of the highest order; a man of education, fine intelligence, genial disposition and polished manners. His brother, a gallant young officer, and three
ir heart of hearts with an intensity of fervor still more ardent than their patriotism. A large number of these soldiers and officers are, in time of peace, foremost in our community as lay preachers of "the everlasting Gospel." At 11 A. M., the standing crowd, mingled with ladies, citizens, children and nurses, from all that Horse-Shoe peninsula at the toe of which the camp stands, in a dense forest,) were called to order by the Rev. N. G. North, of Jefferson county, who announced the Rev. Peyton Harrison, of Cumberland county, as the preacher for that hour. The 46th Psalm (Luther's favorite battle Psalm,) was sung to Old Hundred. After a sermon on the "power of faith," Rev. Dr. Andrews, of Shepherds-town, made an exhortation, impressing the application of the sermon. In the afternoon, Rev. N. G. North preached from the words of Christ, in answer to the prayer of the penitent malefactor; and the services closed with a copious distribution of religious tracts and books, which were
ed friends of the gallant dead, their absence is painfully observed. Of those who laid their lives down for the good of their country on the bloody field of Manassas, none deserve more honorable mention than do Holmes and Tucker Conrad, and Peyton Harrison, of Martinsburg. Though educated strictly in the school of Federalism, and conscientiously opposed to Secession, they did not hesitate to take up arms at the first call of their native State. They loved their Virginia with an intensity and, or one blemish of dishonor.--They exhibited as soldiers the gallantry and bravery of knights adorned with the gentler qualities of Christians. The two Comrade were shot side by side, almost at the same instant. "There they are," said Lieut. Harrison, "together in death as they were in life; let us revenge them;" and seizing a musket, he shot the Zouave that had killed Holmes. A moment afterwards, he, too, fell, and the three noble hearts lay lifeless in sad, but beautiful companionship
The true spirit. --In these times of trial to men's is a modest exhibition of genuine patriotism and courage in soldier or citizen woman or child, commands the admiration and sympathy of all. What language can describe the emotions of those who fully appreciate the unlike link heroism, with which the patriotic preacher, Rev. Peyton Harrison of Cumberland county, bears the weighty afflictions imposed upon him by this unholy war? At Manassas the flower of the flock cell at the head of his company, and with perfect resignation he bowed to the stroke. At Fort Donelson, another son, Rev. Dabney Cary Harrison, a joint their with his brother Peyton to their father's love, fell while gallantly leading his men in defence of that position. Closely followed upon the telegram of Capt. Dabney Harrison's death the news of his daughter's death came upon him, a lovely young lady, who breathed her last at Brandon, on James river, a day or two since. And yet in the face of this battalion of s
peror By the earliest opportunity I shall have the honor of giving you further details of this reception — unequalled in history — which has all the importance of a political event, and of which the celebrity will be enormous. Forry. Miscellaneous. The colored male population of Detroit and the surrounding country have fled to Canada to avoid the draft. D. H. Craig has retired from the position of manager of the New York Associated Press, which he has held for thirteen years. There was considerable frost in Indiana about the middle of last month, which did a vast deal of damage to the crops. The harvest prospects in Ireland, this year, are represented as uncommonly favorable. Rev. Peyton Harrison, formerly of Richmond, has been sent to Fort McHenry, to be tried for corresponding with persons in the South. Among the recent deaths in Baltimore is that of William Goldsborough, for twenty-seven years an officer in the Farmers' and Planters' Bank