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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Records of Longstreet's corps, A. N. V. (search)
lanterns and litters, wandered over the field seeking for the unfortunate wounded, whose groans and calls on all sides could not fail to move with pity the heart of friend or foe. Morning broke with a heavy rain, and showed the enemy's position entirely deserted, his army having withdrawn safely during the night across Turkey Creek bridge, leaving on the field his killed, with three disabled guns and the usual number of scattered small arms. His retreat was now secure, and he reached Harrison's bar, or Westover, a strong position on the James, previously selected, without further molestation, and immediately fortified it so vigorously, that when, on the 4th of July, the Confederates again came up, no chance of success was left to an assault. General Lee remained in its front for a few days, reconnoitering and offering battle, but it proved in vain, and on the 8th the army was withdrawn to the vicinity of Richmond. The Confederate loss in the battle of Malvern Hill is reporte
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Capture of the Indianola. (search)
it were going to pass entirely through the ship. As the Webb backed clear the Indianola, with all the speed she could raise, declined further fight and ran down the river towards the western bank, with the intention, as afterwards appeared, of getting a line out on shore, in order that the officers and crew might land and abandon their steamer. In fact a line was got out on shore, but not fastened, and three of the crew effected their escape, but were captured to-day by the cavalry of Major Harrison. After the Queen had struck the enemy for the third time, she was for sometime almost unmanageable-she had listed so much over on the port side that one of her wheels was raised nearly out of the water. She was making water, and presented every appearance of sinking. Captain McCloskey righted her a little by throwing over cotton from his upper decks. He was able to bring her around very slowly; but still this gallant commander succeeded in weaning her with difficulty, and heade
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address before the Mecklenburg (N. C.) Historical Society. (search)
t principles of independence, and of having on its soil that battle-ground where Cornwallis received from Southern troops the first check in his career of victory — a check which ultimately led to his surrender. If we come to the war of 1812, Harrison and Jackson, beyond all question, gained the most laurels, as shown by the elevation of both of them to the Presidency for their military prowess. All concede that the brilliant land-fights of that war were in the defences of New Orleans, Mobil-President. Thus John Adams had Thomas Jefferson; John Quincy Adams had J. C. Calhoun; Martin Van Buren had R. M. Johnson; Pierce had Wm. R. King; Buchanan had J. C. Breckinridge. On the other hand, Jackson served one term with J. C. Calhoun. Harrison and Tyler, his associates, were both from Virginia, and Lincoln and Johnson were both from the South. Of these same eighty years, the South had a Chief Justice on the Supreme Court Bench for sixty-three years, or more than three-fourths of the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Attack on Fort Gilmer, September 29th, 1864. (search)
ground admitted. This line of earthworks was laid out by regular engineers,. and (as far as I was a judge) showed that the men who built them understood their business. After the capture of Fort Harrison, our troops were formed upon the same line of works, but of course a new line had to be formed in front of Fort Harrison. Fort Gilmer was the next fort in the line, which had some five or six heavy cannon, and was manned by about forty men (of what command I never knew). Between Forts Harrison and Gilmer, a distance of nearly half a mile, were stationed Hardaway's batteries, Dance's being the nearest to Fort Harrison, Griffin's next, and Carter and Graham to their left, supported by the Texans and Tennesseans, with the City battalion deployed as skirmishers. General Ewell was with the skirmish line, constantly encouraging them by his presence and coolness. I remember very distinctly how he looked, mounted on an old gray horse, as mad as he could be, shouting to the men, and see
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 4: life in Lexington. (search)
festation. How he compelled his own diffidence to pray with others, under a sense of duty, has been described. But he was never forward to assume the lead of others at the throne of grace, where his station did not obviously make it proper. It has been said of him, that he was as often found leading his men in the prayer-meeting as in the field of battle; and those who knew not whereof they affirmed, have loved to represent him as a sort of Puritan Independent, of the school of Cromwell, Harrison, and Pride, assuming the functions of a preacher among his troops' No. Christian could possibly be further from all such intrusions, both in principle and in temper. When called on by proper authority to lead his brethren in social prayer, he always obeyed. But he loved best to mingle with his rough and hardy soldiers, in the worship of God, as a simple lay-worshipper; with them to sit in the seat of the learner, with them to sing, with them to kneel, and with them to gather around the Lo
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 14: the Richmond campaign. (search)
ght suddenly pass to the south side, now denuded of defenders, and occupy Petersburg and Richmond without resistance. The remainder of July 2nd was therefore consumed in replenishing the ammunition of the batteries, and in refreshing the men. Orders were given that on Thursday morning, the 3rd, all the army should pursue the enemy by way of Turkey Creek and the river road, with Longstreet in front. But after that General had put his troops in motion, General Lee determined to march toward Harrison's landing, where the Federalists were now assembled, by returning to the Charles City.road, and making his way thence down to the river. His purpose was to avoid the obstructions which they were reported to have left behind them to cover their rear. The brigades of Longstreet were therefore countermarched by Willis' Church; and Jackson was directed to give him the road. The guides of the former proved incompetent to their duties, and he was compelled to halt his division before half the
forthcoming at the Treasury-New Orleans might not have fallen as she did. Later still, when the Virginia was blown up on the evacuation of Norfolk, a howl of indignation was raised against Secretary, Department and all connected with it. A Court of Inquiry was called; and Commodore Tatnall himself demanded a court-martial, upon the first court not ordering one. The facts proved were that the ship, with her iron coating and heavy armament, drew far too much water to pass the shoal at Harrison's Bar-between her and Richmond. With Norfolk in the enemy's hands, the hostile fleet pressing her-and with no point whence to draw supplies-she could not remain, as the cant went, the grim sentinel to bar all access to the river. It was essential to lighten her, if. possible; and the effort was made by sacrificing her splendid armament. Even then she would not lighten enough by two feet; the enemy pressed upon her, now perfectly unarmed; and Tatnall was forced to leave and fire her.
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, XI. (search)
having a foundation in fact, was instantly seized upon by the President, who, taking the document containing the sentence, would write upon the back of it the lightest penalty consistent with any degree of justice. As he added the date to one of these papers, he remarked casually, varying the subject of conversation, Does your mind, Judge Holt, associate events with dates? Every time this morning that I have had occasion to write the day of the month, the thought has come up, This was General Harrison's birthday. One of the cases brought forward at this time I recollect distinctly. The man's name was Burroughs; he had been a notorious spy; convicted and sentenced to death, a strong effort had been made in his behalf by powerful friends. It was an aggravated case, but an impression had evidently been made upon the President by the strength and pertinacity of the appeal. As Judge Holt opened the record, he stated that a short time previous Burroughs had attempted to escape from c
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Xii. (search)
ulled the sleeve of a man named T., and asked,--What the folks were all doing down the street? Why, Jack, was the reply, the biggest man in the world is coming. Now, there lived in Springfield a man by the name of G.,--a very corpulent man, Jack darted off down the street, but presently returned, with a very disappointed air. Well, did you see him? inquired T. Yees, returned Jack; but laws — he ain't half as big as old G. Shortly afterward, he spoke of Mr. Ewing, who was in both President Harrison's and President Taylor's cabinet. Those men, said he, were, you know, when elected, both of advanced years, -sages. Ewing had received, in some way, the nickname of Old Solitude. Soon after the formation of Taylor's cabinet, Webster and Ewing happened to meet at an evening party. As they approached each other, Webster, who was in fine spirits, uttered, in his deepest bass tones, the wellknown lines,-- O Solitude, where are the charms That sages have seen in thy face? The ev
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Lxviii. (search)
nry Clay Whig, he would entertain no great respect. A year or two after Tyler's accession to the Presidency, said he, contemplating an excursion in some direction, his son went to order a special train of cars. It so happened that the railroad superintendent was a very strong Whig. On Bob's making known his errand, that official bluntly informed him that his road did not run any special trains for the President. What! said Bob, did you not furnish a special train for the funeral of General Harrison? Yes, said the superintendent, stroking his whiskers; and if you will only bring your father here in that shape, you shall have the best train on the road! Once — on what was called a public day, when Mr. Lincoln received all applicants in their turnthe writer Colonel Charles G. Halpine, New York Citizen. was struck by observing, as he passed through the corridor, the heterogeneous crowd of men and women, representing all ranks and classes, who were gathered in the large wait