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At the court-house in Milledgeville, Georgia, Martin V. Brantley, confined in the penitentiary of Georgia for robbing the United States mail, was brought before Judge Harris on a writ of habeas corpus, sued out by his counsel. It was contended that under the new relations subsisting between the State of Georgia and the United States, the prisoner was entitled to a discharge. The Judge, however, took a different view of the case. He decided that the ordinance by which Georgia had declared her secession from the Union, does not extend beyond a separation from the other States and a withdrawal of the powers she delegated to the General Government; that upon the past exercise of those powers by the latter Government the ordinance does not assume to act, and was not designed to act; and that it does not annul any of its acts. The prisoner was therefore remanded.--National Intelligencer, Feb. 5.