e cars.
These notices appeared successively in the Boston Journal:—
Marching orders. [Saturday, Oct. 4, 1862.]
The 10th Massachusetts Battery in camp at Boxford have received marching orders for Monday, Oct. 6, and will probably reach this city about 1 o'clock. The following is a list of the officers:—Capt., J. Henry Sleeper; Senior 1st Lieut., Henry H. Granger; Junior 1st Lieut., J. Webb Adams; Senior 2nd Lieut., Asa Smith; Junior 2nd Lieut. Thomas R. Armitage; First Sergeant, Otis N. Harrington; Quartermaster Sergeant, S. Augustus Alden; chiefs of Pieces with rank of sergeants, George H. Putnam; Philip T. Woodfin; Charles E. Pierce; Samuel J. Bradlee; Chandler Gould; George F. Gould.
Gunners with the rank of Corporals; Andrew B. Shattuck. Charles W. Doe, John H. Stevens, George M. Townsend, Joseph H. Currant, Benjamin F. Parker; Guidon, William H. Fitzpatrick; Artificer.
Amasa D. Bacon; Buglers, Joshua T. Reed, John E. Mugford; Company Clerk, Benjamin E. Corlew.
ept. 6, 1862,Feb. 4, 1864, resigned.
Wm. E. Rollins, 2d Lieut.,36Boston,Feb. 5, 1864,First Lieut., Nov. 1, 1864.
Milbrey Green, 2d Lieut.,34Dorchester,Oct. 28, 1864,First Lieut., Feb. 27, 1865.
Discharged June 9, 1865.
George H. Day, 2d Lieut.,22Charlestown,Nov. 1, 1864,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
G. M. Townsend, 2d Lieut.,20Boston,Feb. 27, 1865,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
Bailey, J. S., Jr., 1st Sergt,21Marblehead,Sept. 9, 1862,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
Harrington, O. N., 1st Sergt,25Brookline,Sept. 9, 1862,Died July 30, 1863, Washington, D. C.
Pierce, Chas.
E., 1st Sergt.,21Brookline,Sept. 9, 1862,Sept. 22, 1864, First Lieut. 4th Regt. H. A.
Townsend, G. M., 1st Sergt.,18Boston,Sept. 9, 1862,Second Lieut., Feb. 27, 1865.
Fitzpatrick, W. H., Qm. Sergt,33Boston,Sept. 9, 1862,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
Rollins, W. E., Q. M. Sergt,35Boston,Sept. 9, 1862,Second Lieut., Feb. 5, 1864.
Currant, Joseph H., Sergt.,30E. Boston,Sept. 9, 1862,Ju
Estee, Francis M.May 22, 1906
French, John W.April 3, 1868
Friend, Ellis A.Nov.—, 1879
Floytrop, Emil C.Feb. 1, 1873
Foley, PatrickMay 1, 1873
Frost, John C.Oct. 15, 1871
Farrell, MichaelNov. 6, 1893
Follett, Algernon P.——, 1893
Granger, Lieut. Col. Henry H.Oct. 31, 1864
Gould, ChandlerOct. 5, 1864
Gould, George F.Mar. 24, 1889
Green, Charles W.Jan. 13, 1865
Goodwin, John T.Nov. 29, 1880
Gallagher, James——
Gowell, Asa L.Dec.—, 1902
Holbrook, Alexander W.Aug. 16, 1864
Harrington, Serg't Otis N.July 30, 1863
Hanson, Samuel A.May 23, 1863
Herlehy, Timothy——
Hooper, Joseph A.Sept. 22, 1866
Herring, WilliamMar. 12, 1873
Horrigan, RichardJan. 2, 1864
Hill, Pierce T.Oct. 8, 1888
Handlin, JohnApril 6, 1906
Innis, George H.July 19, 1907
Jewell, Edwin C.——
Jones, HenryApril—, 1896
Johnson, Stephen H.May 1, 1907
Kay, James (?)Aug. 25, 1864
Killoran, HughJuly 22, 1881
Knowland, John H.April 7, 1891
Lee, James——
Loham, FrancisMarch 14, 1895
35, 240, 249, 257, 266, 271, 278, 297, 413, 421, 425.
Greenwich, 139, 142, 154.
Green, Chas. W., 325, 326, 339.
Green, Lieut., Milbrey, 376, 377, 382, 383, 385, 386, 388, 399, 407, 409, 414.
Gregg, Gen., 132, 141, 214, 225, 299, 327, 352, 363, 364, 374.
Gross, W. Y., 101, 206, 207, 255, 304, 402, 408.
Haley, Michael, 205, 206, 207, 350.
Ham, Llewellyn, 84, 117, 147, 206, 402, 403, 404, 405.
Hanson, S. A., 47, 81, 83, 84, 86.
Handlin, John D., 207, 350, 406, 441.
Harrington, Otis N., 31, 84, 115, 117, 147.
Hancock, Gen. W. S., 101, 107, 190, 194, 213, 214, 216, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 225, 226, 227, 228, 230, 235, 240, 241, 249, 254, 257, 258, 265, 271, 277, 278, 299, 307, 312, 322, 323, 327, 329, 334, 353, 363, 371, 375, 380.
Halleck, Gen. H. W., 93, 98, 154, 183.
Hampton, Gen., Wade, 25.
Hawes's Shop, 251.
Hayden, Jos. W., 207, 350.
Hayes, Gen., 107, 410, 414.
Hatcher's Run, 352, 357, 363, 368, 372, 381, 382, 386, 391, 401, 410, 411.
Hatcher's Run, Sec