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n; the retreat of the French from Moscow, the crossing of the Berezine, the rear guard under Ney, whose heroic endurance yet stands unrivalled! " The invasion of Hannibal reduced Rome to straits similar to those which form our present crisis. The campaigns of 218, 217, and 216, with the defeats on the Trebia, the Lake Trasimene, and the crushing blow at Cannæ, where her legions were all but annihilated, the defection of all Southern Italy, and the dread of " Hannibal ante portas" had reduced her to the last extremities. In that terrible battle forty thousand Romans (at the lowest calculation) had fallen, and three thousand horse, involving the death of sand not less than eighty senators, among the slain. History does not record any defeat more complete, and very few more murderous. It was at such a moment that Hannibal sought to open negotiations, and Rome refused to entertain them; sent Marcellus to command the fugitives and stragglers whom Varro was trying to rally; ordered n
hat when he says that is the fact, he has the power to hang, roast, broil, banish or stew every person in the United States. (See Lincoln to Corning and others.) 21. That if the State Governors and Legislatures don't suit him, the provost-marshal will keep them in order. (See New York Times) 22. That by touching "a bell" Lincoln has more power than any one, aside from the Almighty, has ever attempted to exercise on earth, and that all his pimps have just as much. (See Seward to Lyons, and Burnside to the Judge.) 23. That it is the duty of white men to marry sooty wenches. (See Eider Tilton.) 24. That all men ought to have niggers marry their daughters. (See Bishop Judkins.) 25. That love for the mate blacks consists in putting them where David put Uriah. (See Port Hudson and Morris Island.) 26. That Hannibal was a nigger. (See Solicitor Whiting.) The corollary would seem to be that when we die we should go to a lamp-black Heaven.-- N. H. Democrat.
The Daily Dispatch: February 18, 1865., [Electronic resource], Proclamation by the President, appointing a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, with thanksgiving. (search)
the refinement, the civilization of sunny Greece ? What of Rome, the mightiest power that ever dominated the earth, whose soldiers were capable of doing more, of daring more, of suffering more, than the soldiers of any land, before or since; who chained Northern barbarians at their chariot wheels, and whose conquests compacted and integrated that magnificent empire till it was round and respondent as the sun that warmed into life its victorious eagles ? Was Julius Cæsar a Northern man ? Was Hannibal, that Carthaginian hero, who, in the opinion of some of the best modern soldiers, was the greatest military genius the world has ever produced, begotten of an iceberg ? Where was the Gothic genius when these Titanic Children of the Sun made the earth tremble beneath their ponderous footsteps ? If we come down to a still later period, we find another memorable refutation of the stereotyped Northern absurdity, that warm climates beget effeminacy and weakness. What becomes, under this th
ffice of any kind, will be their unceasing supplication. To be mercifully let alone; never to see a patriot; never to be complimented on their intelligence and virtue; never to feel that the simplicity of their understandings is to be made game of by place hunters. This they will devoutly ask, and, come all other calamities, they will endeavor to submit, if this calamity can be avoided. All monarchs have their vicissitudes and misfortunes; but none of them all — not Alexander, Cæsar, Hannibal, nor Napoleon,--ever came to such days of humiliation as King People. Only a few years ago, and he sat upon his throne, surrounded by courtiers who prostrated themselves to the earth at his feet, considered it a privilege to black his boots and powder his wig, declared that he was the most virtuous and intelligent of the sons of men, that the king could do no wrong, and that his voice was the voice of a god. He was clothed in purple and fine linen, and held a royal sceptre in his hand, an
The Daily Dispatch: March 27, 1865., [Electronic resource], Interesting Chapter on circus elephants. (search)
received while swimming a river. Columbus, Virginius, Pizarro and Hannibal were four enormous elephants that were once driven through the strsachusetts, and injured his so badly that he died in a few days. Hannibal, the largest elephant that has ever been in this country or Europepetite. Mr. Frost estimates that it has cost over $50,000 to feed Hannibal since he arrived in this country in 1824. Tippoo Saib is a large or any one else. It was during one of these fits of madness that Hannibal made his celebrated raid on the road between Pawtucket and Pall rinter in a store-house on the bank of the canal at Pittsburg. Here Hannibal, for the first time, was thrown into the society of Queen Anne. Tof love at first sight, for the moment Queen Anne was brought into Hannibal's presence, she run her trunk into his mouth — the elephantine styen Anne was taken away to start upon her annual tour. The rage of Hannibal at this separation was terrific; for eleven days he refused to tou
ssession of the establishment. The animals in the cages were fearfully frightened, dashing against their bars and filling the air with their howls and shrieks. Hannibal raged around the building, reared on his hind feet, and endeavored to tear down the rafters in the roof with his trunk, but molested none of the animals. In themb at Algiers, opposite New Orleans.--Two menageries, which had been traveling separate routes, came together and joined forces at this place. Crumb was driving Hannibal, and on entering town in procession, preceded Columbus. On hearing Crumb give orders to Hannibal, Columbus probably supposed that he was the elephant addressed,Hannibal, Columbus probably supposed that he was the elephant addressed, and resenting any exertion of authority upon the part of a stranger, he rushed forward and killed him instantly. His temper inflamed by this exploit, he turned upon his own keeper, but without serious result. The same night, he got loose and defied all efforts to control him. The people of the place turned out and fired ten or