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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
on the horrible visage of the murderous wretch as their instructor. This Heyward, secluded from the inquiring world, overawing and corrupting the press of his own neighborhood, was the most satanic of all the local tyrants of Missouri. At one time he gathered all of the old and respectable citizens of Hannibal, including such highly cultivated gentlemen of spotless escutcheon as Hon. A. W. Lamb, into a dilapidated, falling house, and placed powder under it to blow it to atoms, in case Hannibal should be visited by rebels. In Monroe county, two farmers were arrested by the provost marshal's guard, taken a short distance from home, shot down and thrown into the field with the swine. On the next day the recognized fragments of the bodies were gathered up by the neighbors and carried to their respective houses, and prepared for interment. The citizens were so respectable, the murder so brutal, the outrage so revolting, that people gathered from a long distance around to bury
o splendidly illustrated. My memory now recalls the expression of the most vigorous thoughts connected with military operations, and I am convinced that he then possessed all the high powers of mind which he has lately displayed; that his capacity is no sudden endowment; that the great strategetic problems solved by him have often undergone the severest scrutiny of close investigation. These things are true of all minds which are accounted great on any subject. The vast conceptions of Hannibal, Caesar, Napoleon, Newton, Cicero, Homer, Angelo, Wren, Davy, etc., following the analogies of Nature, were embodiments which were developed by the active and toilsome labors of the mind. Hence the confidence, energy, and readiness, when the emergency arises. They are no sudden inspirations. We tread with rapidity and confidence the path we have often traveled over, all others with tardy doubtfulness. We hear nothing of the progress of the war. There is too much to be done with too l
such faithful servants, such loyal hearts as this, as Jackson, as Lee, into resistance and the final argument of the battle-field. Lip-service and the hireling sword are everywhere at the command of power; but men like these, at their need, the generations must wait for. They are the product of wisdom, and justice, and beneficence, in the country which possesses them. Besotted is the people who believe that their place can be supplied by able adventurers. The splendid military genius of Hannibal could not sustain itself with mercenary spears against the moderate talents of Fabius and the unequal inspiration of Scipio, animated by patriotic fervor. But, devoted as General Johnston was to the Union, he could not forget that he was also the citizen of a State. To Texas he had sworn allegiance; his estate and his best years had been spent in shielding her; he had aided to merge her autonomy and to limit her independent sovereignty by annexation, and he knew that when she entered t
n worthy of Plutarch's heroes, were anxious to get away and leave the glory and renown of defense to others. Johnston was in no sense responsible for the construction of these forts, nor the assignment to their command of these self-denying warriors, but his line of communication was uncovered by their fall, and he was compelled to retire to the southern bank of the Tennessee River. From the enlighteners of public opinion a howl of wrath came forth. Johnston, who had just been Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar, Napoleon, was now a miserable dastard and traitor, unfit to command a corporal's guard! President Davis sought to console him, and the noblest lines ever penned by man were written by Johnston in reply. They even wrung tears of repentance from the pachyderms who had attacked him, and will be a text and consolation to future commanders who serve a country tolerant of an ignorant and licentious press. As pure gold he came forth from the furnace, above the reach of slander, the for
oming next; artists of various illustrated journals sharpened their pencils, and anxiously yearned to sketch the rapid succession of victories which were promised to be forthcoming; but time jogged along, and even Northern journalists began to grow weary of McClellan's inactivity. They had fully exhausted all their store of flattery and praise, and were now utterly fatigued with the task of fruitless and never-ending laudation. The Young Napoleon had been compared to Alexander, Caesar, Hannibal, and Napoleon the Great ; but nothing in the history or character of those famous leaders was considered fully adequate to the heaven-born qualities of George B. McClellan. His eyes, hair, mouth, teeth, voice, manner, and apparel, had all been described in carefully prepared leaders; and even his boots had something pertaining to their make and style indicative of the surpassing talents of the wearer. The Washington Chronicle, June twenty-second, furnishes us a case in point: The inf
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 1: ancestry. (search)
mother; does he strengthen his native tendency? He wanted to know, too, whether his sons rode and shot well, bearing in mind a Virginian's solicitude always that his sons should be taught to ride, shoot, and tell the truth. In his opinion, Hannibal was a greater soldier than Alexander or Caesar; for he thought an ardent excitement of the mind in defending menaced rights brings forth the greatest display of genius, of which, forty-four years afterward, his great son was an illustrious exampte on the field of Waterloo. The British general, rising gradatim from his first blow struck in Portugal, climbed on that day to the summit of fame, and became distinguished by the first of titles, Deliverer of the Civilized World. Alexander, Hannibal, and Caesar, among the ancients; Marlborough, Eugene, Turenne, and Frederick, among the moderns, opened their arms to receive him as a brother in glory. Again he tells him that Thales, Pittacus, and others in Greece taught the doctrine of mor
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 17: military character. (search)
of Wallace and Bruce. If given an opportunity, said General Scott, who commanded the army of the United States in 1861, Lee will prove himself the greatest captain of history. He had the swift intuition to discern the purpose of his opponent, and the power of rapid combination to oppose to it prompt resistance. The very essence of modern war was comprised in the four years campaign, demanding a greater tax upon the mental and physical qualifications of a leader than the fifteen years of Hannibal in the remote past. Military misconceptions have been charged to him; but Marshal Turenne has said, Show me the man who never made mistakes, and I will show you one who has never made war. The impartial historian, in reviewing Lee's campaigns and the difficult conditions with which he was always confronted, must at least declare that no commander could have accomplished more. In his favor was, however, that ponderous force known as the spirit of the army, which counterbalanced his enem
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Lxviii. (search)
e and introduced them to the President, saying they had called to have a talk with him about money. Money, replied Mr. Lincoln; I don't know anything about money. I never had enough of my own to fret me, and I have no opinion about it any way. It is considered rather necessary to the carrying on of a war, however, returned the Secretary. Well, I don't know about that, rejoined Mr. Lincoln, turning crosswise in his chair, swinging both legs backward and forward. We don't read that Hannibal had any money to prosecute his wars with. The President was one day speaking of a visit he had just received from another delegation of bankers, from New York and Boston, who had been urging the removal of General Cameron from the Cabinet. They talked very glibly, said he, especially a man named G-from Boston; and I finally told them as much — adding, nevertheless, that I was not convinced. Now, said I, gentlemen, if you want General Cameron removed, you have only to bring me one pr
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 10: Second Manassas-SharpsburgFredericksburg (search)
tement should be modified so far as to say that one of the noticeable features of the general condition was the heartrending affliction of my friends, almost every family having lost a relative, or some intimate associate, during the week of bloody battle. It had not, however, yet come to pass, as it did later, that black became the recognized dress for woman in Richmond, and that she actually appeared flippant and worldly and unfeeling if she wore any color. In the second Punic war, when Hannibal was investing Rome, the tribune Oppius had a law enacted forbidding women to wear colors during the public distress. But in our great conflict no such enactment was necessary, for the devoted women of our seven-hilled city; dark death had entered every home and his sombre garb was everywhere. Of course, too, the hospitals were crowded just at this time, and in the homes of citizens many wounded soldiers were cared for; so that it seemed the one fitting province of women, young and old,
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
15-16, 218 Gordonsville, Va., 356 Grant, Ulysses Simpson, 238-40, 244, 248, 266-67, 269-70, 276, 285-88, 297, 303-10, 317, 341, 347 Grapevine army news, 162, 166 Greer, George, 212 Gregg, John, 276, 286 Griffith, Richard, 64, 85-86, 95 Grover, Benjamin, 63, 234 Guns, capture of by Confederates, 57- 58, 62, 78, 125, 197 Hagerstown, Md., 222, 231 Hallock, Gerard, 37-38. Hamilton, S. P., 156 Hancock, Winfield Scott, 79-80, 248, 305 Hand-to-hand fighting, 333-34. Hannibal, 119 Hanover Junction, Va., 228, 231,266, 269 Hardaway, Robert Archelaus, 312, 316 Harpers Ferry, Va. (W. Va.), 125, 198 Harrisburg, Pa., 209 Harvard University, 51, 62, 130 Haskell, Alexander Cheves, 57 Haskell, John Cheves, 53, 316 Havelock, Henry, 367 Hays, Harry Thompson, 172, 197, 201, 210, 212 Helper, Hinton Rowan, 26 Heth, Henry, 192, 209 Hickman, John, 27 Everett, Edward, 25 Evolution, 20 Ewell, Richard Stoddert: description of and anecdotes conce