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Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 241 7 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 3: The Decisive Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 217 3 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 208 10 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 169 1 Browse Search
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler 158 36 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3 81 1 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2 81 1 Browse Search
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865 72 20 Browse Search
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1 71 3 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 68 16 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Hancock or search for Hancock in all documents.

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adron of cavalry and a section of artillery, reinforced on the morning of the 4th by the Eighty-fourth Pennsylvania from Hancock, and at midday by the Thirteenth Indiana. These Federal troops skirmished for some hours with Jackson's advance, then holonel Murray of the Eighty-fourth Pennsylvania, having decided not to await an attack. They retreated precipitately to Hancock, leaving their stores and camp at Bath to be captured. Finding the enemy gone, Jackson ordered an immediate pursuit, impatient of delay, was forced to remain for some days at Unger's for this purpose. The day that Jackson retired from Hancock, January 7th, a detachment of the Federal troops at Romney, taking the road to Winchester, fell on a body of some 700 Virson having fallen back to Bloomery gap, and by the 14th the Baltimore & Ohio railroad was again opened from the west to Hancock, on which day Lander made a bold dash with both infantry and cavalry on the militia stationed at Bloomery, taking them b
mpaign of 1862. Before the opening of active military operations in the spring of 1862, Lincoln determined to reopen the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. Jackson held the portion of this road, which he had badly damaged, between Harper's Ferry and Hancock, and he must be forced back from the Potomac before the road could be repaired and reopened. To effect this Banks marched, February 22d, from his winter camp at Frederick, Md., and his advance entered Harper's Ferry the 24th, and laid a bateau s at Smithfield, a few miles to the westward; Sedgwick, to whose division these belonged, to establish himself at Charlestown. Shields, now in command of Lander's force from the South Branch valley, was ordered to Martinsburg, and Williams from Hancock to Bunker Hill; thus establishing a line entirely across the Valley, in front of the Baltimore & Ohio. These camps were all connected by fine macadam roads. All arrangements were completed by March 6th and the three brigades of Banks were well
Confederate left, and between 10 and 11 of the morning he ordered Hancock to make an attack in that direction, thinking he could thus relieve Hooker and flank Longstreet out of his position. Hancock's advance occupied some abandoned Confederate redoubts on the Confederate left abiddle of the afternoon he put that in position on his left, facing Hancock, except two regiments, with which he reinforced the columns of asson his right, under Anderson. In front of the cleared space which Hancock occupied was a dense forest, which screened his line from view. HD. H. Hill to seek and obtain from Longstreet permission to attack Hancock, and attempt to drive him from the field. About 5 o'clock he advabeen broken into fragments in advancing through the dense forest. Hancock repulsed this bold attack with much slaughter, but did not follow n the day McClellan himself came up and ordered reinforcements for Hancock and a renewal of his attack, but it was too late for that to be do
ove them. In this rash assault 1,200 of these brave men fell, dead and wounded, and the living were forced to give way. Hancock's division then followed to assault, in like gallant style, which Ransom, who had succeeded Cobb, who fell in meeting the first Federal onset, met by adding another regiment to those already in position. Hancock's fierce attack, in three courageous lines of battle, was met by a Confederate yell, and by a sheeted infantry fire that was reserved until his front was but a few hundred yards away and then swept down 2,000 of Hancock's men and forced the remainder to seek the shelter of the houses and embankments in their rear. At 1 o'clock, Howard's division essayed a third assault. Kershaw, now in command in es still holding the bloody front. Thus reinforced and ready, Howard's advance was met, as had been those of French and Hancock, and under a fire even fiercer than the preceding ones, nearly 700 of Howard's men went down and the survivors fled, in
he west and the ground held by Jackson's corps. The eastern side of the salient extended about a mile to the northeast, from the apex to the old turnpike, east of Chancellorsville, then reached about a mile to the west of north, to near the Bullock house, thus covering all approaches to Chancellorsville from the eastward. Hooker's lines were nearly those he held the night before, after the retreat of his right from Jackson. His left, facing eastward, was held by 20,000 men of Geary's and Hancock's divisions and the remnant of Howard's corps. In front of these, on Lee's right, were the 14,000 of McLaws and Anderson. Hooker's right was held by the 23,000 men in the division of Williams and the corps of Sickles. Within these two Federal wings were 37,000 more men of the corps of Meade, Reynolds and Couch, in reserve, in the open fields, ready to support either wing. Facing Hooker's right was Stuart with the 20,000 veterans of the Second corps of the army of Northern Virginia. S
ival of more Federal troops upon the scene of action; that Hancock was in command, and had 8,600 men, under Slocum, in line othe westward. One corps was on his left, the Second under Hancock in the center, and the Twelfth and the fragments of the Fincert with Rodes. The Federal right was now reinforced by Hancock, from its center, and Early, flanked on his right, where R were missing; but two of his army corps remained intact. Hancock's chief of staff records, It was indeed a gloomy hour. Thted out to Longstreet a clump of trees, near the middle of Hancock's line, as marking the point to be attacked. From his posoads and separated the fields, and thus gave protection to Hancock's men. Lee prepared for the assault by opening on the F, concealing each from the other. Gen. Francis A. Walker, Hancock's chief of staff, describes the effect of the Confederate d his division to the left and moved toward the salient in Hancock's line. For a time the two opposing armies were silent sp
o an assault upon Richmond and Petersburg. Hancock's corps, crossing at Ely's ford, had encamped the scene of conflict, at about half past 4, Hancock strengthened Getty's waiting division with podefiantly held the broad highway, and checked Hancock with canister and grape at short range. Nearon the plank road, were able to give check to Hancock's advance, until Longstreet's corps, in doublGeorgians and Law his Alabamians, in support, Hancock's line was forced to yield, not to numbers, bket. By 10 o'clock, Lee's counterstroke, on Hancock's front and flank, had driven back his brigadire left had been defeated and disorganized. Hancock's chief of staff, the truth-telling Walker, sed a halt. Not knowing of the existence of Hancock's formidable intrenchments, Lee's right, consisions of Field and Anderson, charged against Hancock, on the Brock road, to find themselves confro Warren's corps at Spottsylvania Court House; Hancock at Todd's tavern; Sedgwick on the road from P[22 more...]
Held back by Hampton and Early, the most. of Hancock's corps had been detained on the Brock road, e's Shop. About the time of the failure of Hancock's flanking movement to Lee's left, at 9:30 ofgainst Lee's weak left This front line, under Hancock, was driven back by Field's division, but hissketry alone was not sufficient to drive back Hancock's many, massed battalions, which swarmed over, pouring a rapid and well-directed fire upon Hancock's advancing left flank, forced it to recoil. the day, now swelled in volume as Gordon met Hancock in the pine thickets embraced within the salie extreme left of the salient, in attack upon Hancock's right; while from Early's command, the Thirbinations and charges of Lee's men soon drove Hancock outside the salient, and only left him in pos continued until night closed the scene, when Hancock withdrew his surviving and nearly exhausted vhout cessation throughout the day. Wright and Hancock have borne the brunt of it. . . . Burnside's [10 more...]
Chapter 26: The maneuvers on the North Anna river. On the night of May 20, 1864, Hancock led Grant's third southward movement, far to the eastward of Lee's position at Spottsylvania Court House, and followed the road along the line of the Richmond & Fredericksburg railroad toward Richmond, his advance reaching Milford station during the night of the 21st Grant's losses, since he crossed the Rapidan, on May 4th, had been over 37,000; half of these in the Wilderness battles and the other half in those of Spottsylvania Court House. Lee had lost about one-third of that number. Dana states that the Federal losses were a little over 33,000, and that when Grant expressed great regret at the loss of so many men, Meade remarked: Well, General, we can't do these little tricks without losses. Apprised, by his scouts, of Grant's movement, Lee dispatched Ewell, whom he accompanied, at noon of the 21st, from the right of his position at Spottsylvania Court House across the count
ed an attack by the balance of our line. General Hancock was the only one who received the order tack, the enemy moved out on his left against Hancock, as if to try what strength we had in that direction. He was decisively repulsed. Hancock followed up the repulse, but was not able to get ove scattered. He will go in the morning. . . . Hancock moved during the night to Cold Harbor, where brave and determined, could long withstand. Hancock assailed Lee's right with double line of battrompt fire of artillery, under which 3,000 of Hancock's men fell upon the field. The equally bold At 9 o'clock Grant ordered another attack. Hancock refused to even give it to his men. Smith, wi delay. Gen. F. A. Walker, in his history of Hancock's corps, writes: If it be asked why so simpleworking parties of each of those three corps (Hancock's, Wright's and Smith's) carried forward their approaches. Hancock's lines were thus brought within some 40 yards of the rebel works; and agai[3 more...]