f April having been set apart by the Confederate Survivor's Association of Augusta for a Reunion in honor of Lieutenant-General Wade Hampton and the members of his Old Brigade, and an elaborate programme having been arranged which included an oratioshall be room—ample, honorable, and preeminent—accorded to the statutes of Davis and Lee and Jackson and and Johnson and Hampton and of their noble compatriots who imperiled all in the defence of home, in the cause of truth, in the maintenance of ri by twos into the great dining-hall of the Carrolton Hotel, the band playing My Maryland.
Rare discipline.
General Wade Hampton was with the president of the society, General Bradley T. Johnson.
The jolly company quickly distributed themselv often led.
The first table.
The gentlemen at the first table were General Bradley T. Johnson (presiding), General Wade Hampton, General Hooker (congressman from Mississippi), Captain Booth, Major W. H. Wigfall, Major Skip--with Wilmer, Colon
nia), Loyalty in the State, The Confederate Government and the State, Personals, Obituaries, Arrests, etc., The Specie and the Treasury of Virginia, The War in Virginia, Richmond (the siege of), Norfolk (Geneeral Butler's Rule, etc.), Saltville, Hampton—Burning of the Town, Slavery and Emancipation, The Peace Question (efforts of the Committee of Nine), Department of Confederate Regiments, Department of Confederate Generals, Biographical Sketches, etc.
At the last session of Congress a bill een devotedly engaged for more than thirty years, and upon which, it is claimed, and credibly, that he has expended in money more than the sum proposed to be paid to him by the Government.
In the United States Senate, September 17, 1891, the Hon. Wade Hampton, of South Carolina, thus urged its purchase:
I did not have the opportunity of hearing the remarks of the Senator from New York [Mr. Evarts], but I am somewhat familiar with this compilation, knowing Mr. Townsend and having had som
., Joshua, 287.
Garnett, Capt. Theodore S.,387.
Gartrell, Gen. L. J., Death of, 94.
Girardey, Gen. V. J., 37.
Goodwin, D. D.. Rev. S. A., Address on Gen. J. E. Johnston, 167.
Gordon, James L., His poem on The Confederate Dead.
Gordon, Gen., Geo. W., Address on Gen. J. E. Johnston, 203; on Gen. P. R. Cleburne, 262.
Green, Dr., Louis. 38.
Gregg, Fort, Real Defenders of, 71.
Hale, Jr., Capt. E. J.. 410.
Hamlin. Lt., Death of, 20.
Hammond, Capt., Wm.. 342.
Hampton, Gen., Wade, commends the purchase of the Townsend Library, 384.
Harris, Joel Chandler, on The Women of the South, 277.
Hayes, Mrs., Margaret, 297.
Helena, Ark., Dedication of Monument to Confederate Dead at, 260.
Henderson, Gen. R. J., Death of, 94.
Hinton. Capt. Drury A., 8.
Hoge, D. D., Rev. Moses D., Remarks of, 146.
Holcombe, Lt., 387
Hunter, Gen., David, Vandalism of, 394.
Indians as Soldiers, 18.
Jackson, Miss., Dedication of Monument to the Confederate Dead at, 2