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the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians, James Peirce (search)
l occasions. It may be added, also, that of the other ministers, Mr. Hallet, if not Mr. Withers, appear in a great measure to have adopted thripture should be admitted as sufficient, having been negatived. Mr. Hallet, however, who was first called on, expressed himself as follows: ligious tests at all that were not expressed in scripture words. Mr. Hallet in like manner refused his assent. Mr. Lavington of course gave ssession of the keys of the meeting-house in which Mr. Peirce and Mr. Hallet were accustomed chiefly to officiate; and a meeting of the body omanner of doing it. Of the three suspected ministers, Peirce and Hallet only were ultimately ejected; for Mr. Withers, notwithstanding the resy was not openly inculcated; but that some friends of Peirce and Hallet carried on a secret mode of proselytizing, which appeared likely toing only as far as ch. x. 34. It was afterwards completed by Mr. Hallet, junior, his colleague and successor. These are performances of grea
the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians, Hallet. (search)
Hallet. the name of Hallet, which frequently occurs in the preceding narrative, occupied a distinguishedHallet, which frequently occurs in the preceding narrative, occupied a distinguished place for three generations in the history of Protestant dissent at Exeter. The first of the series was one ccessor was Mr. G. Trosse, with whom his son, Joseph Hallet, jun., was associated as colleague in 1690. In 171 eminence in the succeeding age;—among the rest, Joseph Hallet the third, and the celebrated Dr. James Foster. iberal manner, as we should consider it, in which Mr. Hallet appears to have permitted and even encouraged his considerably less discreet in divulging them. Mr. Hallet, after his ejectment, continued joint pastor withying into forbidden mysteries, when we learn that Mr. Hallet thought it necessary to request his correspondentrch, it would be utter ruin to his prospects. Mr. Joseph Hallet was the author of various pieces connected wit afterwards translated into Greek by St. Luke. Mr. Hallet was a man of high accomplishment as a scholar, pa
the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians, James Foster (search)
orth and excellence; and he may, therefore, probably be added to the list of eminent men, in various departments of life, who have derived from maternal influence and example no small portion of the virtues and graces which afterwards distinguished them. He received the first part of his education at the free school of his native city; where he is said to have given early indications of talent and proficiency. He afterwards became a member of the academy already spoken of as conducted by Mr. Hallet, at which several other men of high and deserved eminence were prepared for the Christian ministry. Here we are informed Funeral Sermon, by Dr. Fleming, p. 8. that he was admired by his tutor and fellow-students as having natural abilities superior to most, a quick apprehension, a solid judgment, a happy memory, a free commanding elocution. In his public exercises his thoughts were clear, his talents for argumentation great, his modesty and integrity remarkable; and for the strictnes
the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians, George Benson (search)
entary on five of St. Paul's Epistles, had often inspired a wish that some person similarly qualified would continue the work on a similar plan, and in the same enlightened and liberal spirit. We have already seen that Mr. Peirce, in the latter part of his life, entered upon this labour, and gave to the world an exposition of the Epistles to the Colossians and Philippians, with part of the Epistle to the Hebrews, which last, being left unfinished at the author's decease, was completed by Mr. Hallet. In 1731, Mr. Benson proposed to himself to carry on this important work, and commenced with a Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistle to Philemon, attempted in imitation of Mr. Locke's manner; with an Appendix, in which it is shewn, by manifest indications derived from this short epistle, that St. Paul was neither an enthusiast nor an impostor, and that, consequently, the Christian religion must be, as he has represented it, heavenly and divine. This specimen was so favourably received, t
the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians, Dissenting Academics. (search)
e less distinguished in this way, are still deserving of honourable mention, not merely from the credit they have reflected on the opinions they espoused, but from the influence, by no means inconsiderable, which they exercised on the progress of knowledge, as well as on the development and general diffusion of those more just and rational modes of investigation which are most likely to conduct the professed inquirer after truth to what ought to be the only object of his search. The name of Hallet has already been mentioned, as mainly instrumental to the progress of free inquiry and of liberal opinions, by the just and impartial plan which he adopted in an academical institution at Exeter; and we now propose to introduce under the present title a few particulars of several other excellent men who have laboured, and not altogether without success, in the same good cause. Of several of the theological tutors in our earlier academies it is not, indeed, easy at this distance of time t
the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians, Micaiah Towgood. (search)
g for the most part to soften the evidence afforded by various passages against the royalists, and to blacken the character of several of the parliamentary leaders. In 1749, Mr. Towgood was invited to become co-pastor with Mr. Lavington, Mr. Walrond, and his cousin Mr. Stephen Towgood, to the two united congregations of dissenters at James's Meeting and Bow Meeting, Exeter. The two former of his destined colleagues were the same who had taken such an active part against Mr. Peirce and Mr. Hallet thirty years before; but the very invitation of Mr. Micaiah Towgood was in itself a proof that the spirit of the times, by a gradual and imperceptible progress, rather than by any sudden or violent transition, was considerably changed. For though he had not come forward as a controversial writer on doctrinal points, yet it was well known that he had long ago abandoned the distinguishing tenets of the Calvinistic and Trinitarian theology. His views on these subjects appear to have coincid