d gives the specific gravity of the latter.
See Mohr's specific gravity balance, pages 39, 40, Griffin's chemical handicraft.
Spe-cif′ic-grav′i-ty In′--stru-ment.
Professor Hare's litrameter, heat.
If air be in excess, the mixture explodes, and the gas takes fire within the tube.
See Griffin's Chemical handicraft, London, 1866, pages 96, 97.
See also Die Spectralanalyse, Schellen, Bra24, 5925, 5926, 5927, show the mode of application, and several forms of the device.
a, from Griffin.
b, Rosette-burner (Griffin).
c, Rosette-burner (Griffin).
d, Bogart, 1867.
e, AlleGriffin).
c, Rosette-burner (Griffin).
d, Bogart, 1867.
e, Allen; patent, September 7, 1869.
f, Bradley, 1865.
g, McGlensey; patent, June 19, 1860.
h, Osmond; patent, March 14, 1865.
i, Griswold, 1868.
j, Bloxam's Chemistry.
k, Webb and Parkin,Griffin).
d, Bogart, 1867.
e, Allen; patent, September 7, 1869.
f, Bradley, 1865.
g, McGlensey; patent, June 19, 1860.
h, Osmond; patent, March 14, 1865.
i, Griswold, 1868.
j, Bloxam's Chemistry.
k, Webb and Parkin, 1871.
l, Lazear and Sharp, 1868.
m, Hamilton; patent, April 26, 1870.
n, Bogart, 1866.
Bunsen burners.
A shutter or valve to regulate the size of an opening at whic