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ing to his support from various points along the Mississippi, from Member to Baton Rouge. Pemberton has drawn every available man from Mobile, Charleston and Savannah. Grant will prevent any possible concentration of troops to save Vicksburg. Grierson's raid has weakened Pemberton. Now, the Herald says, is the time for another advance of Hooker's army; for another attack upon Charleston and Savannah; for a land reconnaissance around Mobile, and an advance by Burnside into East Tennessee, and for active work on the part of Rosecrans. Gold 150; Exchange 165. Col. Grierson's two cavalry regiments cut their way through the enemy's country, captured over 1,000 men and near 1,200 horses, and destroyed $4,000,000 in property, destroyed a camp of instruction, cutting the Great Northern and New Orleans and Jackson Railroad, destroying cars, telegraph wires, water tanks, and army stores, arriving at Baton Rouge on the 1st. Col. G. was received with great eclat at New Orleans.