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inal, and an adopter of first-rate other poetry — addicted to newspaper and hotel society — a sort of virgin Jenkins, a kind of Mrs. Joe Gargery, always out on a sort of rampage on various pretences. Mary supposed that as her talents had been rejected here, she might find a better market for them elsewhere, and so she ordered them to Davis in the capacity of a clandestine correspondent and caves-dropper. She boasts of her arrest, and seems desirous of the notoriety she has acquired. Mrs. Greenhow is another of these lady friends of treason — in person of far more ability than the masculine Miss Fribble above referred to. She has been one of the queens of our F. F. V.'s, and delighted in being one of the leaders of fashion and society hereaways. A long time engaged in this business, she has undoubtedly been of great service to the public enemy. Like Miss Windle, she glories in her martyrdom, and will doubtless look forward to being duly commissioned as one of the saints in the r<