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William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 6 (search)
crossed the Antietam during the night and lay in reserve a mile to the rear, was ordered up to support and relieve Hooker's troops. Of this corps, the first division, under General Williams, took position on the right, and the second, under General Greene, on the left. During the deployment, that veteran soldier, General Mansfield, fell mortally wounded. The command of the corps fell to General Williams, and the division of the latter to General Crawford, who, with his own and Gordon's brigade, made an advance across the open field, and succeeded in seizing a point of woods on the west side of the Hagerstown road. At the same time, Greene's division on the left was able to clear its front, and crossed into the left of the Dunker church. Yet the tenure of these positions was attended with heavy loss; the troops, reduced to the attempt to hold their own, began to waver and break, and General Hooker was being carried from the field severely wounded, when, opportunely, towards nine o
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 9 (search)
ons of the First Corps, and by troops from the Twelfth Corps, brought up by General Williams. It had been intended that Geary's division (with the exception of Greene's brigade) should also re-enforce the left; but this division missed its way. General Williams was temporarily in command of the Twelfth Corps, Slocum having charbeen taken from the Twelfth Corps to re-enforce the left during the operations of the afternoon, that there remained of this corps but a single brigade, under General Greene, drawn out in a thin line, with the division of Wadsworth on its left. The brunt of the attack fell upon Greene, who, re-enforced by parts of Wadsworth's troGreene, who, re-enforced by parts of Wadsworth's troops, maintained his own position with great firmness, but Ewell's left penetrated without opposition the vacated breastworks on the furthest right, and this foothold within the Union lines he held during the night. Thus closed the second day's action, and the result was such that the Confederate commander, believing he would be
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Biographical: officers of civil and military organizations. (search)
May 17, 1875, at Lexington. John Archibald Campbell John Archibald Campbell, assistant secretary of war, was a Georgian by his birth in Washington, Wilkes county, in that State, June 24, 1811. His grandfather served on the staff of Major-General Greene during the revolution, and his father, Duncan G. Campbell, was a distinguished lawyer, and otherwise prominent in the-public affairs of the State. The education of Judge Campbell was obtained through the schools of his State, and in the uy Wood Johnston, was born in Prince Edward county, Virginia, on February 7, 1807. His father was a lieutenant in Lee's legion, having run away from college at the age of seventeen to join it as it passed through Virginia to reinforce the army of Greene. His mother was a niece of Patrick Henry. In 1811 his parents removed to a place near Abingdon in Southwest Virginia, his father having been made judge, and here he spent his youth, devoted largely to the manly pleasures of the chase in that w
Brig.-Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 2.1, Maryland (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 1: Maryland in its Origin, progress, and Eventual relations to the Confederate movement. (search)
ences about the articles of Confederation, the Constitution and the Union. When, therefore, a party arose in the North which inculcated hatred toward the South, Maryland abhorred the apostles of malice and ill — will and sympathized more closely with the minority and weaker party. Fatti Maschii, Parole Foemine was the controlling sentiment of the men whose ancestors had stood with Stirling at Long Island until they were destroyed and the American army saved; whose charge at Eutaw had saved Greene's army; whose dash at Cowpens had driven the British line; whose bayonets at Guilford had broken the solid front of the Grenadier Guards—these men all believed in standing by their friends, reckless of risk, regardless of consequences. With my friend—right or wrong—with my friend is the complement of the State motto, Courage and Chivalry. So, as it became clearer in 1858-59-60 that the aggressions and attacks of the North on Southern society were not to be confined to discussion and vit
k to Centreville, they had walked about 25 miles. That night they walked back to the Potomac, an additional distance of 20 miles; so that these undisciplined and unseasoned men within thirty-six hours walked fully 45 miles, besides fighting from about 10 a. m. until 4 p. m. on a hot, dusty day in July. McDowell, in person, reached Centreville before sunset, and found there Miles' division, with Richardson's brigade and three regiments of Runyon's division, and Hunt's. Tidball's, Ayres' and Greene's batteries and one or two fragments of batteries, making about 20 guns. It was a formidable force, but there was a lack of food and the mass of the army was completely demoralized. Beauregard had about an equal force which had not been in the fight, consisting of Ewell's, Jones' and Longstreet's brigades and some troops of other brigades. McDowell consulted the division and brigade commanders who were at hand upon the question of making a stand or retreating. The verdict was in favor of
eginning of his advance, and Williams took command. Thinking to avoid again joining issue with Jackson, Williams ordered Greene's division farther to the left, and, under cover of the low swell in front of the Dunker church and his Smoketown road, tof the West woods; but there its progress was stayed by Jackson's men, in their natural fortress of forest and rocks, and Greene was soon forced to retire and join his retreating comrades that Stuart and Jackson's left, especially Early's unflinchingsuring one as Sumner's men crossed the field of recent carnage strewn with the dead and wounded of Hooker and Mansfield. Greene's Federal division still held on near the eastern edge of the West woods, but did not move against Jackson's naturally fo turned and saw McLaws' division approaching at a double-quick from Sharpsburg. Jackson had already driven the most of Greene's command from the wood at the church, by bringing Early around from his left and making an attack from the south on Sumn
o the estimates in Battles and Leaders. The tables there give Pope's effective force on the field from first to last as 17,900, an estimate probably too large; Jackson's estimated strength on the field, at least 20,000. Pope, who was waiting for Sigel to come up, states that he did not intend for Banks to attack Jackson with his corps, but, as the Confederates advanced, cautiously feeling their way, and themselves preparing to be the assailants, Banks threw the brigades of Prince, Geary, Greene and Crawford, and a little later, Gordon, against them. The attack came before Jackson's men had finished their battle formation, and while there was still a wide gap between two of their brigades. Jackson's line of battle, commencing on the right, stood: Trimble, Forno (Hays), Early, Taliaferro, Campbell (Garnett), and Winder's brigade under Colonel Ronald in reserve. In the front line, the Twenty-first regiment and Wharton's sharpshooters were the only North Carolina troops, and they we
on, withdrew up the Hagerstown pike. General Longstreet says: Walker, Hood and D. H. Hill attacked against the Twelfth corps; worn by its fight against Jackson, it was driven back as far as the post and rail fence on the east open, where they were checked. They (the Confederates) were outside of the line, their left in the air, and exposed to the fire of a 30-gun battery posted at long range on the Hagerstown ridge by General Doubleday. Their left was withdrawn and the line rectified, when Greene's brigade of the Twelfth resumed position in the northeast angle of the wood, which it held until Sedgwick's division came in bold march. The Sixth Regiment History says of the part of that command: The enemy's guns in our front poured shot and shell in us while we were exposed to a cross-fire from his long-range guns, posted on the northeast side of Antietam creek. . . . Our line was called into action, and moved to the front on the Snaketown road, and between it and the Hagerstown pike.
ere members of Steuart's brigade. These two regiments were veteran campaigners and indomitable fighters. They crossed Rocky creek and broke their way through the thick woods in spite of an incessant artillery fire, and were soon within range of Greene's and Wadsworth's muskets. If it had not been so dark they would have fared far worse. On they pressed until Steuart's men captured Greene's works. Colonel Brown, of the First regiment, says that Lieut. Green Martin of that regiment was the fGreene's works. Colonel Brown, of the First regiment, says that Lieut. Green Martin of that regiment was the first to enter the works, and was mortally wounded a moment later. That night they slept in the captured works, but their slumbers were broken before day by fast-falling shells. They were attacked by infantry, but repulsed the attack. Daniel's brigade, which had marched nearly all night, now reinforced Stewart. These two brigades then made a determined charge against the Federal works in their front, but were repulsed. Again they boldly charged, but the position was too strong and defended b
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Additional Sketches Illustrating the services of officers and Privates and patriotic citizens of South Carolina. (search)
nning. Mr. Detjens is a member of Arthur Manigault camp, U. C. V., at Georgetown. Captain John Dewbery Captain John Dewbery, of Cowpens, one of the leading farmers of Spartanburg county, was born near his present home August 30, 1832, the eldest son of Arthur and Rachel (Allen) Dewbery. His father, a captain of the State militia and a magistrate, and his grandfathers, were natives of the State, and his great-grandfather, John Low, of Caswell county, fought in the Revolution under General Greene. Captain Dewbery entered the military service of the State in April, 1861, as a member of the Batesville volunteers, of the Fifth regiment of volunteers, and served with that command on Sullivan's island and other coast points. In June, 1861, he took part in the organization of a company, of which he was elected second lieutenant, which became Company E, Thirteenth regiment, with which, after duty on the seacoast, he went to Virgina in time to take part in the campaign on the Chickahomi