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afe depositary, if not a treacherous guardian, of the inheritance with which we are blessed. No one more than myself recognizes the binding force of the allegiance which the citizen owes to the State of his citizenship, but, that State being a party to our compact, a member of the Union, fealty to the Federal Constitution is not in opposition to, but flows from the allegiance due to, one of the United States. Washington was not less a Virginian when he commanded at Boston, nor did Gates or Greene weaken the bonds which bound them to their several States by their campaigns in the South. In proportion as a citizen loves his own State will he strive to honor her by preserving her name and her fame, free from the tarnish of having failed to observe her obligations and to fulfill her duties to her sister States. Each page of our history is illustrated by the names and deeds of those who have well understood and discharged the obligation. Have we so degenerated that we can no longer emu
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 12: Boonsboro or South Mountain, and Harper's Ferry (search)
onCaldwell, Meagher, Brooke2 SumnerSedgwickGorman, Howard, Dana2 FrenchKimball, Morris, Weber3 5th CorpsMorellBarnes, Griffin, Stockton3 PorterSykesBuchanan, Lovell, Warren3 HumphreysHumphreys, Tyler, Allabach2 6th CorpsSlocumTorbert, Bartlett, Newton4 FranklinSmith, W. F.Hancock, Brooks, Irwin3 CouchDevens, Howe, Cochrane4 9th CorpsWillcox, O. B.Christ, Welsh2 BurnsideSturgisNagle, Ferrero2 RodmanFairchild, Harland1 CoxSeammon, Crook3 12 CorpsWilliamsCrawford, Gordon3 MansfieldGreeneTyndale, Stainrook, Goodrich4 CavalryPleasantonWhiting, Farnsworth, Rush, McReynolds, Davis4 Aggregate6 Corps, 19 Divisions54 Brigades, 300 Guns, 97,000 Men55 could defend himself, but the suggestion was not adopted by Miles, who felt himself obliged by his orders to hold the village itself. As Lee could not advance freely into Pennsylvania with Miles's force so close in his rear, he determined to capture the Harper's Ferry garrison. Discussing the matter with Longstreet, the latter advi
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 13: Sharpsburg or Antietam (search)
Mansfield had but two divisions —Williams's with two brigades and Greene's with three. These troops had composed Banks's army in the Valleych Hooker had originally opened again yawned, even more widely, and Greene's division had entered it and was in possession of the Dunker Churcs of the 12th corps which Sumner saw lying down were the remains of Greene's division, about the Dunker Church, and it were better for Sumner and he continued his advance into the woods, leaving the church and Greene's forces on his left. The formation of his division was in too clothe remnants of Walker's two brigades, who were holding in front of Greene's troops about the church. Early, himself unseen by reason of a ril within two hours. At the same time that Sedgwick was driven back, Greene's men about the Dunker Church were also forced back to the Federal ttack. Already he had sent one brigade, Irwin's, to the relief of Greene, when he was pursued out of the Dunkard woods, and this brigade fou
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 15: Chancellorsville (search)
Mott 18,721WhippleFranklin, Bowman, Berdan 5thGriffinBarnes, McQuade, Stockton842 MeadeSykesAyres, Burbank, O'Rorke 15,724HumphreysTyler, Allabach 6thBrooksBrown, Bartlett, Russell954 SedgwickHoweGrant, Neill NewtonShaler, Brown, Wheaton 23,667BurnhamBurnham corpsDIVISIONSBRIGADESARTILLERY Batts.Guns 11thDevensVon Gilsa, McLean636 HowardVon SteinwehrBuschbeck, Barlow 12,977SchurzSchimmelpfennig, Krzyzanowski 12th528 SlocumWilliamsKnipe, Ross, Ruger 13,450GearyCandy, Kane, Greene CavalryPleasontonDavis, Devin522 StonemanAverellSargent, McIntosh GreggKilpatrick, Wyndham 11,544Reserve Brig.Buford 1,610Artillery Reserve1258 2,217Provost Guard210 8 Corps, 23 Divisions, 64 Brigades, 133,711 Men, 74 Batteries, 404 Guns The nearest Confederate return is for March 21. It is not entirely complete for the artillery and cavalry, but, estimating for them, Lee's organization and strength at that date was as follows: 1ST corps, Longstreet's, march 31, 1863 DIVISI
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 16: Gettysburg: the first day (search)
CorpsBirneyGraham, Ward, De Trobriand Sickles 12,630HumphreysCarr, Brewster, Burling530 5th CorpsBarnesTilton, Sweitzer, Vincent SykesAyresDay, Burbank, Weed 12,211CrawfordMcCandless, Fisher526 6th CorpsWrightTorbert, Bartlett, Russell SedgwickHoweGrant, Neill 15,710NewtonShaler, Eustis, Wheaton848 11th CorpsBarlowVon Gilsa, Ames HowardSteinwehrCoster, Smith 10,576SchurzSchimmelpfennig, Krzyzanowski526 12th CorpsWilliamsMcDougall, Lockwood, Ruger Slocum 8,597GearyCandy, Cobham, Greene420 2,568TylerArtillery Reserve21110 corps STRENGTHDIVISIONSBRIGADESARTILLERY 2,580Engineers, Provost Guard's Escorts 100,2837 Corps, 19 Divisions, 51 Brigades, Infantry and Artillery58312 Cavalry Corps Pleasonton 14,973Buford Gregg, D. KilpatrickGamble, Devin, Merritt McIntosh, Huey, Gregg, J. Farnsworth, Custer950 115,2568 Corps, 22 Divisions, 59 Brigades67362 The Confederate infantry by this time were about nine-tenths armed with the rifled musket, muzzle loading, mostly of ca
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 17: Gettysburg: second day (search)
and ordered to the left, but they missed their road and did not reach the scene of action in time. These withdrawals left of the 12th corps but a single brigade, Greene's, holding the intrenchments upon Culp's Hill in front of Johnson's division of Ewell's corps, who had been all day under orders to attack at the sound of Longstto within short range and kept up a heavy fire until late in the night. As has been told, the whole of the 12th corps had been withdrawn from the lines except Greene's brigade. This brigade was being extended when its advance was met by Steuart, who got possession only of empty trenches. Johnson's other brigades found the trenches in front of their approach held by Greene's thin line, but in the darkness of the woods, the steep and rocky ground, and the abattis and obstructions in front, Johnson's line was halted at irregular distances, and the attack resolved itself into a random and ineffective musketry fire. Nothing more was possible. And even
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 19: battle of Chickamauga (search)
Knaps's battery of four guns, with Geary, was severely engaged at close quarters, expending 224 rounds and losing 3 killed and 19 wounded. Geary's total casualties were:— 34 killed, 174 wounded, 8 missing: total 216. These all occurred in Greene's and Cobham's brigades about 1600 strong. The Federal casualties in the brigades opposing Law were:— 45 killed, 150 wounded, 7 missing: total 204. These occurred principally in Tyndale's and Orland Smith's brigades. The aggregate was 420. erate casualties reported are as follows:— Law: 3 killed, 19 wounded, 30 missing: total 52. Jenkins: 31 killed, 286 wounded, 39 missing: total 356. Aggregate 408. The character of the attack by Jenkins's brigade, and of the defence by Greene's and Cobham's, aided by the battery, had been excellent. The casualties were heavy, and included many officers distinguished among their comrades for conduct. Nothing less could have been expected, and nothing materially more could be hoped fo<
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Wisconsin Volunteers. (search)
terville July 10. Guerrilla Campaign against Porter's and Poindexter's forces July 20-September 10. West Prairie July 23. Bloomfield July 29. Jonesboro, Ark., August 2-3 (2nd Battalion). Jackson, Languelle's Ferry and Scatterville August 3. At Cape Girardeau till October 3. Scout to Wayne, Stoddard and Dunklin Counties August 20-27 (Detachment). Bloomfield August 29 and September 11. Moved to Greenville October 3, thence to Patterson October 19. Expedition after Greene's guerrillas October 20-November 3. Duty at Patterson till January, 1863. Moved to Alton and West Plains January. At West Plains, Pilot Knob and St. Genevieve till March. Batesville February 4. Moved to Cape Girardeau March 10. Scout from Bloomfield to Scatterville March 24-April 1. Operations against Marmaduke April 17-May 2. Whitewater River April 24 (Co. E ). Cape Girardeau April 26. Near Whitewater Bridge April 27. Castor River, near Bloomfield, April 29
ntil we came to swampy ground, where works were discovered. There the First Brigade fronted the enemy; and a part of the Twenty-fifth Ohio flanked the position, when the Rebels retired. The Second Brigade was also sent to the left for the same purpose, but its aid was not required. No further opposition was made; and Potter's force entered Camden, the Second Brigade following the First, coming in at dark. Camden was historic ground, for there Gates was defeated by Cornwallis in 1780, and Greene by Lord Rawdon at Hobkirk's Hill near by in 1781. Sherman's Fifteenth Corps entered the town Feb. 24, 1865, after some resistance, when the railroad bridge, depot, and much cotton and tobacco were destroyed. It was ascertained that the rolling-stock had been sent below during our advance from Singleton's, making success assured, though fighting was expected. Potter turned back from Camden toward Statesburg at 7 A. M. on the 18th. Our main body moved along the pike; the One Hundred and
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
ris. 19 Jly 64 Andersonville, Ga. Wounded and pris. 20 Feb 64 Olustee, Fla. $50. Gray, William H. W. 1st Sergt. 38, mar.; seaman; New Bedford. 14 Feb. 63; 20 Aug. 65. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Dead. Green, John W. 19, sin.; farmer; Montrose, Pa. 21 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Boston. Green, Lewis C. 22, mar.; laborer; Philadelphia. 21 Mch 63; killed 20 Feb 64 Olustee, Fla. $50. Green, Peter 21, sin.; laborer; Montrose, Pa. 21 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Wilkes Barre, Pa. Greene, Charles E. Corpl. 23, sin.; laborer; Providence, R. I. 20 Feb 63; died 10 Apl 64 Gen. Hos. Beaufort, S. C. Consumption. Wounded —— 63 ——. $50. Gunn, Benjamin J. 30, mar.; farmer; Columbia Co. N. Y. 5 May 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Gunn, Titus M. 22, sin.; farmer; Columbia Co. N. Y. 9 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Hall, Joseph Lee. 19, sin.; laborer; New Bedford. 14 Feb 63; missing 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Halsey, Ira E. 25, mar.; laborer; Chatham Four Corners, N. Y. 14 Feb 63; missing 1