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hode Island, Aug. 29, 1778. and elsewhere; as many of those composing it had done prior to its organization. Massachusetts, New York, Act of March 20, 1781. and other States, followed the example of Rhode Island, in offering liberty to slaves who would enlist in the patriot armies; and the policy of a general freeing and arming of able and willing slaves was urged by Hon. Henry Laurens, of S. C., by his son Col. John Laurens, by Col. Alexander Hamilton, Gen. Lincoln, James Madison, Gen. Greene, and other ardent patriots. It is highly probable that, had the Revolutionary War lasted a few years longer, it would have then abolished Slavery throughout the Union. Sir Henry Clinton, the King's commander in the North, issued June 30, 1779. a Proclamation, premising that the enemy have adopted a practice of enrolling negroes among their troops ; and thereupon offering to pay for all negroes taken in arms, and guaranteeing, to every one who should desert the Rebel standard, full se
ard the news?” “Oh, father, is it true?” “Oh, brother, were I but a man” -- “Oh, husband, they shall rue!” Thus, passionately, asked the boy, And thus the sister spoke, And thus the dear wife to her mate, The words they could not choke. “The news! what news?” “Oh, bitter news — they've fired upon the Flag-- The Flag no foreign foe could blast, the traitors down would drag.” II. “The truest flag of liberty The world has ever seen-- The Stars that shone o'er Washington, And guided gallant Greene! The white and crimson Stripes which bode Success in peace and war, Are draggled, shorn, disgraced, and torn-- Insulted Star by Star. That Flag, whose symbol'd virtues are the pining nation's codes, The Flag of Jones at Whitehaven, of Reid at Fayal Roads. III. “Eh, neighbor, canst believe this thing?” The neighbor's eyes grew wild; Then o'er them crept a haze of shame, As o'er a sad, proud child; His face grew pale, he bit his lip, Until the hardy skin, By passion tigh
hy records, Carolina, point where The first blood for Freedom fell; By the mother who thus bore you, Will you bid us all farewell? Wild and wilful, proud, impatient, Haughty sister, have you known Through your turbulent life we loved you For a beauty of your own,-- Loved you truly, Even unduly, And could never have you gone? By the memories of the Keystone,-- By the Jerseys' blood-stained snow,-- By old Empire's glorious battles,-- By the record of our foes,-- By Schuyler, Knox, old Putnam, Greene,-- By Marion's men, and Harry Lee, Let us forget all party strife, And only know that we are free. The world has seen What we have been. Oh! still preserve the Old Thirteen. With what blindness are we smitten, Brother thus opposing brother! In the nation's past 'tis written, Freedom is our glorious mother. You can count her pangs of travail In the banner waving o'er us; History tells the wreck and carnage That o'erspread her when she bore us. Shall love languish When her anguish, Beacon-li
eat battle-ground between the contending sections, and the first collision of arms is likely to take place on the banks of the Potomac, we hope that both parties will consent to respect one spot as sacred and neutral ground. Let the grave of Washington be still venerated by his countrymen of both sides, and let his ashes not be disturbed by the clash of hostile steel or the roar of cannon. Let there be one spot where the descendants of the men who fought under Marion and Sumter, Putnam and Greene, can meet without shedding each other's blood; and if ever an amicable settlement of this unhappy civil war is to be attempted, let us keep the holy ground of Mount Vernon dedicated to the purposes of peace, and there let the arbitrating convention, which sooner or later must treat on some terms for an adjustment of hostilities, meet for the purpose. Let the press, the only organ which can now speak to the people, South and North, claim from the leaders on both sides, that no military nec
m, whose home dishonored Has left to us his fame; From where Ticonderoga Looks out on blue Champlain; From the green shores of Erie, The field of Lundy's Lane; From Bennington and Plattsburg, From Saratoga's plain, From every field of battle Where honored dead remain. Up, Massachusetts! seize the sword That won calm peace and free ; Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem. 'Tis thine, still thine, to lead the way Through blood to Liberty. On Narragansett's busy shores, Remember gallant Greene; And ye, whose fathers oft he led, Bold Putnam's courage keen. Through the broad Western prairies, The mighty river pours Its swollen floods resistless On subject Southern shores. So, freemen of the prairies, Pour your resistless flood; And, as the rushing river Whirls down the drifting wood, So, let your armies marching, O'erwhelm the traitorous band, That dared their country's flag to touch With sacrilegious hand. Kentucky! “Why in slumbers Lethagic dost thou lie” ? “Wake, join with” M
The Newport Artillery (Company F of the Rhode Island Regiment) is one of the oldest military organizations in the country. It is an independent company, and was chartered by the British Crown in 1741. With but three exceptions since that time (during the Revolutionary war, when Newport was in possession of English and Hessian troops) the company has held annual meetings under the charter and elected officers, who consist of a Colonel and others connected with a regiment. The names of Generals Greene and Vaughan, of Revolutionary fame, Commodore Perry, and other distinguished personages, are among the enrolled members of the company, which number between two and three thousand since its organization. In their armory at Newport they have an autograph letter from Gen. Geo. Washington, written in 1792, thanking them for an invitation to be with them at their annual celebration on the 22d of February of that year, which is handsomely framed. Of the fifty-two active members, forty-seve
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 1: The Opening Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), Engagements of the Civil War with losses on both sides December, 1860-August, 1862 (search)
Confed. 20 killed, 200 wounded. March 6-8, 1862: Pea Ridge, Ark., including engagements at Bentonville, Leetown, and Elkhorn tavern. Union, 25th, 35th, 36th, 37th, 44th, and 59th Ill., 2d, 3d, 12th, 15th, 17th, 24th Mo., and Phelps' Mo., 8th, 18th, and 22d Ind., 4th and 9th Iowa, 3d Iowa Cav., 3d and 15th Ill. Cav., 1st, 4th, 5th, and 6th Mo. Cav., Batteries B and F 2d Mo. Light Artil., 2d Ohio Battery, 1st Ind. Battery, Battery A 2d Ill. Artil. Confed., 1st, 2d Mo. State Guard, Greene's Brigade, 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th Mo., 4th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 19th, 21st, 22d Ark., 1st, 2d Ark. Mounted Rifles, 3d La., 3 Indian regiments, Wade's, Guibor's, Bledsoe's, Teel's, Clark's, MacDonald's, Hart's, Provence's, Gaines' and Good's batteries, 1st Mo. Cavalry, Shelby's Cavalry, 3d, 4th, 6th, 11th Tex. Cavalry. Losses: Union 203 killed, 972 wounded, 174 missing. Confed. 800 to 1,000 killed and wounded, 200 to 300 missing and captured (estimated). Union Brig.-Gen. Asboth
y opposite the Dunker church, it swept out over the cornfields. On it went, by Greene's right, through the West Woods; here it met the awful counter-stroke of Early'. About noon a section of Knap's battery was detached to the assistance of General Greene, in the East Woods. A regiment that fought at South Mountain — the thihurch (about half a mile to the left of the picture) and made two assaults upon Greene, but they were repulsed with great slaughter. General D. R. Jones, of Jackson'had fallen wounded. A flaming mansion was the guidon for the extreme left of Greene's division when (early in the morning) he had moved forward along the ridge lealines swaying to and fro, with fearful slaughter on both sides. At length, General Greene, who commanded a division of the fallen Mansfield's corps, gained possessioel. This was on high ground and was the key to the Confederate left wing. But Greene's troops were exposed to a galling fire from D. H. Hill's division and he calle
rges of the afternoon. Gettysburg: men who held Little Round Top: the Forty-fourth New York. Gettysburg: where the second day's attack ended Generals Early and Johnson. It was nearly sunset when he sent Early to attack Cemetery Hill. Early was repulsed after an hour's bloody and desperate hand-to-hand fight, in which muskets and bayonets, rammers, clubs, and stones were used. Johnson's attack on Culp's Hill was more successful. After a severe struggle of two or three hours General Greene, who alone of the Twelfth Corps remained on the right, succeeded, after reenforcement, in driving the right of Johnson's division away from its entrenchments, but the left had no difficulty in taking possession of the abandoned works of Geary and Ruger, now gone to Round Top and Rock Creek to assist the left wing. Thus closed the second day's battle at Gettysburg. The harvest of death had been frightful. The Union loss during the two days had exceeded twenty thousand men; the Confed
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Who burned Columbia?--a Review of General Sherman's version of the affair. (search)
laces by concert, of which notice was given with signal rockets; ninth, that Federal soldiers in large numbers aided in spreading the conflagration by brand, match and torch; tenth, that as to the cotton, General Beauregard on the 14th ordered Major Greene, commandant of the post, to have the cotton moved out of the warehouses to a place or places where it could be burned, if it should become necessary to burn it, without endangering the city, and that Major Greene, having no available transportMajor Greene, having no available transportation, placed the cotton in the broadest of the streets, as the best he could do under the circumstances; eleventh, that on the 16th, when General Hampton was assigned to duty at Columbus, he urged General Beauregard, his superior officer, to order that the cotton be not burned, that General Beuregard so ordered and that the order was issued by Captain Lowndes, Assistant Adjutant-General, from General Hampton's headquarters; twelfth, that all the fires that arose from the burning cotton during t