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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 100 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
n, Corporal J. L. Guinn, Private John D. Bradley, George Caldwell, J. M. Dake, J. M. Harvey, Wm. Hellen, J. W. Killingsworth, R. O. Maddox, J. M. Morris, Private Robert McEwen, Isham Walker, Taylor Walker, Robert English, James C. Garrett, Wm. R. Hopkins, J. D. Malone, James N. Marshall, A. P. Meadows, L. T. Meador, John Sheppard, Micajah Stone, Franklin Sherrill, J. A. Walder, Wm. H. Wicks. Co. D. Mus'n Chas. Tate, Private John Crowder, Private W. R. Grant, J. I. Rush. Co. E. Sergeant H. A. Burgoyne, J. F. Gilham, Private M. Gilday, M. Kinnard, Sergeant W. C. Dimmock, Corporal W. Bradley, Private W. J. Bennett, H. H. Butler, T. J. Cheshire, J. R. Driscole, W. J. Fox, A. Holman, Private R. B. Livingston, D. B. Knight, R. F. Putnam, C. R. Perkins, W. I. Slaughter, J. A. I. Sims, G. F. Wills, I. P. Labby. Co. F. Sergeant H. C. Briggs, Isaac W. Halland, J. Pendleton Rogers, Jos. T. Skillman, Corporal S. T. H
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Parole list of Engineer troops, Army of Northern Virginia, surrendered at Appomattox C. H., April 9th, 1865. (search)
laughter, James Meighan, George E. Pegram, H. B. Gwinn, James Cooper, Mark Wilkinson. Corporal—J. L. Guinn. Privates—John D. Bradley, George Caldwell, J. M. Duke, J. M. Harvey, William Hellen, J. A. Hillingsworth, R. O. Maddox, J. M. Morris, Robert McEwen, Isham Walker, Taylor Walker, Franklin Sherrill. Company D. H. C. Derrick, Captain. J. M. Beckham, Second Lieutenant. Sergeants—R. A. Boyd, W. H. Jordan, H. C. Beckham. Corporal—C. E. Scherer. Privates—John Crowder, W. R. Grant, J. S. Rush. Musician—Charles Tate. Note.—R. M. Sully, first lieutenant, detached and paroled at Greensboro, N. C. Company E. P. G. Scott, Lieutenant. Sergeants—H. A. Burgoyne, J. F. Gilham, W. C. Dimmock. Corporal—W. Bradley. Privates—J. W. Bennett, H. D. Butler, T. J. Cheshire, J. R. Driscoll, W. F. Fox, Augustus Holman, M. Gilday, M. Kinnard, R. B. Livingston, O. B. Knight, R. T. Putnam, C. R. Perkins, W. J. Slaughter, G. A. J. Sims, G. F. Wells, J. P.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.16 (search)
elay of at least one day disconcerted General Lee's plans, and gave Grant time to occupy the commanding ridge on which the railway is locateiety by saying that General Stuart had captured a dispatch from General Grant to General Ord, who was at Jetersville, ordering an attack earlt far distant from where he was waiting before his meeting with General Grant, and being told that it was the Engineer troops sent for me, aned the situation, saying that he felt it to be his duty to meet General Grant for the purpose of negotiating terms of surrender, and stoppingacrifice of life. While General Lee was waiting to hear from General Grant, a crowd was accumulating, including some Federals who had cometained until after General Lee returned from his interview with General Grant. This was the last military duty the Engineer troops were ordeand he kindly stopped to inform me of the terms of surrender and of Grant's promise to send rations, telling me to keep my command together a
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.19 (search)
men. The old Valley suffered much and long during the war. She was the battle ground for the contending armies. Her rich lands helped to feed the Confederates and her splendid barns were warehouses to supply forage. Sheridan, acting under Grant's order, determined to desolate this fair section, so that in the language of the instructions, a crow could not fly from one end to the other without carrying his rations. And right well did he carry out Grant's order. Several hundred of thoseGrant's order. Several hundred of those new barns were burned with all they contained. On three roads the barnburners went, and, by day, the smoke, like a funeral pall, hung overhead, and by night the lurid flames lit up the whole country. And these fiends were mercenary in their hellish work. Dividing into two parties, one would go before and ask the owner what he would give them not to burn his barn. Grasping at a straw, and not thinking of treachery, he would bring forth hidden treasure of gold and silver, and sometimes as hi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of Shiloh [from the New Orleans, la, Picayune, Sept., 25, 1904.] (search)
ion unless it could be defended and held. General Grant was at Cairo, and had there and at Paducahk, with troops at Cairo and Paducah, under Generals Grant and C. F. Smith, threatened Columbus, and enerals Floyd, Pillow and Buckner, to meet General Grant with a force of 25,000 troops. When, on Farching from Nashville with 37,000 men to join Grant, but who did not arrive until two days later. ed the movement and prepared to defeat it. General Grant's army in camp consisted of 58,000 men, 50e the battle a decisive one; to utterly defeat Grant, and if successful, to contend for the possesst attack by the Confederates the front line of Grant's army was driven from its position, exceptingon, when both divisions were driven back. General Grant arrived on the field at 8 A. M., and orders hastily assembled by General Webster, of General Grant's staff, posted on a ridge covering Pittsbneral Beauregard. At daylight on Monday General Grant attacked along the whole line, but was stu[11 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.38 (search)
ly some two hundred yards away; obscured they were, it is true, by the underbrush and in some cases by the contour of the land, but ready to push forward to the capture of the parked reserve artillery ammunition just behind us. General R. E. Lee appears. General Lee's headquarters were but a short distance away, and a few minutes would decide whether the grand Army of Northern Virginia, which had sent so many Federal generals to defeat, would fall before this first strong attack of General Grant. A moment later I noticed a quiet officer ride in front of our line. He was a large man on an iron gray horse, and had come up without retinue, even, I think, without a single staff officer or orderly. It was when he turned face towards us and with a silent gesture of extended arm pointed towards the enemy we recognized our idolized Lee. Already the bullets were zipping past, aimed chiefly at the struggling remnant of Johnson's division, that had been overwhelmed in the trenches. Wha
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.39 (search)
Carolina and around Petersburg. Under Hunton it had fought at second Cold Harbor and around Richmond, until late in June, when Pickett's Division (to which Hunton's Brigade belonged), was sent to the trenches around Petersburg, and fronting General Grant's army. For months after, although in feeble health, Colonel Carrington, with his regiment, stuck nobly to his duty, sometimes repelling assaults upon Lee's lines; at all times under fire and exposed to deadly peril. In August, 1864, Cowithstanding the difficulties and perils to which it was subjected, the 18th Virginia, under the efficient management of Colonel Carrington, was largely recruited, and became again one of the finest in the service. In the early spring of 1865, Grant's ever-increasing army broke the lines of Lee's ever-decreasing army, and then commenced that disastrous retreat which presaged the downfall of the Confederacy. At Five Forks, at Dinwiddie, at Farmville, at Sailor's Creek and to the end at fatef
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.41 (search)
driven from successive positions and pursued for some miles. On the other hand, Confederate writers have dismissed Cedar Creek as a victory thrown away in a disgraceful panic. While the battle was all of this, it was more. Held inextricably in Grant's powerful coils in front of the Confederate capital, and realizing that unless he could break the state of siege final defeat was only a question of time, General Lee sent Early with every man he could spare to effect a diversion on Washington, up the Valley. It was an unpromising venture at best, as out of his abundance Grant easily spared an ample force to overwhelm Early. Such as it was the chance was made absolutely desperate after the defeat at Winchester and Fisher's Hill. But circumstanced as he was General Lee could not forego the bare possibility of extrication from a fatal position. Thus he wrote to Early September 27th: I very much regret the reverses that have occurred, but trust they can be remedied. The return of Ke
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sherman's expedition from Vicksburg to Meridian, Feb. 3, to March 6, 1864 [from the New Orleans, la., Picayune, July 27, 1904.] (search)
me future time to penetrate the State and drive out any Confederate forces that might be found. During these operations the Confederate army lost 600 men in killed, wounded and missing. The Federal army lost 1,122. The occupation of Jackson by Grant's army in May, 1863, began the cruel side of the war in the wanton destruction of private as well as public property, which destruction was emphasized especially by General Sherman in all his campaigns to the close of the war. He reported July 18l Sherman's armies. Raymond, Jackson and Brandon had already felt the shock, and monumental chimneys for the most part marked their former locations. In the meantime General Sherman had carried most of his army to east Tennessee to assist General Grant in his operations against the Confederate army under General Bragg. He returned to Memphis January 10, 1864, and began at once to prepare an army to go into Mississippi from Vicksburg as far as Meridian, or Demopolis, Ala. His first step was
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Shenandoah. (search)
would rise again. In short, it was all day. We went up as far as Gifinski and Tansk bays, but could not enter for ice, from fifteen to thirty feet thick. Frequent captures were made, and the smoke of the burning vessels made landmarks against the skies. News of the surrender. It was now in the middle of summer, and on June 23d Waddell captured two whalers which had left San Francisco in April, and had on board papers of April 17th, in which was found the correspondence between General Grant and General Lee, and a statement of the surrender at Appomattox, but the same papers also contained President Davis's proclamation from Danville, declaring that Lee's surrender would only cause the prosecution of the war with renewed vigor. How harrowing must have been the news to these daring Confederates, then amid the floes of ice in the Polar ocean! But they were men of nerve. Whittle says: We felt that the South had sustained great reverses; but at no time did we feel a m