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General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant 374 0 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir 360 0 Browse Search
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General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 22 (search)
ecome so intense regarding Thomas's delay that Grant became more anxious than ever to have prompt aas throwing the entire responsibility upon General Grant, and really censuring him in its criticism yet when severe measures were to be taken General Grant was promptly informed that he must assume t now reach him before the coming battle. General Grant replied to General Thomas, at 7:30 P. M. t right. That night Thomas telegraphed to both Grant and Halleck, explaining his condition, and say continued. Still no attack was made, and General Grant curbed his impatience, and hoped to hear fers at City Point. Logan had served under General Grant in the West, and held a high place in his for the West. It was now December 14; and General Grant, being still more exercised in mind over tuch discussion in regard to the actions of General Grant and General Thomas during the two weeks prrike, and not because he doubted him. When General Grant made his report of the operations, he stat[19 more...]
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 23 (search)
oast Butler's expedition against Fort Fisher Grant's children at City Point Upon the return of, who had been an intimate acquaintance of Generals Grant and Ingalls when these two officers were srtist as a raconteur. One evening he told General Grant of a trip he had made on the Pacific coaste took it all in good part. In discussing General Grant's popularity, Butler remarked: Grant firste men to the fatigue of marching by land. General Grant said this would be the plan unless Shermanwritten by Sherman, saying his army could join Grant before the middle of January if sent on transpexpected to take Savannah meanwhile. When General Grant visited the capital he consulted as to thember 8 General Butler had come over to see General Grant at headquarters, and said that as his trooght to explain the causes of the failure. General Grant expressed himself very positively on the sIt was found that the written orders which General Grant had given to General Butler to govern the [11 more...]
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 24 (search)
ves the peace commissioners As soon as General Grant obtained accurate information in regard toTerry was ready to proceed to Fort Monroe, and Grant accompanied him down the James River for the pis to go out and fight it. On January 4 General Grant had written to the Secretary of War askingld not make the attempt; and the general and Mrs. Grant retired to their sleeping-apartment, orders fter matters had so quieted down that the general-in-chief and Mrs. Grant retired to finish their in I have continued the habit ever since. General Grant never mentioned, however, one incident in. On the morning of the 31st of January General Grant received a letter sent in on the Petersburd, and they came at once to headquarters. General Grant was writing in his quarters when a knock cPoint and having another conversation with General Grant, principally in reference to an exchange ouch about it. He spoke freely in regard to General Grant, saying: We all form our preconceived idea[31 more...]
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 25 (search)
n hand. In the latter part of January, General Grant went with Schofield down the coast, and refrom which the impression was derived that General Grant would not refuse to see him if he had authlution of that matter might be arrived at. General Grant, not being vested with any authority whate, and that this contemplated interview between Grant and Lee was to be the opening feature. Jeffers. Longstreet, who had been an old friend of Mrs. Grant, visit her at City Point, and after that to ning men catch at straws. It was seen that Grant, by his operations, was rapidly forcing the fi was in attendance, and at the suggestion of Mrs. Grant a dance was now improvised. The officers sourne was assigned quarters in camp next to General Grant. The next day was Sunday. The congressma of the mess sat down to dinner about dark. Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Rawlins, who was also visiting headin making up for lost sleep. The next day General Grant made all preparation for sending supplies [13 more...]
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 26 (search)
d the enemy President Lincoln's last visit to Grant Grant's foresight attack on Fort Stedman th every day drawing nearer to its doom. General Grant's only anxiety now was to prevent the escal blow to the Confederacy. On March 20 General Grant had telegraphed the President: Can you notrnes, an accomplished officer of the navy. Grant, with his usual foresight, had predicted that had arrived by steamer at City Point, and General Grant suggested to him that he had better remainn Robert, who carried the news to him. General Grant, with his usual aggressiveness, telegraphe Point at eleven o'clock. At breakfast General Grant said to me: I shall accompany the Presiden him. I wish you would take Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Grant to the reviewing-ground in our headquarters back as a mounted escort to Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Grant. This added a special charm to the scene, atill midnight. Neither the President nor General Grant joined, even in a square dance, but sat in[13 more...]
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 27 (search)
rman at City Point amusing Colloquy between Mrs. Grant and Sherman meeting of Sherman and Sheridaner the interview had continued nearly an hour, Grant said to Sherman: I'm sorry to break up this eneneral-in-chiefs hut. I was there talking to Mrs. Grant at the time. She, with her usual thoughtfulan. Well, you are a pretty pair! exclaimed Mrs. Grant. I do not see how you could have been so neg exclaimed Sherman, casting a sly glance at Mrs. Grant. I'm not so sure about that, Sherman, said tly at this way of putting it, and said: Now, Mrs. Grant, let me examine you, and I can soon tell wheas not well, and asking us to excuse her. General Grant afterward told us the particulars of the ig one good story from him before parting. General Grant was telling him about the numerous ingeniohim out. Ingalls said his tent was vacant, and Grant and Sheridan entered it and had a talk there, est of that place. Lee had been as prompt as Grant to recognize Five Forks, the junction of five [35 more...]
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 28 (search)
The movement against five Forks the battle of five Forks carrying the news of five Forks to Grant Grant Prepares to assault the Petersburg lines capturing the works at Petersburg Grant Writespatches under fire capture of forts Gregg and Whitworth Early the next morning (April 1) General Grant said to me: I wish you would spend the day with Sheridan's command, and send me a bulletin eA few minutes before noon Colonel Babcock came over from headquarters, and said to Sheridan: General Grant directs me to say to you that if, in your judgment, the Fifth Corps would do better under onion commanders, you are authorized to relieve General Warren and order him to report to him [General Grant] at headquarters. General Sheridan replied in effect that he hoped such a step as that mighched headquarters at Dabney's Mill before the arrival of the last courier I had despatched. General Grant was sitting, with most of the staff about him, before a blazing camp-fire. He wore his blue
is future chief by the familiar nick-name of Sam Grant. Long afterward, during the Wilderness camparters with the news that Hancock was routed. Grant was seated on the ground whittling a stick; he In the march from Cold Harbor to the James, Grant's headquarters came up with Hancock at the poiccord. There was no assumption on the part of Grant, and the feeling of camaraderie was perfect. t a vacancy among the major-generals, to which Grant promptly nominated Hancock, who thus received Washington before he went to New Orleans, and Grant, who was now convinced that Johnson's course wk proceeded to New Orleans against the wish of Grant, determined to carry out Johnson's policy, whiach supposed the other had been discourteous. Grant was told that Hancock came to his headquartersWhen Hancock was nominated for the Presidency, Grant, in the privacy of his own house at Galena, utthough they had not been meant for the public, Grant could not and would not disavow them when the [13 more...]
Grant and Catacazy. in the first year of Grant's Presidency, Mr. Constantine de Catacazy was od will, and asked for a copy of my History of Grant, which he wanted to have translated into Russibelieve him? From which it may be judged that Grant had begun to fathom the character of the pleni only foreign minister who wanted to translate Grant's history when he was President, and afterwardhe United States. Years after this when General Grant went to Europe, it was thought that the fe87, Mr. Boker wrote to me: I did advise General Grant against going to Russia, because on my pretisfaction. You may remember that I saw General Grant in London while you were there. He informed that the Czar would be happy to receive General Grant. An interview was arranged; the General wster's aid. Alexander seemed very curious, General Grant told me, to know how an American Presidentreedom from forms which showed that he thought Grant's position almost, if not quite, on a level wi[6 more...]
g occasions. They met for the first time when Grant visited Washington to receive his commission ap at the south end of the great East Room; and Grant, all suffused, looked like a lion at bay, as tgh he did not often attempt a pun. Prior to Grant's arrival at the East, the reorganization of tonform to the terms which he had proposed; and Grant himself was still in harmony with the Presidename the objects of Johnson's hostility. But Grant stood by Sickles as he did by Sheridan. When tion. It is within my personal knowledge that Grant particularly desired that Sickles should accepas Minister to Spain. In all this arrangement Grant took the liveliest interest. I have explaind General Rawlins in regard to the policy that Grant should pursue toward Spain. While Rawlins was person to London and explain the situation to Grant. For Thiers took it as certain that Grant's send the summer in Switzerland and Germany. General Grant accordingly changed his plans, and in a da[37 more...]