Browsing named entities in John G. Nicolay, A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln, condensed from Nicolay and Hayes' Abraham Lincoln: A History. You can also browse the collection for S. Grant or search for S. Grant in all documents.

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eventeen heavy and forty-eight field guns. If Grant could have marched immediately to an attack ofrcements, and these arrived in time to restore Grant's advantage in numbers. Serious disagreemers to agree on terms of capitulation. To this Grant responded with a characteristic spirit of deteck: You have Fort Donelson safe, unless Grant shall be overwhelmed from outside; to prevent ah on the Tennessee River under the command of Grant; and, now that he had superior command, directch, and through the unexplained inattention of Grant, the Union armies narrowly escaped a serious donfederate commander General Johnston. General Grant was therefore greatly surprised on the morncertainty of Buell's successful junction with Grant, Halleck must have received tidings of the finmmand of the whole himself, and nominally made Grant second in command. Practically, however, he ls totally unfit for a commander in the field. Grant had undoubtedly been careless in not providing[17 more...]