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or empire with ambition. General Johnston said that he felt the lesson as a distinct rebuke to his avarice and rapacity; the plans he had built upon success vanished; and he learned that world-wide renown as a marble-player was merely vanity and vexation of spirit. Mr. J. S. Chambers, writing in January, 1873, says: He was six or seven years my senior, yet I remember him with great distinctness. He was my beau-ideal of a manly, handsome boy. He went to school for several years to James Grant, about one mile and a half west of Washington. Hie was active and energetic in the athletic games of the period, and fond of hunting on Saturdays, and always stood well in his classes, having a special talent for mathematics. He was grave and thoughtful in his deportment, but, when drawn out, talked well, and was considered by his associates and teachers as a boy of fine capacity. When he was nearly fifteen years of age his father yielded to his wishes, and sent him to a school in
r a while Mary came to us, too, and remained the tutelar goddess of the garden. Her name became a household word. Whether Mary would approve, was a question my husband playfully asked, when he liked the arrangement of the drawingrooms. Mrs. James Grant lived in another fine old house next door to us, and with her we formed a lasting friendship, which was testified on her part by every neighborly attention that kind consideration could suggest. If Mr. Davis came riding up the street with General Lee, and their staff officers clattering after them, Mrs. Grant heard them and sent some dainty which her housewifely care had prepared, or fruit from her farm on the outskirts of Richmond. If our children were ill, she came full of hope and kind offices to cheer us by her good sense and womanly tenderness. The very sight of her handsome face brought comfort to our hearts. She fed the hungry, visited the sick, clothed the naked, showed mercy to the wicked, and her goodness, like the ci
ch 10th, with the design to mass the forces of Grant and Buell against the Confederate forces under Johnston and Beauregard at Corinth. General Grant assembled his army at Pittsburg Landing on Marcn intended, it was not too much to expect that Grant's army would have surrendered; that Buell's fot, had the attack been vigorously pressed, General Grant and his army would before the setting of t Upon the bluff overlooking the landing, General Grant was met, moody and silent, and at that mom in the stream or in the act of disembarking. Grant told Ammen that he wanted him to support thating between the trees, took the head of one of Grant's orderlies off, shot away the saddle from unwed a total of 40,335. The effective force of Grant's army was 49,314; reinforcements of Buell, 21ederates killed, wounded, and missing, 10,699; Grant's army, April 6th, 11,220, leaving for duty onnding. A reorganization was made in which General Grant's divisions formed the right wing; those o[2 more...]
nt and was repulsed. In January, 1863, General Grant landed at Young's Point on the Mississippit Holly Springs by General Van Dorn frustrated Grant's plan of operations, and he retreated to Mempudicious. Can be readily concentrated against Grant's army. When he reached Jackson, learning mostly field pieces, were placed in position. Grant's army appeared before the city on the 18th. ion of an ordinary siege. On May 25th, General Grant telegraphed General Halleck at Washington:that the troops he had at his disposal against Grant amounted to 24,000, not including Jackson's ca those who were fighting far and near. General Grant telegraphed to Washington, on June 8th, Viforce which would make this army fit to oppose Grant, would involve yielding Tennessee. It is for capitulation, and the city surrendered to General Grant on July 4th. On May 9, 1864, General Pem a lieutenant-colonelcy of artillery. General Grant immediately telegraphed to Washington. Th[1 more...]
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 42: President Davis's letter to General Johnston after the fall of Vicksburg. (search)
ou in which you stated that, on the arrival of certain reinforcements, then on the way, you would have about 23,000; that Penberton could be saved only by beating Grant; and you added, unless you can promise more troops we must try with that number. The odds against us will be very great. Can you add seven thousand? My reply ted that the last infantry coming leave Montgomery to-night. When they arrive I shall have about twenty-three thousand. Pemberton can be saved only by beating Grant. Unless you can promise more troops we must try with that number. The odds against us will be very great. Can you add 7,000? I asked for another Major-Generarom that Department, after having been informed by the Executive that no more could be spared. To take from Bragg a force which would make this army fit to oppose Grant would involve yielding Tennessee. It is for the Government to decide between this State and Tennessee. June 16, 1863. to the President: Your despatch of 15
is army along Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain, and planned to drive Rosecrans out of Chattanooga, or to starve him into surrender. In this situation, General Grant was assigned to the command in Tennessee. On October 23d he arrived at Chattanooga. By his own report he found Rosecrans practically invested. Army supplies had to be hauled over almost impassable roads for sixty to seventy miles. The artillery horses and mules were starving. Grant's first movement was to supply the army by a shorter route, and to that end he captured Lookout Mountain. The Confederate force, rendered weaker by detaching Longstreet to Knoxville, was overpowered by its multitudinous assailants, and after a bloody battle retreated during the night toward Tunnel Hill. General Grant pursued but a short distance beyond Chattanooga. This disaster depressed the hopes of the Confederates greatly; misfortunes had of late crowded so thick upon them. General Bragg felt, like Sidney John
he spring campaign of 1864. On May 4th General Grant began his march. It was doubtless expe this vast army, but he, on the contrary, gave Grant such a blow in the Wilderness that he was compces and reform behind their intrenchments. Grant's next move was to gain possession of Spottsyltured and recaptured salient. Although General Grant's army was still so strong that, after covnforcements. On the night of May 20th, General Grant again moved away in the direction of Hanov threw up a light intrenchment of earth, which Grant assaulted all along the line. The assault was refused to advance. After this battle General Grant gyrated toward the James River, below Richim from the Wilderness to Cold Harbor. General Grant received 51,000 additional men during the e comment upon the choice of route made by General Grant. General McClellan, two years before, had losses. To attain the same point had cost General Grant a frightful number of lives. Nor could it[4 more...]
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 53: battle of Drury's Bluff, May 16, 1864. (search)
Chapter 53: battle of Drury's Bluff, May 16, 1864. Grant's plan of campaign was, if he should be unable to defeat Lee, or fail to take Richmond, to cross the James River below Richmond, and possess himself of Petersburg, cut off the supplies f main body of his own force, together with the detachment from General Lee's army, that he should join General Lee, crush Grant, and march to Washington. Mr. Davis, in Rise and Fall. The following is the communication alluded to above. Conousand men to unite with Breckenridge and fall upon the enemy's flank with over twenty thousand effectives-thus rendering Grant's defeat certain and decisive; and in time to enable General Beauregard to return, with a reinforcement from General Lee,can be effected, and the picture presented is one of starvation. Without it General Lee must eventually fall back before Grant's heavy reinforcements, and the view presented merely anticipates this movement for offensive purposes. Meantime it is i
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 45: exchange of prisoners and Andersonville. (search)
mber of prisoners was large on both sides, General Lee wrote to General Grant substantially as follows: To alleviate the sufferings ofr upon the basis established by the cartel. On the next day General Grant replied: I could not of right accept your proposition furs, are not considered subjects of exchange. On October 20th, General Grant finally answered: I regard it my duty to protect all pean equal number of prisoners held by us. In a despatch from General Grant to General Butler, August 18, 1864, the former had said: I In the official report of General B. F. Butler, he said: General Grant visited Fortress Monroe on April 1, 1864. To him the state of nged until further orders from him. After conversation with General Grant in reply to the proposition of Mr. Ould to exchange all prisoney the same generous rule. Here is a significant letter from General Grant to Halleck. City Point, Va., February 18, 1865. Your commun
body of 800 of the enemy, who had been sent by Grant, under General Read, to destroy the bridge at e is nothing left but for me to go and see General Grant. And a flag of truce was raised to suspeneral Lee's appearance when he rode off to see Grant: He was in full uniform, with handsome embroidlonel Miller Owen; In Camp and Battle. Generals Grant and Lee met at the farmhouse of Mr. McLean I am determined to maintain to the last. General Grant replied, I have no idea of proposing disho made of the paper by Colonel Marshall and General Grant's secretary. While this was being done, Generals Grant and Lee exchanged a few words of civility, and the Federal generals who were preseng bearing upon the surrender was said. General Grant having signed his note, General Lee conferted afterward, was between 26,000 and 27,000. Grant's army numbered 162,239.t In connection with tnd that the letter was immediately sent to General Grant. In answer to some doubt expressed by Gen[3 more...]