om Artillery, not before reported.
W. A. Terry, Price's company, McIntosh's regiment, teamster, detailed from Artillery, not before reported.
Mich'l Basil, Letcher's company, Pegram's regiment, teamster, detailed from Artillery, not before reported.
Jos. Walters, Dickenson's company, King's regiment, artificer, detailed from Artillery.
not before reported.
James Hackett, Letcher's company, Pegram's regiment, guard, detailed from Artillery, not before reported.
Wm. W. Collins, Grandy's company, Richardson's regiment, guard, detailed from Artillery, not before reported.
J. C. Aycock, Co. C, Lane's regiment, guard, detailed from Artillery, not before reported.
Wm. H. Selbry, Donald's company, McIntosh's regiment, guard, detailed from Artillery, not before reported.
I certify that the above is a correct report of all men employed under my charge, now present for duty.
I have also under my charge 16 (sixteen) Negroes—slaves in public service.
[13] H. C. Thorbur
W. C., 394.
Goolrick, Ass't Surg.
P., 190.
Gordon, Gen. J. B., XIII, 183; Division of, 212.
Gordon, Lt. W. A, 467.
Goree, Lt. T. J, 69.
Gower, Lt. J. W., 177.
Gould, Lt. B. E., 313.
Gouldin, Lt. Col., J. Milton, 73.
Gott, Surg. L. E., 246.
Graham, Capt. A., 16,33; Battery of, 59, 60.
Graham, Ass't Surg.
D. L. M., 359.
Graham, Capt J. A., 275.
Graham, Mai J. A., 12.
Graham, Adj't N. A., 253.
Graham, Capt. R., 424.
Granberry, Missionary Rev. J. C., 72.
Grandy's Artillery, 45, 455, 465.
Grant, U. S. A, Gen. U. S., , III; correspondence of with Gen Lee, VII et seq.; appearance of, XIV.
Grattan, Lt. J. F., 13, 49.
Graves, C. S Navy, J. D., 450.
Gray, Surg. H. V., 13, 49.
Gray, Lt. J C., 441.
Green's Battery, 21.
Green, Lt. A. W., 262
Green, Surg. B. F, 275.
Green, Capt. C. W., 17.
Green, Capt. F. W., 70.
Green, Ass't Surg.
H. D., 177.
Green, Lt. J. F ,94.
Green, Corporal J. L., 28.
Green, Maj J. W. 71.
Green, Lt. J