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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 19: operations in winter and Spring, 1862-63. (search)
return until late in May. The growing timber on the range of hills which had constituted our line of defence at the battle of Fredericksburg had been almost entirely cut down during the winter to construct tents, and furnish firewood for Hood's division, and there were left only a few scattering trees on the hills and a thin skirt in front. Shortly after my removal, General Jackson, whose headquarters had been below, near Moss Neck, removed also to the vicinity of Hamilton's Crossing. Brigadier General J. B. Gordon, who had been Colonel of the 6th Alabama Regiment in Rodes' brigade, D. H. Hill's division, and very severely wounded at Sharpsburg, was assigned in April to the command of Lawton's brigade, which took his name. There was perfect quiet along the river front until the night of the 28th of April, though Fitz. Lee's brigade of Stuart's cavalry had a fight with the enemy at Kelley's Ford in Culpeper in March, and there was another affair with the cavalry in April.
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 20: battle of Chancellorsville. (search)
to the Telegraph road) on the line, as well as Gordon's regiments, when they arrived. By obtainimergency that might present itself. I had met Gordon with his three regiments immediately after lean was to advance along the Telegraph road with Gordon's brigade in line in front, followed by Andrewnd at Downman's house a battery of artillery. Gordon threw out his skirmishers and made preparationon them and soon drove them off up the ridge. Gordon then made a dash across the run and after a sh I threw it across Hazel Run to the support of Gordon, the batteries from the Stafford Heights openi's and Downmann's houses and those threatening Gordon's flank, the enemy's battery-at Downman's houswas therefore evidently taken by surprise, but Gordon's advance, which was so handsomely made, beinge hill beyond and above the Alum Spring Mill. Gordon's and Smith's brigades had taken position in tar either of the other two divisions engaged. Gordon's progress was also arrested by the approach o[15 more...]
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 21: invasion of Pennsylvania. (search)
on the various battlefields. There was a very great deficiency in shoes for the infantry, a large number of the men being indifferently shod, and some barefooted. A like deficiency existed in regard to the equipment of the men in other respects, the supply of clothing, blankets, etc., being very limited. On the 11th of June, Ewell's corps resumed the march, taking the road from the lower Shenandoah Valley across the Blue Ridge at Chester Gap. Johnson's division, followed by mine, moved on the road by Sperryville, and Little Washington through the gap, and Rodes' division on a road further to the right through the same gap. Late in the day of the 12th, my division reached Front Royal, Rodes' and Johnson's having preceded it, crossing both forks of the Shenandoah near that place. Two of my brigades, Hoke's and Smith's, were crossed over both of the forks that night. Hays' and Gordon's and Jones' artillery with the division trains remained on the east side of the South Branch.
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 22: capture of Winchester. (search)
on the ridge to his left. I immediately moved Gordon's brigade over the same route Hays' brigade hahad got up and cleared the ridge on his left. Gordon advanced handsomely, as directed, encounteringtime, advanced to the front, thus coming up on Gordon's left after the latter had reached the Valley pike. As soon as Hays and Gordon were both in motion, Hoke's and Smith's brigades were advanced toe steep ascent to the hill on the other side. Gordon formed his brigade in line across the Valley pake position with his battalion of infantry on Gordon's right, which extended across the Valley pikeon the morning of the 14th, I ordered Hays and Gordon to advance each a regiment across the creek to but were looking intently in the direction of Gordon's position, against which a gradual advance waoad for the purpose of taking up the pursuit. Gordon had advanced at light, as ordered, and finding 144 wounded, total 174, all but one killed and six wounded being from Hays' and Gordon's brigades. [6 more...]
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 23: at York and Wrightsville. (search)
otomac, to which place Johnson's division, and Gordon's brigade, Hays' brigade and three regiments org. I then rode to Gettysburg, and finding Gordon in possession of the town, Hays was halted andhe militia, and these were taken and issued to Gordon's brigade. The cars, ten or twelve in number,g that road to York, burning all the bridges. Gordon was ordered to move at the same time along the it should be defended. The information which Gordon had received was that there were no troops in or and other citizens of York came out to meet Gordon and surrender the town, which he entered earlyo had then marched a little over twenty miles. Gordon pursued as rapidly as possible, but, on gettin also consumed. When these houses caught fire Gordon formed his brigade around them and by the exerere was no other means of crossing the river. Gordon was therefore ordered to return to York early ospitals and those captured at Wrightsville by Gordon were paroled. Some cars found in the town wer[9 more...]
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 24: battle of Gettysburg. (search)
artillery forward and the brigades into line. Gordon's brigade being in front formed first in line On the opposite bank of this creek in front of Gordon was a heavy force of the enemy, on a low ridgea low ridge in the open field. I then rode to Gordon's position and, finding that the line confrontroved to be, yet I thought it best to send General Gordon with his brigade out on that road, to take ridge close to the base of Cemetery Hill. Gordon was still retained on the York road with his oy's left at four o'clock P. M., I directed General Gordon to move his brigade to the railroad on thed, immediately up the hill in their front, and Gordon to advance to the position then occupied by th four battle flags captured on Cemetery Hill. Gordon's brigade had advanced to the position from whing Hays and Godwin, who had taken position on Gordon's left and right, respectively, were withdrawn in line on the street first occupied by Hays, Gordon being left to hold the position in front. Dur[6 more...]
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 25: retreat to Virginia. (search)
was ordered to accompany me. I waited on the Fairfield road until it had been cleared by the rest of the army, including the other two divisions of Ewell's corps, and then in the afternoon moved off slowly in rear of the army and all the trains, Gordon, followed by White's battalion, bringing up my rear. On arriving in sight of Fairfield, which is situated near the eastern base of South Mountain on a wide low plain or valley surrounded by commanding hills, I found the wagon trains blocked ud I opened with shell on it. The enemy's battery replied to mine, and Fairfield was soon cleared of wagons, as the teamsters and wagon masters found it more convenient to comply with this inducement to travel than my orders and solicitations. Gordon deployed his brigade and sent out the 26th Georgia Regiment as skirmishers to dislodge the enemy's advance, which it did after a sharp skirmish, and a loss of seven wounded. This regiment was then ordered to be withdrawn, and I moved the division
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 27: on the Rapidan. (search)
ains said to be moving on the road across the run in the direction of Bristow. Gordon's brigade being in front was formed in line facing the run and he was directed r brigades came up and were formed. While I was hurrying these brigades up, Gordon seeing some cavalry on the opposite hills made a rapid advance across the run asuing it towards Brentsville. When the other brigades were brought up, I found Gordon unexpectedly gone, and I moved to the run, expecting to find him there, but he es in line across the railroad facing towards Bristow Station, and sent to find Gordon, for the purpose of moving against the force behind the railroad at the stationording to instructions I had received from General Lee. After a time one of Gordon's staff officers came up with the information that he was facing a heavy cavalrire easily, and that there was a very large train of wagons about Brentsville. Gordon's brigade was more than one-third of my division, and with the other brigades I
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 28: devastation of the country. (search)
dvance of the rest of the division, came up, and I sent them across the river, under command of Colonel Godwin, to the support of Hays. General Lee directed me to send no more troops across the river, but retain the others on the south side, and Gordon was moved to the right to occupy a hill further down the river, while Pegram's brigade was formed in line in rear of the hill occupied by Graham's and Dance's batteries, the 31st Virginia being sent to occupy the rifle trenches at the gun pits onho had made his escape, and that the greater part of his brigade was captured, the enemy in possession of the works, and Godwin cut off from the bridge. Pegram's brigade was then hurried up to the bridge to prevent the enemy from crossing and Gordon's was sent for, information of the disaster being sent to General Lee at once. Godwin's regiments had not yet been captured, and I had the mortification of seeing the flashes of their rifles, and hearing their capture without being able to rende
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 31: from the Rapidan to the James. (search)
e, and Hill's corps on the Plank Road; into which latter road Longstreet's force also came, from his camp near Gordonsville. Ewell's corps, to which my division belonged, crossed Mine Run, and encamped at Locust Grove, four miles beyond, on the afternoon of the 4th. When the rest of the corps moved, my division and Ramseur's brigade of Rodes' division were left to watch the fords of the Rapidan, until relieved by cavalry. As soon as this was done, I moved to the position occupied by the rest of the corps, carrying Ramseur with me. Ewell's corps contained three divisions of infantry, to wit: Johnson's, Rodes' and my own (Early's). At this time one of my brigades (Hoke's) was absent, having been with Hoke in North Carolina; and I had only three present, to wit: Hays', Pegram's and Gordon's. One of Rodes' brigades (R. D. Johnston's) was at Hanover Junction. I had about 4,000 muskets for duty; Johnson about the same number; and Rodes (including Johnston's brigade) about 6,000.