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be armed, and not allow him to communicate with any person. When not on duty these gentlemen shall be comfortably quartered in Huntsville, but not allowed to communicate with any one without leave from these headquarters. The soldiers detailed for guard of this character will report to these headquarters for further instructions upon the day preceding their tour of duty at three o'clock P. M. --Special Order No. 54. certain non-conscripts of Richmond, Va., through their counsel, John H. Gilmer, respectfully presented to the confederate States Congress a remonstrance against the conscription law of the rebel government. At a banquet given by the Mayor of Sheffield, England, to the corporation of that town, several distinguished guests were present, and among them were Lord Palmerston and Mr. Roebuck, M. P. for the borough. Lord Palmerston, in his after-dinner speech, took occasion to refer to the American war. He said: The Government had thought it their duty to advise
Political. --A discussion will take place tonight at Metropolitan Hall, between James Lyons and John H. Gilmer, Esqs. The Bell and Everett party will be addressed in their Club House by Hon. John S. Pendleton, of Culpeper county.
A Discussion took place at Metropolitan Hall, on Wednesday night, between Mr. John H. Gilmer, (Douglas,) and Mr. J. M. Kemper, (Breckinridge.) Both excited themselves well in behalf of their leaders, and all parties were satisfied.
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.charge of inciting Rebellion — Military Matters, &c. Pittsylvania C.H.,Va., Oct. 30th. Our Circuit Court is now in session, his Honor Judge Gilmer presiding, and has just fairly commenced upon a large docket, upon which there are, all told, over five hundred cases. The Grand Jury is now in session, and is doing a big business. To-day an indictment was found against a man named Dodson, for advising and inciting negroes in this State to rebel and make insurrection. He was examined last night, and the proof was as follows, almost verbatim: Dodson was overheard to tell negroes in their cabin at a late hour of the night, "that the children of Israel were in greater bondage than they, (i.e., the negroes,) and that they threw off the yoke of slavery by themselves; that the negroes of St. Domingo had overpowered their masters and set themselves free, and that if they (the negroes of Virginia) would only be determined, and show that they w
Political. --The discussion between Messrs. Lyons and Gilmer, at Metropolitan Hall, was listened to by a large audience. The headquarters of the Breckinridge Democracy will be open to-day and Monday for the enrollment of voters. Hon. John S. Pendleton addressed the Bell and Everett party at the Club House on Thursday night. His speech is pronounced an able one by those who heard it. --The Bell and Everett Club of Manchester will be addressed to-night by Messrs. Crane and Burwell. The Commissioners, Conductors, and Clerks, appointed to serve at the election next Tuesday, are requested to meet at the office of the City Sergeant, on Monday afternoon, at 4½ o'clock. Hon. D. C. Dejarnette will address the people of Henrico, at the Court-House, on Monday.
Correction. -- I am informed that it is still asserted that I was the author of the editorial from the Whig, which was read by Gen. Kemper in our discussion on Wednesday evening, and that it was signed by me. It is not true that I wrote the article. I so stated at the moment, and supposed all heard me. Gen. Kemper did not assert that I was the author. I dislike these personal explanations, but it is now rendered necessary by the misrepresentations busily circulated. In conclusion, I say that any one who asserts that I was the author of that piece or who asserts that at any time, in any way, or to any one. I have ever uttered or written anything adverse to Judge Douglas, asserts that which is utterly and absolutely untrue. no 3-- 1t John H. Gilmer.
Notice. --The Commissioners, Conductors and Clerks who have been appointed to conduct the Presidential Election on Tuesday next, will meet at the office of Thomas U. Dudley, in the City Hall, on Monday Evening, at 4½ o'clock, for the purpose of taking the oaths and making the necessary arrangements for conducting the election. N. B. Hill, Com'rs. G. A. Myers, Com'rs. no 3--2t J. H. Gilmer, Com'rs.
Nomination for the Convention. --At a meeting of Douglas men of Jefferson Ward, last night, in the hall near the corner of 17th street, John Pritchard Chairman, and John K. Martin Secretary, John H. Gilmer was nominated as a candidate for the State Convention, and a committee appointed to "inform the conservative men of other parties"of the nomination, and to invite their concurrence in the formation of a conservative ticket, in which they will designate their selections for the other two candidates to be elected from this city.
The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], James Lyons, Esq., a candidate for the Convention for Henrico County. (search)
the Convention by presenting a candidate. This is proper. I only wish an abler and more enlightened man than myself could have received the nomination. It is a fact undisputed, that the honor, never before enjoyed by the Opposition, of securing the electoral vote of this State, was attributable entirely to the "Douglas men," Why, then, should they be now overlooked, in the very first effort at conservative action, rendered necessary by the recent Presidential election? I will do all in my power to see that your rights are properly respected and duly considered. I accept with diffidence in my own abilities, but with an honest and grateful heart, the important trust you have reposed in me, and have only to say, in addition to what I expressed in my recent letter to you, that I am seriously in favor of referring the action of the Convention back to the people, for their revision. Very respectfully, your fellow-citizen, John H. Gilmer. Richmond, January 25, 1861. ja 26--1t
Rallying the people. --The two popular wings — the conservative and the secession — held meetings last night, the first-named at the African Church, and the last at the Mechanics' Institute. Addresses were delivered upon the great topic of the day, with a view to the election next Monday. The Douglas party held a meeting at Schad's Hall on Thursday night, and nominated Marmaduke Johnson, John M. Botts, and John H. Gilmer, for the State Conventio