's, 184.
Botta, Prof., speaks on Aristotle, 408.
Boutwell, Gov. George S., attends Mrs. Howe's lecture in Washington, 309.
Bowery The, 22; in Rome, 131,132; his Constitution of Man, 133.
Combe, Mrs. George (Cecilia Siddons), anecdote of, 132.
Commonwealth, The 252.
ans exposition, 395; goes abroad with her mother, 410.
Ellis, Rev. George E., lectures on the Rhode Island Indians, 407.
Elssler, Fannyts of America, 5.
Grote, George, the historian, 93.
Grote, Mrs. George (Harriet Lewin), somewhat grotesque, 93.
Guizot, M., prime mi206.
Landseer, Sir, Edwin, at the Rogers dinner, 99.
Lane, Prof. George M., 402.
Lansdowne, Marquis of, his courtesy to the Howes, 10s, 228; sees the Howes and Parkers off for Cuba, 231.
Ripley, Mrs. George (Sophia Dana), 296.
Ripley, Mary, speaks at the woman's congramuel (Medora Grimes), married, 69.
Ward, William, 19.
Waring, Col. George E., 404.
Washington, Samuel Ward in, 72; Charles Sumner's res