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The Yankee retreat from Jackson The Northern news published by us yesterday morning of the retreat of the Yankees under Grant from Jackson, Mississippi, is confirmed by our own Southern telegraph this morning. They left precipitately, after doing what harm they could, and of course stealing what could be conveniently carried off.--The retreat was no doubt superinduced by the movements of Gen- Johnston on the chessboard. Grant is said to have retreated towards Vicksburg. The language of Southwestern telegraphs is mysterious generally, and we do not lay much stress upon phraseology which sometimes involves consequential suggestions, for the telegrapher does not mean anything by it. It is usually a mere blundering way of stating things. We take it that Grant has simply put off upon the speediest out to the Mississippi, which is through Raymond, whence he came, and down the Big Black river, That stream lies between Jackson and Vicksburg. If he retreats to avoid Johnston's strat
ebels to reach Vicksburg in time to command in the coming battle. They believe themselves competent to hold the city against Grant, but think that, it Vicksburg falls, their hopes of a Southern Confederacy are dashed forever. From West Virginia we learn that Floyd is moving forward at the head of ten thousand men to reinforce Jones and Imboden, with a view to advance upon the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at some point between New Creek and Wheeling. Energetic measures have been taken by Gen-Kelly to rid West Virginia of the prowling bandits who have infested the mountains and valleys for some time past, and it is now hoped that quiet will be speedily restored to the State. The iron-clads were still in the vicinity of Port Royal, and no indications of an attack upon Fort Sumter were apparent. The Northern press on the death of Stonewall Jackson. We are enabled to give fuller extracts from the Northern press written after the receipt of the intelligence of the death
The Daily Dispatch: May 19, 1863., [Electronic resource], Treatment of Confederate prisoners. (search)
Resigned. --Brig. Gen, Davis has resigned. His resignation having been accepted by the President, the Knoxville Register says "the 7th Florida brigade, and the command of this sub-department, have been turned over to Col. Finly.