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dear old Scotland has given a good many men in this war-there's McClellan from Argyle, and Scott from Dumfries, and- Johnstone might have gone on claiming Southern celebrities for natives of Scotia, but Moore, becoming indignant, swore roundly that Beauregard was from Limerick, and Lee from Cork, so that those of us who had not gone beyond a dozen glasses, were obliged to take care of those who had, and to conduct them to chambers, where they might dream over the question of Homer and Garibaldi being Irish or Scotch, without fear of using empty bottles for weapons. Having seen some, who required it, comfortably provided for the night, Dobbs and myself retired to the same room; while smoking, the conversation turned on Jackson, whose movements in the Valley began to excite interest about this time. The Major had seen him at Manassas, and spoke of him dispassionately. He had not achieved much greatness in that conflict, but received a name there which will be as imperishable
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., War preparations in the North. (search)
The material, however, was magnificent and soon began to take shape. The fancy uniforms were left at home, and some approximation to a simple and useful costume was made. The recent popular outburst in Italy furnished a useful idea, and the Garibaldi uniform of a red flannel shirt with broad falling collar, with blue trousers held by a leathern waist-belt, and a soft felt hat for the head, was extensively copied and served an excellent purpose. It could be made by the wives and sisters at more like soldiers. Captain Gordon Granger, of the regular army, came to muster the reenlisted regiments into the three-years service, and as he stood at the right of the 4th Ohio, looking down the line of a thousand stalwart men, all in their Garibaldi shirts (for we had not yet got our uniforms), he turned to me and exclaimed, My God! That such men should be food for powder! It certainly was a display of manliness and intelligence such as had hardly ever been seen in the ranks of an army.
le embellishment in the telling, but which embraced a very wide circle of human experience, and had a certain ease and brilliancy beyond most such recitals. The ingenuous youth of our little circle drank in delightedly the intoxications of Mabille and the Chateau des Fleurs, or followed the story-teller with eager interest as he passed from the gardens and the boudoirs of Paris to the stirring incidents and picturesque scenery of the Italian campaign, which he had witnessed as a guest of Garibaldi. V. was greatly pleased with our musical entertainments; and when, after talking for several hours, he had become exhausted, and when, from the gathering darkness, we could only distinguish the place where he was reclining by the glow of his pipe, and thus lost all the play of the features in his rehearsal, we proceeded to our great central camp-fire, there to renew the negro dances to the music of the banjoscenes which Vizetelly's clever pencil has placed before the European public in th
veyed to the Columbian Hotel, where, in consequence of his weak condition caused by a self-inflicted wound, he was permitted to remain upon parole until yesterday forenoon, when he was taken to the prison hospital as a prisoner. The charges preferred against him are that of the spy, and of holding communication with the enemy. Colonel Adler went to Richmond highly recommended as an officer of ability, who had served with distinction in the Hungarian war, and in the Italian struggle under Garibaldi, and upon these representations obtained a commission in the army. His unaccountable conduct in Western Virginia, exciting the suspicion of Governor Wise, he was, at the command of the latter, arrested as a spy. Upon hearing of his arrest, he attempted to commit suicide through mortification, it is said, inflicting a serious gash upon his throat, from the effects of which he is now suffering.--Richmond Enquirer, Oct. 19. One hundred and fifty men of the First Missouri Scouts, under M
ews, where they shelled the camp of the Second Louisiana regiment, completely destroying it, and causing much havoc among the rebels.--(Doc. 184.) The Second regiment of cavalry N. Y. S. V., Black horse cavalry, under the command of Colonel A. J. Morrison, left Camp Strong, near Troy, for the seat of war. Previous to their departure the troops were presented with an elegant stand of colors. Col. Morrison is an officer of considerable military experience. He served in the Mexican war, in the expeditions of Lopez and Walker, and with Garibaldi in Italy. On his return to the United States he was authorized to raise a regiment of cavalry, which he has designated the Black horse cavalry, and which is now the second regiment of volunteer cavalry of New York. Fort Pickens opened fire upon the rebel steamer Time, just as she entered the Navy yard at Warrington, Fla., and was answered by the rebels at Forts Barrancas and McRae. The firing continued upon both sides nearly all day.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Richmond scenes in 1862. (search)
milies, rich and poor alike, were bereaved of their dearest; and for many of the dead there was mourning by all the town. No incident of the war, for instance, made a deeper impression than the fall in battle of Colonel Munford's beautiful and brave young son, Ellis, whose body, laid across his own caisson, was carried that summer to his father's house at nightfall, where the family, unconscious of their loss, were sitting in cheerful talk around the portal. Another son of Richmond, whose death was keenly felt by everybody, received his mortal wound at the front of the first charge to break the enemy's line at Gaines's Mill. This was Lieutenant-Colonel Bradfute Warwick, a young hero who had won his spurs in service with Garibaldi. Losses like these are irreparable in any community; and so, with lamentations in nearly every household, while the spirit along the lines continued unabated, it was a chastened Thank God that went up among us when we knew the siege of Richmond was over.
Confederates' pretensions as to reserved rights and constitutional liberty. Their instinct at once recognized their deadly foe through all his specious disguises. Men who had, as conspirators and revolutionists, been tenanting by turns the dungeons and dodging the gibbets of Divine right from boyhood, repudiated with loathing any affiliation with this rebellion; and no word of cheer ever reached the ears of its master-spirits from Kossuth, Mazzini, Victor Hugo, Ledru Rollin, Louis Blanc, Garibaldi, or any other of those who, defying the vengeance of despots, have consecrated their lives and sacrificed personal enjoyment to the championship of the Rights of Man. III. The Confederates had vastly the advantage in the familiarity of their people with the use of arms, A Southern gentleman, writing from Augusta, Ga., in February, 1861, said: Nine-tenths of our youth go constantly armed; and the common use of deadly weapons is quite disregarded. No control can be exercised over
The Richmond correspondent of the Charleston Courier, of the 15th, has the following paragraph:--The filibusteros who filled the world with so much angry declamation a few years ago, are figuring prominently in the Southern armies at the present time. The tall and martial Henningsen left to-day for the West, to assume the colonelcy of the Third regiment in Wise's brigade. Frank Anderson will be his lieutenant-colonel. Colonel Charles Carroll Hicks is a lieutenant in a company of Colonel McLaw's regiment, now at Yorktown. General Bob Wheat greatly distinguished himself as commander of a New Orleans military corps at Manassas. Major O'Hara, of Cuban fame, has a commission in the army. Colonel Rudler, I see, is raising a company for the war in Georgia. An English filibuster, one Major Atkins, a tall, big-whiskered, loose-trowsered, haw-haw specimen of a Londoner, who was with Garibaldi in Sicily, and who is just over, fought gallantly by the side of Wheat, at Manassas.
The Ancestry of Gen. Beauregard.--When Col. Fremont became a kind of great man and was a candidate to the Presidency of the United States, the Canadians were loud in claiming the adventurous Pathfinder of the Rocky mountains as a countryman of theirs. He was born in their country, said they, on the lovely banks of the Ottawa River, and Dr. Fremont, of Quebec University, is his uncle. A few years later, when Garibaldi conquered the two Sicilies with a handful of Italian patriots, the Canadians were up once more, stating, with the most comical earnestness, that the Nicean hero was not a white man, but an Indian of mixed breed, born in one of the old parishes near the St. Lawrence, above Montreal, and who had been adopted in a tender age by a missionary, with whom he travelled in many countries, and finally settled in Nice. As a corroborating proof of this piece of startling intelligence, it was said the glorious old chief with the red shirt was keeping a regular correspondence
nd then we may look for some improvement in the tone of the Canadian press. When English subjects took part, on either side, in the civil war in Portugal, it was considered no offence; and when, at a later period, the British Legion, under Sir De Lacy Evans, took part in a war of the same character in Spain, their conduct was not only regarded without disfavor, but absolutely applauded, and even to this day, not to mention the thousands of English subjects who flocked to the standard of Garibaldi, are there not numbers of Englishmen in the Austrian, the Prussian, and even in the Turkish service? Why, then, should it be treated as a crime for Canadians to enter the American service? Is the objection founded in reason, or upon prejudice? Is not the cause of the United States the cause of civilization and free government? Has any struggle so largely affecting the welfare of mankind in general taken place in any other country on the face of the earth within the present or any former