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was finally decided to occupy them in pursuance of orders. The flag of North Carolina now waves over Johnson and Caswell. It was desirable that the action of our community should be as quietly taken as possible, and therefore no reference was made to the matter in yesterday's or Monday's issue of the town papers, nor did any dispatches go off on the subject — none, at least, to the North. As, however, the matter has got into the Charleston papers, and further, as we now learn, that Col. Gardner, former commander at Charleston, but who has been staying here during the winter on furlough, posted from here to Washington City on yesterday's afternoon train, having indicated a determination to report to the Lincoln Administration all that had been done, and no doubt all that it is proposed to do, so far as he could ascertain it, we feel that there is no longer any reason for further reticence on our part. It was only after Col. G. left that the fact of his indicated intention became
every part of the hall. The store-room and cooking-room were sacked, and the dishes and furniture broken to pieces. The bar-room was also visited, the bottles smashed and the pictures thrown out of the windows. Four muskets found behind the bar were taken possession of. Every room was entered and the contents demolished or damaged. The work was performed so quietly that only those engaged knew anything of it at the time. Subsequently word was sent to the southern police station, and Capt. Gardner repaired to the hall with a posse of fifteen men, but the party had accomplished their work and scattered. The damage to the hall will amount to several hundred dollars. The hall is now in charge of the police. A Threatened attack. On Saturday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, a body of men surrounded the office of the Wecker, a German newspaper, published on Frederick street. The proprietor of the paper, fearful of danger to his premises, applied to Mayor Brown for protection, who
Whipped. --The Mayor yesterday awarded punishment to Peter Graham, a colored representative of Chesterfield, for bad conduct; he also had whipped Lewis, slave of Eliza Ryan; George, slave of Elizabeth Powers, and John, slave of Kennon Whiting, for stealing a box of tobacco (worth $10) from Gardner & Hall.
never was a more inviting field for colportage effort than that now afforded by the large armies that are now being stationed at various points in this State. In a few hours a colporteur may place a tract in the hands of hundreds of our most promising young men, may urge upon them the claims of the Gospel, and in many ways do them good. Who can calculate the amount of good that may be done by placing in the hands of an ambitious young man the life of Havelock, or of Capt. Vicars, or of Col. Gardner? We invite earnest, prayerful attention to this subject. It is one of unspeakable importance. Let our pious, self-sacrificing men engage in this work, and let patriotism as well as religion, afford the means for their support." In commenting on the above, the editors of the Herald speak of the "work as one of prime importance. It is in an important sense the Christian work of the day, and we need to combine our energies for its most efficient prosecution." As all classes of the c
From Utam, Territory. --Advices from Salt Lake city to the 26th ult. state that the fall of Fort Sumter and the secession of Virginia had created intense interest among the "Saints. " The news was read in the tabernacle by Brigham Young, and the disciples were asked to believe that this was merely the prediction of Joe Smith about the breaking up of the American Union. Captain Gardner, of the army, left Fort Bridger about the middle of April, without orders and without handing in his resignation to Colonel Cooke, commanding the department of Utah. This step was supposed to be owing to the captain's secession proclivities. Lieut. Good, another United States officer, at Fort Crittenden, handed in his resignation, and five others were expected to do likewise. Gov. Cumming was to have left Utah on the 15th inst. for the banks of the Savannah, anticipating the arrival of his successor and the other new Territorial officers.
From Washington. Washington, Nov. 14. --It is authoritatively announced that the President has never publicly or privately pledged himself to secession, as Hon. Mr. Keitt is reported to have asserted in a recent speech. The postmaster at Orangeburg, South Carolina, has tendered his resignation, to take effect on the 1st of January, unless South Carolina secedes sooner than that time. His resignation has been accepted, and he is requested to name his successor. In the event of his not procuring one who will give the necessary bonds, the office will be discontinued. Col. Gardner, in the ordinary routine, has been relieved from the command of Fort Moultrie, Maj. Anderson, next in rank, has been appointed as his successor.
dings in the neighborhood were completely saturated, and then the burning pile was extinguished. Mantel had an insurance of $2,000 on his stock of goods, every vestige of which was consumed, as his family and himself were from home at the time, attending a ball. The building was owned by Thomas Jones, and was insured for $800. The tenement occupied by Mr. Chick belongs to Jas. Ellett, and was insured. Mr. Chick lost a portion of his furniture, and other portions were damaged by water. Mr. Gardner's residence, west of Chick's, was also on fire at one time, but the firemen extinguished the flames before the building was seriously damaged. It is but justice to the Fire Brigade to say, that they were not only promptly at the scene of conflagration, notwithstanding the long run they had to take, but that they labored hard, and were very successful in preventing the spreading of the flames, as most of the buildings in the neighborhood are framed ones. The fire, no doubt, was the w
ludicrous, and the wit and humor with which our informant related it was enough to draw a laugh from any listener. One man alive, the other dead, One of the New York "Zous"-- Well might the live one have said, "I've 'rifled' him out of his shoes." H. L. Eighth Georgia Regiment. This regiment went into the battle of Manassas 559 strong, and the following record shows the part these gallant men bore in the action: Col. Bartow and Lt. Branch (Adjutant) were killed, and Lt. Col. Gardner was severely wounded. The Rome Light Guards entered battle 64 strong; had 5 killed, 10 wounded and 4 missing. Oglethorpe Light Infantry, 81 strong--5 killed, 27 wounded and 3 missing. Macon Guards, 75 strong--4 killed, 15 wounded and 1 missing. Echols' Guard, 44 strong--2 killed, 8 wounded and 1 missing. Miller Rifles, 35 strong--2 killed, 15 wounded. Atlanta Grays, 76 strong--3 killed, 18 wounded and 10 missing. Pulaski Volunteers, 56 strong--4 killed
tive soil if necessary. Searching for "Rebels." The Baltimore Exchange, of Saturday last, says: We learn that a boat-load of soldiers visited Furnace Creek, at the head of Curtis' Creek, again on Thursday last. Some days previously a wagon containing medicines and other stores had been stopped at Barker's old Furnace, it having been alleged that it had been sent there for shipment in order to avoid a search at Fort McHenry. Thuliman, the keeper of the store, and a man named Gardner, escaped. The second expedition was for the purpose of catching them, but they were not found. Five weeks ago these men would have had little chance. The neighborhood, composed entirely of farmers, who work their farms with white labor, and wood-cutters who labor themselves, few of whom are slaveholders, was very strongly Union. The success at Bull Run and the subsequent conduct of the Administration have had their natural effect. There is now an almost total change of sentiment.
e Baltimore and Ohio railroad will be re-opened. Interesting from the Hanawha — particulars of the fight at M'Coy's Mills — the fall of Col. Croghan. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette, writing from Fayette county Court-House, Va., Nov. 15, gives some particulars of the late fight at McCoy's Mills, between the Federal forces, under Gen. Benham, and a portion of the Confederates, under Gen. Floyd. We quote as follows: Our skirmishers, under the command of the gallant Capt. Gardner, of the Thirteenth Ohio, were in advance of the column on both sides of the road, and proceeded cautiously. Just as they reached a bend in the road, one of the company crawled over and espied two squadrons of cavalry, under Col. Croghan, of Ky., and here commenced the battle of McCoy's Mills. A volley was instantly opened on the enemy, who were, as their wounded afterwards acknowledged, taken completely by surprise. At the first fire several saddles were emptied, and Col. Croghan