Fort Wadsworth, 6.
Fowle's Mill Pond, 87.
Fox, Thomas, 89.
Foxcroft, Francis, Esq., 89.
Franklin Primary, 40.
Franklin School, 39.
Fredericksburg, 11.
Free Street Church, Portland, M,. 31.
Fresh Pond, 87.
Frizzell, John, 79, 80, 85.
Frost, Edmund, 83.
Frost, Lucy, 83.
Frost, Captain, Samuel, 23.
Frost, Samuel Tufts, 42.
Frost, William. 83.
Frothingham, James K., 28.
Fuller, John E., 15.
Fullick, Eliza R., 69.
Fullick, George K., 69.
Fullick, Geraldine, 69.
Gardner, General, 60, 61.
Gardner Row District, 32, 36.
Gardner Row School, 35.
Gaw, James, 68.
Gay, Eugene, 67.
Gay, Francis G., 67.
Gay, Hannah T., 67.
Genesee, The, 60.
Gere, Stephen, 78.
Gerrish, Colonel, 64.
Gherardi, Donato, 68.
Gilcrease, Elijah H., 15.
Giles, Joseph J., 15.
Glines, Frederick H., 4, 15.
Globe Tavern, 2, 6.
Goffstown, N. H., 39.
Goodridge, Caroline A., 68.
Goodridge, Lowell, 68.
Goodridge, Otis H., 68.
Gordon, George A., 27,
Gordon, Lydia (Ames), 27.
dealer, h. Broadway.
Thompson, Edward C., conductor.
h. Pearl.
Thompson, Samuel, b. flour inspector, h. Milk.
Thorp, Ira, yeoman, h. Walnut.
Thrasher, Benjamin brickmaker, h. Broadway.
Tilson, Apollos, b. furnishing store, h. Granville.
Torrey, Mrs. Mary P., widow, h. Broadway.
Randall, Benjamin, 2nd, carpenter, Cambridge.
Reed, Daniel, b. grocer, h. Milk.
Ricker, Edward, b. blacksmith, h. Milk.
Ricker, Benjamin F., mason, h. cor.
Cambridge and Milk.
Ring, Gardner T., brickmaker, h. Broadway.
Riley, James, gardener, h. Beacon.
Roberts, Nichols P., b. house and ship joiner, h. Lime.
Robinson, Enoch, b. machinist, h. Central.
Robinson, George W., b. machinist and founder, h. Summer.
Robinson, Ezra B., b. machinist, h. Spring Hill st.
Rogers, H. R., b. liquor dealer, h. Beech.
Rogers, Artemas, b. varnish dealer, h. Beech.
Rogers, Samuel F., h. cor.
Robbins, David C., laborer, h. near M. R. R.
Robbins, George F., b.
demy, Pa., II.—29.
Franklin, General, IV.—30.
Franklin Street, III.—14, 15, 17, 20.
Franklin-street Church, III.—17.
Fredericksburg, IV.—25, 26.
Free Academy, N. Y., I.—8.
French and Indian War, I.—23.
Frost Family, The, II.—26.
Frost, Samuel Tufts, I.—24.
Frost, Samuel Tufts, house of, I.—24.
Frost. Samuel Tufts, relics of, I.—24.
Gage, General, Expedition of, IV.—12.
Galletly, Frederick A., IV.—28.
Galletly, James. IV.—28.
Games' Mills, IV.—29.
Gardner's Battery, Ind., I.—35.
Garrison, William Lloyd, I.—18.
Gettysburg, IV.—25.
Giesboro Point, II.—37, 38.
Giles. J. Frank, IV.—28.
Giles, Joseph J., IV.—25, 28.
Gilman, Charles E., IV.—30.
Gilman, Edward L., IV.—30.
Glen Street. Somerville, III.—18.
Gooding, Edmund Il, II.—37, 39.
Goodnow, John, II.—13.
Gowell, Mary, I.—8.
Great Pasture, boundaries of, I.—24
Greene, General, headquarters of, I.—24.