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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address before the Mecklenburg (N. C.) Historical Society. (search)
Thomas and Johnson — dug the grave of the Confederacy. Farragut, of Tennessee, rose to the highest rank in the Federal navy, for his triumphs over his native land. The naval forces at Hatteras were under command of Goldsborough, of Maryland. It is a singular fact that the Southern men in the Federal service were remarkably successful, while the Northern men in our service, though brave and true, brought disaster to our arms. Lovel lost us New Orleans, Pemberton lost us Vicksburg, and Gardner lost us Port Hudson. Through the failure of these three officers the command of the Mississippi was lost, the Confederacy was cut in twain, and the conquest of the South became only a question of time. Had the South been united, our independence could easily have been established, but unfortunately, the South furnished, probably,. as many native troops to the Federal army, as did the vast and populous North. Missouri gave 108,773 soldiers to that army, Kentucky 92,000, Maryland 49,730.
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Vicksburg during the siege. (search)
arrison. On the 18th he received a dispatch from Pemberton, at Vicksburg, announcing his retreat into the intrenchments, and adding that the order of evacuation had been submitted to a council of war, and while it was holding the enemy's guns opened. I have decided to hold Vicksburg as long as possible. I still conceive it to be the most important point in the Confederacy. Johnston answers Pemberton encouraging him to hold out-I am trying to get together a force to help you --and orders Gardner to evacuate Port Hudson. Before this order could be repeated Port Hudson was invested by the whole force from Baton Rouge. Thus far the preliminary narrative, which has been condensed to the exclusion of many important points-among them the discussion between General Johnston and the administration as to the authority of the former over the army in Tennessee to order reinforcements from it to Mississippi. How far results were affected and responsibility fixed by these disagreements, and
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 2: birth.-career as officer of Engineers, United States army. (search)
here for Vera Cruz on the 24th or 25th to make arrangements for the embarkation of troops. As soon as it is certain that we march out, and I make the necessary arrangements for the engineer transportation, etc., I shall endeavor to be off. I shall therefore leave everything till I see you. Several of your naval boys are here who will be obliged to cut out. Love to Sis Nannie and the boys. Rhett Buchanan and all friends are well. Very truly and affectionately, R. E. Lee. Again: Mr. Gardner and Mr. Trist depart to-morrow. I had hoped that after the President had adopted Mr. Trist's treaty, and the Senate confirmed it, they would have paid him the poor compliment of allowing him to finish it, as some compensation for all the abuse they had heaped upon him; but, I presume, it is perfectly fair, having made use of his labors and taken from him all he had earned, that he should be kicked off as General Scott has been, whose skill and science, having crushed the enemy and conque
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 10: engagement at Bull Run, and battle of Manassas. (search)
hat supplies should be sent to them promptly. General (then Colonel) Early, commanding a brigade, informed me of some wounded who required attention; one, Colonel Gardner, was, he said, at a house not far from where we were. I rode to see him, found him in severe pain, and, from the twitching visible and frequent, seemed to beeared to be solicitously attentive. He said that he had no morphine, and did not know where to get any. I found in a short time a surgeon who went with me to Colonel Gardner, having the articles necessary in the case. Before leaving Colonel Gardner, he told me that the man who was attending to him might, without hindrance, have rColonel Gardner, he told me that the man who was attending to him might, without hindrance, have retreated with his comrades, but had kindly remained with him, and he therefore asked my protection for the man. I took the name and the State of the supposed Good Samaritan, and at army headquarters directed that he should not be treated as a prisoner. The sequel will be told hereafter. It was late, and we rode back in the nig
or purely defensive operations, as opportunity should offer for the one, or the renewal of invasion require for the other. A short time subsequent to my return, a message was brought to me, from the prison, to the effect that a non-commissioned officer, captured at Manassas, claimed to have a promise of protection from me. The name given was Hulbert, of Connecticut. I had forgotten the name he gave when I saw him; but, believing that I would recognize the person who had attended to Colonel Gardner, and to whom only such a promise had been given, the officer in charge was directed to send him to me. When he came I had no doubt of his identity, and explained to him that I had directed that he should not be treated as a prisoner, but that, in the multitude of those wearing the same uniform as his, some neglect or mistake had arisen, for which I was very sorry, and that he should be immediately released and sent down the river to the neighborhood of Fortress Monroe, where he would b
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 1: operations in Virginia.--battle of Chancellorsville.--siege of Suffolk. (search)
nxious for the return of their loved ones, filled the express trains with packages containing citizens' clothing, in which the latter might escape from the service. Great numbers fled in these disguises. At the time we are considering (close of January, 1863), Hooker found the number of absentees to be two thousand nine hundred and twenty-two commissioned officers, and eighty-one thousand nine hundred and sixty-four Fredericksburg in the Spring of 1863. this is from a photograph by Gardner, taken from the Stafford side of the Rappahannock, and showing the ruins of the railway bridge, near the spot where the troops crossed on the pontoon bridges, in December, 1861. see page 489, volume II. non-commissioned officers and privates. Testimony of General Hooker before the Committee on the Conduct of the War, April 11, 1865. The total of absentees doubtless included all the desertions since the organization of the Army of the Potomac, and the sick and wounded in the hospitals.
phia firemen's, 1. 579. Amelia Court-House, Gen. Lee's retreating forces at, 3.552. Amendments to the Constitution, proposed, 1.87, 241. American Society for the Promotion of National Union, 1.207. Anderson, Major, Robert, succeeds Col. Gardner in command in Charleston harbor,1.118; warning letters of, 1.119, 125, 127; raises the United States flag on Fort Sumter, 1.130; his action in relation to the Star of the West, 1.156, 159; refuses the demand of Gov. Pickens for the surrender o Slave Law, remarks on the, 1.67. G. Gaines's Farm, battle of, 3.422. Gala day in Charleston, i, 98. Galveston, surrender of to Commander Renshaw, 2.538; capture of by Magruder, 1.594: blockade of reestablished by Farragut, 2.594. Gardner, Gen. Frank K., his defense of Port Hudson against Gen. Banks, 2.631. Gauley Mountain, Rosecrans at the summit of, 2.94. Geary, Gen., at the battle of Wauhatchie, 3.153. George Griswold, ship, sent to England with food for operatives, 2
sas, August 26th, (after he had received and read all our official reports,) says of the state of the battle at this time: Heavy losses had now been sustained on our side, both in numbers and in the personal worth of the slain. The 8th Georgia regiment had suffered heavily, being exposed, as it took and maintained its position, to a fire from the enemy, already posted within a hundred yards of their front and right, sheltered by fences and other cover. It was at this time that Lieut. Col. Gardner was severely wounded, as also several other Valuable officers; the Adjutant of the regiment, Lieut. Branch, was killed, and the horse of the regretted Bartow was shot under him. The 4th Alabama also suffered severely from the deadly fire of the thousands of muskets which they so dauntlessly fronted, under the immediate leadership of Bee himself. Its brave Colonel, E. J. Jones, was dangerously wounded, and many gallant officers fell, slain or horse de combat. Now, however, with the
M., surprised and captured, 490. Fugitive Slave law, 109; 210 to 224; 212-13. Fulton, Robert, 18; Eli Whitney to, 65; 68. G. Gaines, Gen., ordered to Georgia, 103; instructed to destroy Florida fort, 177. Gallatin, Mr., approaches Great Britain with respect to fugitive slaves, 176. Gamble, H. R., signer of a letter to Lovejoy, 131; 132; makes a report in the Missouri Convention, 483; is chosen Governor of Missouri, 576. Gantt, Gen. E. W.,on Unionism in Arkansas, 515. Gardner, Lieut. Col., killed at Bull Run, 542. Garner, Margaret, the case of, 219. Garnett, Muscoe R. H., of Va., exultingly proclaims the secession of S. C., at Washington, 407; letter to Trescott, of S. C., 479-80. Garnett, Gen. Robert S., attacked at Laurel Hill, 522; at Carrick's Ford, 523; his death, 524. Garnett, Mr., of Va., reports in favor of slave-holding in Indiana Territory, 52. Garrard, Col., in command at Wildcat, 615. Garrett, J. W., President of B. and Ohio Railro
oss the Big Black. July 10-11. Johnston reports his loss in Jackson at 71 killed, 504 wounded, and about 25 missing; but adds Desertions during the siege and on the march [retreat] were, I regret to say, frequent. Having perfected the occupation and insured the retention of Vicksburg, Gen. Grant embarked July 10-11. an expedition, under Gen. F. J. Herron, to move down the river to the aid of Gen. Banks in the siege of Port Hudson; but our men were scarcely on board when tidings of Gardner's surrender caused the order to be countermanded, and Herron directed to proceed instead up the Yazoo. This involved a debarkation and reembarkation on vessels of lighter draft; which being promptly effected, Herron set forth on his new errand ; July 12.his transports preceded by the iron-clad De Kalb and two tin-clad [lightly and partially shielded] gunboats, under Captain Walker. The object of this expedition was the capture of a large fleet of steamboats, which had been run up th