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The Daily Dispatch: January 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], Escape of Robinson, the New Orleans burglar. (search)
The Southern Literary Messenger. In the number for January, 1861, advance sheets of which have been furnished us, we find the following attractive list of prose and poetical articles: Prose--1. The Union; its Benefits and Dangers. 2. Tom Hood as an Artist. 3. Faraday's third popular Lecture on the Forces of Matter. 4. A Story of Champagne. 5. The Story of a California Faro Table. 6. A Literary Peter Funk. 7. Parson Squint. 8. Chacun a Son Gont. 9. Gothic Architecture and Natural Religion. 10. The Fine Arts. Poetry--1. Oh ! the Sweet South ! 2. A View from Concession. 3. The Storming of Chapultepec. 4. In Dreams Thou Still Art Mine. 5. Sonnet. 6. Autumn Leaves. 7. December. 8. A Winter Night Among the Hills. 9. Sonnet. 10. Never in Vain. In all 20 articles — variety enough to suite every taste. The editor follows up the Secession article of the last number with a letter from Washington city. Two of the articles are illustrated, and there is a very pretty Fashi
Old Fraud Revived. --Frequent complaints are made at the Mayor's office and the Police Courts of gross frauds practised by auctioneers at house furniture. It is the revival of an old imposture. The operator rents a house, fills it with cheap second-hand but showy furniture, and then advertises that a wealthy gentleman, about leaving the city, will sell out the contents of his house at a sacrifice.-- "Mock" bidders are in attendance, and all the "Peter Funk" humbugs are practiced. The house is emptied in the day time, and filled up again in the night; and so the sale of the retiring wealthy gentleman's effects is kept up for a week or a month, or as long as victims continue to visit the house. Hitherto, through some defect in the law, these sharpers have escaped punishment; and buyers have been left, as they probably will be, to rely upon their own good sense and judgment to protect themselves against deception.--N. Y. Journal of Commerce.
A Memento from Lincolndom. --From the Norfolk correspondence to the Petersburg Express, dated 5th instant, we extract the following: A box floated ashore at Fort Nelson, night before last, all the way from Old Point. It contained one blanket, two watches, one silver, the other a "Peter Funk," a letter, and what do you think? three Lincoln notes of $10 each! In the left corner of each was a veritable likeness of the Ape himself, engraved no doubt from a picture taken the day after old Abe got the nomination of the Black Republicans for the Presidency. The letter in the box was written in Dutch, that and the box were both directed to some person in N. York. The letter's first page contained a well executed engraving of Fortress Monroe, Jos. Segar's Hygeia Hotel, and the surroundings.
of a large number of gorgeously dressed vagabonds who stalk up and down the streets daily, greatly to the annoyance of our citizens.--They were authorized to arrest all persons whom they had any reason to suspect were not good citizens, or who could not show a clean card entitling them to remain here.--The police are not to be governed by personal appearances — fine linen and broadcloth should not be considered passports. Developments have recently come to light which may implicate some of those slick headed, stylishly-dressed fops, who occupy the most frequented corners of Main street, with many of the garroting scrapes and house robberies which have recently been committed in our city, and the Mayor is determined that they shall no longer hold sway here by virtue of their fashionably cut clothes, polished boots, and Peter Funk jewelry. Let the officers of the law, aided by our citizens, but do their duty, and Richmond will soon become too hot for them to remain much longer in it.