Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 5, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for French or search for French in all documents.

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re a portions Hill's corps was stationed. Here three regiments of Gregg's division dismounted and gallantly held the enemy in check until the arrival of the 5th corps, when our troops, after a sharp skirmish drove the enemy from his line and succeeded informing a junction with our centre at Robertson's Tavern on the night of Friday, Nov. 27th. Our loss on the left has not been fully ascertained up to this time, (Saturday morning, 28th,) but it is supposed to be light. On the right, Gen. French, supported by Gen. Russell's old brigade, of the 6th corps, had met the enemy four miles to the right of the Orange C. H. road, and a sharp engagement ensued, which lasted till dark, when our troops, overpowered by greatly superior numbers, gradually fell back a short distance. The troops opposed to the 3d corps were those of Ewell, now of Early, whose strength is estimated $21,000. Our loss in the 3d corps is variously sick from 500 to 900 in killed and wounded. There are rumors thi