Sargent, Judith, 1.
Saturn, Temple of, 81.
Savage,———, 79, 80.
School Street, 7, 15, 33.
Second Corps, 44, 63, 65, 71, 72.
Sedgwick. General, 57.
Seneca, Md., 18.
Seventh Massachusetts. 65.
Sewall Dr. Stephen B., 10.
Shady Hill Nurseries, 33.
Shawmut Street, 29, 39.
Shed. Ebenezer, 52.
Shorthus, Robert, 29.
Shurtleff, Dr., 79.
Sibley, John, 28.
Sibley Tents.
Sixteenth Maine, 21.
Sixth Corps, 44. 46, 57.
Smith,———. 8.
Smith, Baldy. 63.
Smith. Mrs. W. French. 8.
Somerville Avenue, 11. 13, 15. 16, 33, 40.
Somerville Board of Trade, 3.
Somerville Fire Department, 14.
Somerville Fire Underwriters, 3.
Somerville Historical Society, 3, 13, 14, 16, 73, 74, 75.
Somerville Historical Society, By-Laws of, 85.
Somerville Historical Society.
A Brief History of, 75-78.
Somerville Historical Society, List of Members, Past and Present, 88.
Somerville Historical Society, List of Officers, Past and Present, 91.
Somerville H