Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 1, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Floyd or search for Floyd in all documents.

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ember 25, 10 P. M. On the 14th of September, General Floyd and his forces encamped on the summit of the Bigghanies and the Ohio river. On the 15th and 16th Gen. Floyd was industriously occupied throwing up field-workot one tenable against a superior force, and this Gen. Floyd seems to have found out. On the night of the 16thnemy a few hours after the Wise Legion left it by Gen. Floyd's order, shewed clearly, and the event at Camp Dehe enemy would immediately occupy it in full force. Floyd's Brigade was much demoralized since his retreat frosible without the abandonment of baggage, because Gen. Floyd had detained man, wagons belonging to the alreadys belonging to and following the last regiment of Gen. Floyd's Brigade, which was just twenty more than accomper 2,000 men. About this time Gen. Lee arrived in Gen. Floyd's camp, at Meadow Bluff, and wrote to Gen. Wise, it will only be on account of demonstrations on his rear. Gen. Floyd was at Meadow Bluff with 1,500 men.
The army of the Kanawha. We publish this morning an interesting account of the state of affairs at Big Sewall but, in so far as it seems to reflect the action of Gen. Floyd, the views pressed are those of the writer alone. We are no part in the controversy.
ckle on their armor and march to aid in establishing the liberty and independence of the South. The "Cadets" may well congratulate themselves upon their good fortune of securing the services of Capt. Laurens, whose military experience in the Mexican war eminently qualifies him for the position he now occupies, and I bespeak for this corps, as well as those that have preceded them, a good account of themselves should they ever come in contact with any of Lincoln's hirelings. The glorious news of the brilliant victory of Gen. Price and his forces at Lexington, Mo., reached us yesterday, and caused much rejoicing among our citizens; and ere long, perchance, we shall hear that the combined forces of Floyd, Lee, and Wise, have had a battle in Western Virginia; and if such should be a fact, I trust it will result in the complete annihilation of Rosencranz and his entire army. The weather is now quite cool, and thick clothing and comfortable fires are in great demand. Rambler.