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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Capture of the Indianola. (search)
t; and when, on the 19th February, the Queen left Alexandria, work was still going on, and mechanics were carried down to complete her while steaming towards the enemy. The capture of the Indianola restored to the Confederates for several weeks the command of the Mississippi river between Vicksburg and Port Hudson, and General Taylor was able to forward immense supplies to Port Hudson and Vicksburg, which enabled the defence of these strongholds to be protracted. But in the spring Admiral Farragut came up from the Gulf, and gave his hand to Admiral Porter, and the great river passed from the power of the Confederates. Yours, respectfully, J. L. Brent. Ashland, La. (New River P. O.), March 31, 1875. Special orders, no. 49. (copy; Extract.)headquarters District of Western Louisiana, Alexandria, February 19, 1863. * * * * * * * * III. Major J. L. Brent will take supreme command of the two gunboats, the Queen of the West, Captain James McCloskey commanding, and the Webb,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the Confederate States Navy. (search)
elow. News now reached us that the fleets of Farragut and Porter had entered the Mississippi river,t the enemy could not pass were the very ones Farragut preferred; for, as his ships carried heavy gushe would have done nothing towards deterring Farragut in executing his bold move; and it is quite c our resources above in such a way as to make Farragut repent his bold undertaking; for we well knewerted into rams and used successfully against Farragut's wooden fleet. The Mississippi was a most fand watched the vessels carefully some time. Farragut's fleet consisted of thirteen heavy sloops-ofwere moored to the west bank, nearly opposite Farragut's fleet. Below Davis' fleet were about thirticulty. Turning head down stream we made for Farragut's fleet, and gave them the best we had at cloved to be in motion, and we had no doubt that Farragut meant to fight. After dark we noticed a rangenced firing rapidly at our upper batteries. Farragut's fleet engaged the lower batteries, and the [4 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address before the Mecklenburg (N. C.) Historical Society. (search)
l assaults until nightfall, when he retired to Chattanooga. His stubbornness on the battle-field, and his persistent holding of the town after defeat, saved East Tennessee to the Union and gave a death-blow to the Confederacy. Andy Johnson refused to give up Nashville, as Buell directed, when Bragg advanced into Kentucky. The abandonment of Nashville then would have given the whole State over to the Confederacy. These two men — Thomas and Johnson — dug the grave of the Confederacy. Farragut, of Tennessee, rose to the highest rank in the Federal navy, for his triumphs over his native land. The naval forces at Hatteras were under command of Goldsborough, of Maryland. It is a singular fact that the Southern men in the Federal service were remarkably successful, while the Northern men in our service, though brave and true, brought disaster to our arms. Lovel lost us New Orleans, Pemberton lost us Vicksburg, and Gardner lost us Port Hudson. Through the failure of these three of
cuation of the City possession taken by Commodore Farragut arrival of General Butler his brutal aver, but the fact soon became known that Commodore Farragut was in command, and that he made light oe heeded-we considered ourselves impregnable; Farragut's boats were treated with contempt, and evenfull progress when news reached the city that Farragut's fleets had passed the forts and had success ammunition plentiful; the walls intact! yet Farragut had passed them, under an annihilating showerent. On the morning of the twenty-fifth, Farragut's advance was observed steaming up towards toperty continued on every hand; and at length Farragut was so exasperated, that he swore he would reBut evil tidings were in store for us! While Farragut and Mayor Monroe were exchanging angry letters as men doomed to humiliation and shame. Farragut, being informed of all these things, was in arm. Yet, the first man that advanced to meet Farragut on his landing, and welcome the return of Fed[6 more...]
d of Van Dorn, sent to defend Vicksburgh against the fleet of Commodore Farragut advancing up from the Gulf, and Commodore Foote's squadron ofve: We had scarcely arrived at Tullahoma ere it was known that Farragut's fleet from New-Orleans, and Foote's from the Upper Mississippi, ndant, asking for the surrender of Vicksburgh, in the name of Commodore Farragut, United States Navy. The answer was instant, Mississippians the bluffs. A day or two after an answer had been returned to Farragut, one of his iron-clads was signalled from below; and soon after apred by us off the Gulf Coast, and taken into New-Orleans; but when Farragut took that city, this, with some three or four other sea-vessels, aluff batteries were contending with most of the fleet, several of Farragut's squadron ran past, and opened with an awful roar upon the-Arkans noise was maintained on both sides, and it was once supposed that Farragut's boats would grapple with the Arkansas and take her; but such was
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., With Slemmer in Pensacola Harbor. (search)
fort by our patrol, and a few shots were fired. We had little fear of an attack by day, but had every reason to expect a night attack, an attempt to surprise us and carry the place by storm. All the men had to work by day mounting guns, preparing fire-balls, hand-grenades, etc., and by night do picket or patrol duty or stand by the guns. They were nearly tired out Confederate water Battery near Warrington, Pensacola Harbor. From a war-time photograph captured at Mobile in 1864 by Admiral Farragut. with hard work and want of sleep, not having had a night's rest since the night of January 7th. On the 15th Colonel W. H. Chase, commanding the enemy's forces at the yard and Barrancas, came over in a small boat with Captain Farrand (late of the United States navy, and next in rank at the yard to Commodore Armstrong) and landed at the Pickens wharf, where Lieutenant Slemmer and myself met them, and the following conversation took place: Colonel Chase: I have come on business wh
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Recollections of Foote and the gun-boats. (search)
part due to lack of funds and in part to the necessity of alteration in the design of the vessels. Had they been completed in the time specified, the Mississippi campaign, from Island Number10 to Vicksburg, would probably have been over before Farragut passed the forts at New Orleans. Editors. Soon after the surrender of Fort Sumter, while in St. Louis, I received a letter from Attorney-General Bates, dated Washington, April 17th, in which he said: Be not surprised if you are called herreform movement in the navy which led to the disuse of the rations of grog which used to be served to the sailors on shipboard at stated hours every day. From my knowledge of Foote, I think that there is no doubt that if his health had not given way so early in the war, he would have gained laurels like those so gallantly won by Farragut. And, aside from his martial character, no officer ever surpassed him in those evidences of genuine refinement and delicacy which mark the true gentleman.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Union and Confederate navies. (search)
much more useful type for general service were the twelve screw sloops-of-war built in 1858. There were five of these of the first class, among them the Hartford, Brooklyn, and Richmond, which gave and took so many heavy blows while fighting in Farragut's West Gulf Squadron. Hardly less important were the sloops of the second class, of which the Iroquois and Dacotah were the largest and most typical examples. To the same group belonged the Pawnee, a vessel of peculiar construction, whose consumter, had subsequently sailed on transport service to Indianola, Texas, where she was seized in April by a party of Texan volunteers. In the Confederate navy she became the St. Philip. She was stationed at New Orleans as a receiving-ship when Farragut passed the forts, and fled with other vessels up the Gideon Welles, Secretary of the United States Navy during the war. From a photograph. Mississippi River, taking refuge finally in the Yazoo. In March, 1863, when the ships of the Yazoo Pass
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first fight of iron-clads. (search)
His position was well chosen and gallantly maintained in spite of the shell, shrapnel, grape, and canister fired at them. Finding they could make no impression on our works, the Galena, after an action of four hours, returned down the river with her consorts. Her loss was about forty killed and wounded. According to the official report, the loss on the Galena was 13 killed and 11 wounded; on the Port Royal, 1 wounded, and on the Naugatuck, 2 wounded. Total, 13 killed and 14 wounded.-editors. This was one of the boldest and best-conducted operations of the war, and one of which very little notice has been taken. Had Commander Rodgers been supported by a few brigades, landed at City Point or above on the south side, Richmond would have been evacuated. The Virginia's crew alone barred his way to Richmond; otherwise the obstructions would not have prevented his steaming up to the city, which would have been as much at his mercy as was New Orleans before the fleet of Farragut.
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The last Confederate surrender. (search)
rt distance below. Woodville, Wilkinson county, Mississippi, was the nearest place in telegraphic communication with Richmond. Here, in reply to a dispatch to Richmond, I was directed to assume command of the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, etc., with headquarters at Meridian, Mississippi, and informed that President Davis would, at an early day, meet me at Montgomery, Alabama. The military situation was as follows: Sherman occupied Atlanta, Hood lying some distance to the southwest; Farragut had forced the defenses of Mobile bay, capturing Fort Morgan, etc., and the Federals held Pensacola, but had made no movements into the interior. Major General Maury commanded the Confederate forces garrisoning Mobile and adjacent works, with Commodore Farrand, Confederate Navy, in charge of several armed vessels. Small bodies of troops were stationed at different points through the department, and Major General Forrest, with his division of cavalry, was in the Northeast Mississippi.