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City Council. --A called meeting of the Council was held yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Present: Messrs. Saunders, Hill, Crutchfield, Walker, Epps, Clopton, Richardson, Burr, Scott, Haskins, Glazebrock, and Griffin. Mr. Burr, from a special committee appointed to present a plan for the establishment of a depot or depots where the necessaries of life will be furnished at reasonable rates, begged leave to submit the following report: "The present scarcity of supplies in the city is not the result of any actual scarcity throughout the country, but is attributable to the requirements and action of the Government in part, to the apprehension of impressment on the way to market, to the desire of some holders to hold for higher prices, and to the want of facilities of transportation. "It is desirable that the city should undertake, on a large scale, to procure supplies of articles of general need, because in this way only can arrangements be made with the Government b
City Council. --A regular monthly meeting of the Council was held at the City Hall yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Present; Messrs. Saunders, Hill, Richardson, Scott, Epps, Stokes, Clopton, Griffin, Glazebrook, Walker, and Denoon. Messrs. Stokes and Scott, from the Market Committees, presented petitions from persons occupying stalls in the meat markets, praying to be allowed to sell salt meats, lard and butter at their stalls. The presentation of these petitions led to a lengthy discussion, and resulted in referring the papers to the Committee on the Markets. [The continually hammering and patching of the market ordinance will eventually lead to the adoption of free trade, and again put the whole people at the mercy of the hucksters.] Mr. Hill, from the Police Committee, reported an ordinance concerning backs, drays, parts, wagons, &c. The ordinance prohibits negroes, free or slave, from riding in hacks, unless attending white persons, and unless attending funer
The Daily Dispatch: December 1, 1863., [Electronic resource], Affairs on the Rapidan — no battle yet. (search)
City Council. --A called meeting of the Council was held at the City Hall yesterday afternoon. Present: Messrs. Saunders, (President,) Denoon, Glazebrook, Epps, Clopton, Crutchfield, Hill, Griffin, and Walker. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Hill, was adopted: Resolved, That the Attorney for the city prepare a deed to the York River Railroad Company, for the balance of the land sold them in Henry, Pendleton, and Wythe squares, in accordance with the action of the Council in March 20th, 1854, and that the President of the Council execute a deed for the same to the said road. A petition was presented from Mr. John O. Austin, grocer, near the Second Market, asking the remission of a fine of $20, imposed upon him by the Mayor for buying a lot of butter to sell again, contrary to law; also, asking compensation for butter confiscated at the same time. Austin was represented by J. H. Glimer, Esq., as counsel, who argued at length in favor of the prayer of the p
The City Council held a called meeting at 12 o'clock yesterday--Messrs. Saunders, Hill, Clopton, Epps, Scott, Crutchfield, Stokes, Griffin, and Glazebrook, being present — and disposed of the business which called them together in an incredibly short time. If the Council would hold their sessions before, instead of after dinner, they would save themselves long discussions and useless debates. Morning hours are better suited to work, because the mind is then fresh and vigorous, and because business men are not so apt to waste them in useless discussions.
d resolutions: Whereas, the Council have been informed that Gen. John H. Morgan will visit Richmond within a day or two, and believing that the city sliefild show some respect to the distinguished General who has been subjected to such ignominious treatment by the enemy: Therefore, Resolved, That the Mayor he requested to tender him the hospitalities of the city, and that a committee of two members from each ward be appointed to make the necessary arrangements for his entertainment and comfort during his sojourn among us. Resolved, That the committee be instructed to draw upon the Chamberino for such an amount as may be necessary to defray the expense. The preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted, and the President made the following appointments under the second resolution: For Jefferson Ward — Hill and Clopton. for Madison Ward — Scott and Crutchfield. For Monroe Ward — Glazebrook and Epps. The President was subsequently added to the commit
City Council. --A called meeting of the "City Fathers" was held in their hall at 11 o'clock yesterday morning: Messrs. Saunders, Epps, Glazebrook, Griffin, Scott, Crutchfield, Walker, Stokes, Clopton, Hill, Haskins, and Richardson, being present. The President stated that the meeting had been called at the request of the Committee on "Arms and Clothing," the chairman of which would make known its wishes. Mr. Scott informed the Council that the committee needed more funds with which to supply the wants of the Richmond soldiers, and offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the further sum of fifty thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to the Committee on Arms and Clothing. Mr. Scott, from the Committee on the Fire Department, offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Committee on the Fire Department be authorized to hire for the Fire Brigade one negro man to act as hostler, and one
City Council. --A called meeting of the Council took place at the City Hall yesterday morning. The following members were present: Messrs. Saunders, (President,) Glazebrook, Griffin, Crutchfield, Hill, Haskins, Epps, Randolph, Scott, Walker, and Clopton. Mr. Scott, chairman of the Committee on Arms, submitted a report, setting forth the amount of clothing which had been purchased and distributed by order of the Council to the soldiers in the field from this city. There being some deficiency in former appropriations, the following resolution was offered and adopted: Resolved, That the sum of $4,000 be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to make up the deficiency expended by the Committee on Arms. Mr. Scott also offered the following resolution; which was adopted: Resolved, that the sum of $25,000 be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to complete the distribution of clothing to Richmond soldiers. Mr. Hill made a statement to the Council that in fixin
City Council. --A regular monthly meeting of the City Council was held in the Council Chamber yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock.--Present: Messrs. Saunders, (President,) Denoon, Glazebrook, Burr, Richardson, Scott, Hill, Griflin, Crutchfield, Epps, Randolph, Haskins, Walker, and Stokes, Absent: Mr. Clopton. Mr. Richardson, from the Committee on Hospitals, presented a report from the attending physician of the City Hospital, setting forth a favorable condition of the same. Upon his mothe shall be punished with stripes. Mr. Walker offered a resolution, regulating the weight of a loaf of bread, as sold by the bakers of this city. The resolution was adopted, and the matter referred to the following committee: Messrs. Walker, Epps, and Haskins. Mr. Crutchfield presented a petition from the night watch of this city, asking an increase of pay, which was referred to a special committee. Mr. Scott offered a resolution referring a petition received from L. L. Barnes, a
City Council. --At four o'clock yesterday afternoon a called meeting of the Council was held at the City Hall. Present: Messrs. Saunders, (President,) Denoon, Glazebrook, Crutchfield, Griffin, Walker, Epps, Scott, Burr, Haskans, and Hill. Mr. Burr, from the Committee of Finance, offered a resolution that the sum of $3 25, paid in taxes by John W Crow, be refunded to him. On motion of Mr. Hill it was ordered that the amendments to the ordinance governing the rates of drayage, hack hire, &c., be published in the daily papers of the city. Mr. Hill offered a resolution, which was adopted, that the petitions offered for an increase of the salaries of all the city employees be referred to the Committee on Salaries with instructions to report at their next meeting whether any increase should be made. Mr. Scott offered a resolution, that the Committee on Markets be instructed to inquire into the expediency of reporting an ordinance to prohibit merchants from selling
City Council. --A special meeting of the Council was held at the City Hall yesterday at 4 o'clock. Present; Messrs. Saunders, (President,) Walker, Burr, Crutchfield, Glazebrook, Epps, Scott, Denoon, and Griffin. Mr. Burr, from the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings, to whom had been referred a communication from the Governor offering to purchase from the city that portion of ground known as "Gamble's Hill," for the purpose of erecting suitable buildings for the use of the State Armory and the Ordnance Department thereon, submitted the following report: The Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings have considered the inquiry referred to them relating to the sale of Gamble's Hill. Your committee are of opinion that it is not advisable to sell any city property now, and they deem it especially important to retain the land used or intended as public grounds or squares. This policy ought not to yield to anything but a public necessity, and it does not appear to you