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Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), IV. Cold Harbor (search)
will let me finish the rest! July 20, 1864 Our camp was this morning taken by assault by a cavalcade which turned out to be Major-General Ben F. Butler and a portion of his Staff. He is the strangest sight on a horse you ever saw: it is hard to keep your eyes off him. With his head set immediately on a stout shapeless body, his very squinting eyes, and a set of legs and arms that look as if made for somebody else, and hastily glued to him by mistake, he presents a combination of Victor Emmanuel, Aesop, and Richard III, which is very confusing to the mind. Add to this a horse with a kind of rapid, ambling trot that shakes about the arms, legs, etc., till you don't feel quite sure whether it is a centaur, or what it is, and you have a picture of this celebrated General. Celebrated he surely is, and a man of untiring industry and activity. Woe to those who stand up against him in the way of diplomacy! Let the history of Baldy Smith be a warning to all such. It is an instruct
James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), Introduction — the Federal Navy and the blockade (search)
ing from the crushing disaster of the Crimea, where England, France, and Sardinia had combined to aid the hated Turk in keeping the Russians from the Bosphorus and the Mediterranean, the Czar would have given a great deal to have seen the Trent affair open hostilities between America and the mother country. Great Britain then would have its hands full in guarding its own shores and saving its Canadian possessions. The eyes of Napoleon III. were directed westward also at this time. King Victor Emmanuel, of Sardinia, who in 1861 had had placed on his head the crown of United Italy, was trying to juggle the disjointed states of his new kingdom into harmony. Besides this, the Czar had unproductive land to sell--Alaska. It was Russia's chance. This friendship was in the game of diplomacy. But different from what Russia expected was the attitude of England. of South Carolina, in a speech in the Senate on March 4, 1858, had said: But if there were no other reason why we should n
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Garibaldi, Giuseppe 1807-1882 (search)
service during the war of Sardinia and France against Austria. Secretly abetted by Sardinia, after peace was made, he organized an expedition against the Two Sicilies, having as his object the union of Italy. In May, 1860, he descended upon Sicily with 1,000 volunteers, and when he had made himself dictator he crossed to the mainland and expelled Francis II. from Naples and entered the capital, Sept. 7, 1860. Upon the union of the Two Sicilies with Sardinia, and the proclamation of Victor Emmanuel as King of Italy, March 17, 1860, he retired to Caprera. Anxious for the complete unification of Italy, he organized an expedition against Rome in 1862, but was defeated and taken prisoner by the Sardinians at Aspromonte, in August. A few years later he was again in arms against the Pope. Marching into the Campagna, he defeated the Papal troops at Monterotondo on Oct. 25, 1867, but shortly after, while moving upon Rome, he was defeated by the French and Papal army near Mentana. In 1
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe, Chapter 15: the third trip to Europe, 1859. (search)
write to me and tell me of yourself and the subjects which interest us both. It seems to me that our Roman affairs may linger a little (while the Papacy bleeds slowly to death in its finances) on account of this violent clerical opposition in France. Otherwise we were prepared for the fall of the house any morning. Prince Napoleon's speech represents, with whatever slight discrepancy, the inner mind of the emperor. It occupied seventeen columns of the Moniteur and was magnificent. Victor Emmanuel wrote to thank him for it in the name of Italy, and even the English papers praised it as a masterly exposition of the policy of France. It is settled that we shall wait for Venice. It will not be for long. Hungary is only waiting, and even in the ashes of Poland there are flickering sparks. Is it the beginning of the restitution of all things? Here in Rome there are fewer English than usual, and more empty houses. There is a new story every morning, and nobody to cut off the he
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, chapter 14 (search)
as sheltering from the rain several thousand soldiers, and the train as it entered seemed to penetrate the living mass, and yet all was order and tranquillity. At Turin he had an interview with Cavour, then the first statesman of Europe; and in that city he made the acquaintance, by Miss Weston's introduction, of two Italian ladies distinguished alike for intellectual gifts and patriotism,—Madame Arconati and Madame de Collegno, M. de Collegno was Piedmontese minister at Paris under Victor Emmanuel. His wife, surviving him a few years, died in 1868. W. S. Thayer, Consul General to Egypt, wrote from Alexandria, April 27, 1862, that the Marchesa Arconati, then in Egypt, desired him to say many things to Mr. Sumner. Mr. Thayer said of her: Among women I have not seen her equal for the combination of masculine understanding and feminine sweetness of disposition. She was Margaret Fuller's, Madame Mohl's, and Nassau W. Senior's friend and correspondent. She died about 1872. daughter
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 9: second visit to Europe (search)
urse they were not mentioned. Now and then, a servant, lamenting the dearness of necessaries, the paper money, etc., would say, And this has been brought about by blessed [benedetto] Pio Nono! People of higher condition eulogized thus the pontiff's predecessor: Gregorio was at least a man of decided views. He knew what he wanted and how to obtain it. Once only, in a village not far distant from Rome, I heard an Italian peasant woman say to a prince, We [her family] are Republicans. Victor Emmanuel, Cavour, Garibaldi, your time was not yet come. The French were not beloved in Rome. I was told that the mass of the people would not endure the license of their conquerors in the matter of sex, and that assassinations in consequence were frequent. In high society it was said that a French officer had endeavored to compel one of the Roman princes to invite to his ball a lady of doubtful reputation, by threatening to send a challenge in case of refusal. The invitation was neverthe
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 19: another European trip (search)
he Pope's temporal dominion. I met him more than once driving on Monte Pinciano. He was of large stature, with a countenance whose extreme plainness was redeemed by an expression of candor and of good humor. In the course of this winter Victor Emmanuel died. The marks of public grief at this event were unmistakable. The ransomed land mourned its sovereign as with one heart. I recall vividly the features of the king's funeral procession, which was resplendent with wreaths and banners si made me repeat my part several times, insisting that my manner was too reserved and would make hers appear extravagant. I did my best to conform to her wishes, and the reading was duly applauded. Another historic death followed that of Victor Emmanuel after the interval of a month. Pope Pius IX. had reigned too long to be deeply mourned by his spiritual subjects, one of whom remarked in answer to my condolence, I should think that he had lived long enough. This same friend, however, cl
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Index (search)
a degree on Samuel Ward, Mrs. Howe's brother, 68. Turks, their devastation of Greece, 85. Tweedy, Edmund, 402. Tweedy, Mary, 402. Umberto, king of Italy, crowned, 424. Uncle Tom's Cabin, Mrs. Stowe's, 253. United States, Bank of, Jackson's refusal to renew charter of, 50; English sneer at, 17 Van de Weyer, Mr. Sylvain, Belgian minister to England, 93. Van de Weyer, Mrs. Sylvain, 92. Vatican, evening visit to, 129; head of Zeus in, 132. Via Felice, a poem, 200. Victor Emmanuel, his popularity and death, 423. Victoria, Queen, 93. Vienna, the Howes at, 118. Von Walther, Mme., 118. Voysey, Rev., Charles, sermon by, 330. Waddington, W. H., 410. Wade, Benjamin F., commissioner on the annexation of Santo Domingo, 181, 345. Wadsworth, William, of Geneseo, 104. Walcourt, Lord, visited by the Howes, 114, 115. Walcourt, Lady, 115. Wall Street, Samuel Ward in, 51; John Ward in, 55. Wallace, Horace Binney, a delightful companion, 198, 199; sad
wing is a summary: Italy The Piedmontese troops, under Victor Emmanuel, gained a brilliant victory on the 3d inst, in the Zarigliano.the Bourbon troops. The tents, wagons and stores were left in Victor Emmanuel's possession, with 11,000 prisoners.-- Gen. Somnas pursued theand occupied Niola and the possessions surrounding Gaeta. Victor Emmanuel was expected to arrive at Naples immediately. Gen. Gariba Naples,Nov. 3.--The Piedmontese army, under the command of King Victor Emmanuel, has gained a brilliant victory on the other side of the Zarrwards occupied Tivola, and positions commanding Gaeta. King Victor Emmanuel enters Naples today. The number of prisoners taken at C says: Turin,Nov. 9.--Yesterday our troops, commanded by Victor Emmanuel, attacked and dispersed the Bourbon army, beyond the Zariglian000 in number, are arriving without arms. It is said that Victor Emmanuel will arrive here on Tuesday, Nov. 6th. Persia,Nov. 4.--Th
Italy United. --Italy, which lost her independence when she lost her unity, has, after long years of separation into States hostile to each other, again achieved her redemption, and is now once more an united government under Victor Emmanuel. The only provinces not included are those held by the Pope and Venetia. The united government is now composed of Sardinia, Lombardy, Naples, Sicily, Tuscany, Modena and Parma, having about 100,000 square miles, and 20,000,000 of inhabitants. For a long course of years Italy has been the prey of every nation, but now united will be one of the great powers of Europe, able to defend her rights, and powerful enough to be consulted in the Congress of European nation, to settle of international of these which concern the of