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The Daily Dispatch: may 30, 1861., [Electronic resource] 34 22 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: may 27, 1861., [Electronic resource] 28 6 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 22 14 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 19 3 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 12 4 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: may 31, 1861., [Electronic resource] 12 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 4, 1861., [Electronic resource] 9 3 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 9 1 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 8: Soldier Life and Secret Service. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 8 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 8 0 Browse Search
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and prayer. The shops in Winchester are closed. Colonel Parkhurst has obtained a leave, and will go home on Monday. August, 7 Captain Wilson and Lieutenant Ellsworth arose rather late this morning, and found a beer barrel protruding from the door of their tent, properly set up on benches, with a flaming placard over it: New Grocery!! Wilson & Ellsworth. Fresh Beer, 3 a Glass. Give us a call. Later in the day a grand presentation ceremony took place. All the members of the staff and hangers — on about Headquarters were gathered under the oaks; Lieutenant Calkins, One Hundred and Fourth Illinois, was sent for, and, when he appeared, LieutenanLieutenant Ellsworth proceeded to read to him the following letter: Ottowa, Illinois, July 20, 1863. Lieutenant W. W. Calkins- Sir: Your old friends of Ottowa, as a slight testimonial of their respect for you, and admiration for those chivalrous instincts which, when the banner of beauty and glory was assailed by traitorous legions, in
e all ordered to report to headquarters in Washington. The men of the Army of the Tennessee, ragged and worn by their long marches and desperate fighting, but with a glorious record for heroism and endurance, were delighted that they were to have an opportunity to see the Capitol, the White House, where Mr. Lincoln had lived, and the theatre where he had been so cruelly murdered. Reaching Alexandria May 12, 1865, they were encamped in and around that degenerate city, where brave young Ellsworth, the first martyr of the war, lost his life in hauling down a Confederate flag that had been hoisted over the Jackson Hotel, almost under the shadow of the dome of the Capitol. General Howard was ordered to take charge of the Freedmen's Bureau, and General Logan was reinstated, as he should have been before, in command of the Army of the Tennessee. He was received by the soldiers with cheer after cheer, and was made happy by the feeling that justice, though tardy, had at last been awarde
at once what was going on, he seized his gun, his wife trying in vain to stop him; as he reached the passage he saw Colonel Ellsworth coming from the third story, waving the flag. As he passed Jackson he said, I have a trophy. Jackson immediately raised his gun, and in an instant Ellsworth fell dead. One of the party immediately killed poor Jackson. The Federals then proceeded down the street, taking possession of public houses, etc. I am mortified to write that a party of our cavalry, this who remained came out to say Good-by. One of them had just returned from Alexandria, where he had seen the bodies of Ellsworth and Jackson, and another, of which we had heard through one of our servants who went to town in the morning. When the re directed to Mr. So-and-So, expected at Manassas Junction. Some asked for a piece of the floor of the house in which Ellsworth was killed, with blood on it; while others confidently express the belief that Beauregard's scalp was to be carried to
nically compared the process to that of a man trying to shovel a bushel of fleas across a barn floor. While the month of May insensibly slipped away amid these preparatory vexations, camps of instruction rapidly grew to small armies at a few principal points, even under such incidental delay and loss; and during June the confronting Union and Confederate forces began to produce the conflicts and casualties of earnest war. As yet they were both few and unimportant: the assassination of Ellsworth when Alexandria was occupied; a slight cavalry skirmish at Fairfax Court House; the rout of a Confederate regiment at Philippi, West Virginia; the blundering leadership through which two Union detachments fired upon each other in the dark at Big Bethel, Virginia; the ambush of a Union railroad train at Vienna Station; and Lyon's skirmish, which scattered the first collection of rebels at Boonville, Missouri. Comparatively speaking, all these were trivial in numbers of dead and wounded — t
Capt. C.'s company stood before the platform in a hollow square, and responded with loud cheers to the patriotic sentiments which the occasion called forth.--Boston Transcript, April 30. Secession in Maryland was defeated by a direct vote in the House of Delegates of the State, of fifty-three against secession and thirteen for it. The State Senate published an address, signed by all its members, denying the intention of passing an ordinance of secession.--N. Y. Times, April 30. Ellsworth's Fire Zouaves left New York for Annapolis, Md. They were escorted to the boat by an immense body of brother firemen and citizens.--(Doc. 116.) Jefferson Davis sent a message to the Congress at Montgomery to-day. While reading in Congress, the allusion to Virginia was loudly cheered. A quotation from President Lincoln's proclamation advising the people of the South to retire to their homes within twenty days, was met with derisive laughter from the crowd in the galleries. Nearly all
identified by a brother-in-law of Ladd. He was about eighteen years of age, a machinist, and was born at Alexandria, N. H. He was shot in the thigh, and probably bled to death at once. His face was somewhat swollen, and gave evidence of rough usage.--Boston Traveller, May 3. The mouth of James River, and Hampton roads are under strict blockade. The blockading vessels are the frigate Cumberland, steamships Monticello and Yankee, and three or four steam tugs.--The World, May 4. Ellsworth's Regiment of Fire Zouaves arrived at Washington. Their march through the city was a complete ovation. They were greeted with great cheering and other demonstrations of enthusiasm. The splendid appearance of the regiment, both as to numbers and equipments, caused great surprise, and elicited universal praise.--N. Y. Tribune, May 3. The adjourned meeting of merchants to take into consideration the action necessary in regard to the state license, was held at Wheeling, Va. The Committ
tly performed. After detailing company E, Col. Ellsworth directed the adjutant to form the regimenteded three blocks, when the attention of Colonel Ellsworth was attracted by a large secession flag the Marshall House kept by J. W. Jackson. Col. Ellsworth entered the hotel, and meeting a man in thwered, I don't know; I am a boarder here. Col. Ellsworth, Lieut. Winser, the chaplain of the regimeur privates, then went up to the roof, and Col. Ellsworth cut down the flag. The party returned dowrs, and the contents lodged in the body of Col. Ellsworth, entering between the third and fifth ribs. Col. Ellsworth was at the time rolling up the flag. He fell forward on the floor of the hall andthrough Jackson's body. The companions of Col. Ellsworth, seven in number, immediately posted themsen commenced work at the intrenchments. Col. Ellsworth's body was taken to Washington and placed , to prevent them from avenging the death of Ellsworth. They were disposed to burn the town.--(Doc
ll as they can on the other side of the line. Let us see who will first get tired of the embargo. The First Regiment N. Y. Volunteers, Col. Allen, left New York for the seat of war.--(Doc. 196.) Funeral ceremonies over the body of Col. Ellsworth took place in Washington. The remains lay in state in the east room of the President's house for several hours. Owing to the immense throng of anxious gazers on the remains of the deceased, the funeral cortege delayed moving from the Execut followed by the New York Seventy-first Regiment, Marines, and the local Cavalry Corps, formed the military escort, with their arms reversed and colors shrouded. The hearse was followed by a detachment of Zouaves, one of whom, the avenger of Col. Ellsworth, carried the identical secession flag torn down by the deceased. Then followed the President, accompanied by Secretaries Seward and Smith, and the rest of the procession was composed of carriages, containing the captains of the Zouave Regime
ly is every movement of the Federal troops heralded abroad with lightning speed for the sensation press, but it would seem as if the news-gatherers have access to the records of the Departments, so as to enable them to proclaim in advance every plan and purpose of the Government, whether great or small.--National Intelligencer, June 13. Noah L. Farnham, late Lieutenant-Colonel of the Regiment of Fire Zouaves of New York, was appointed Colonel of that Regiment, in place of the late Colonel Ellsworth.--N. Y. World, June 5. Judge Taney's written opinion in the habeas corpus case of Merriman, was published in the Washington National Intelligencer of this date. It is simply a protest against the suspension of the writ by the President of the United States. The Judge argues that Congress alone has the legal authority to suspend this privilege, and that the President cannot in any emergency, or in any state of things, authorize its suspension. Ten Regiments of foot, with Dou
recalled the good living of that dear old State--ever true to liberty and constitutional law. The edibles disposed of, sentiments were the order of the hour. The memory of Warren was appropriately toasted, and there were a dozen patriotic speeches from the officers and friends of the Guard, which, coming from the shadow of the solid column commemorating the glory of Warreh and his heroic comrades, always honor the day with peculiar enthusiasm. At this time, and in sight of the spot where Ellsworth — who has been well denominated the Warren of the great struggle in which we are now involved — gave his life a willing sacrifice to his country, the proceedings of this afternoon were exceedingly fitting — and honorable to the Guard. At Boston, Mass., the anniversary was observed with more than usual manifestations of patriotism. At the monument in Charlestown there was a civic and military gathering. The Stars and Stripes were raised on a flag-staff about 40 feet above the shaft, ma<