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Assault and battery. --Elizabeth and Mary Waddill were arrested by Constable Robinson, of Henrico, yesterday, for violently assaulting and beating Mrs. P. M. Crane. They were examined before Justice Nettles, who held them to bail for better behavior in the future, and also to answer an indictment by the next Grand Jury.
red counterpane from Mrs. Susan Figic. Witnesses for the Commonwealth proved that the article in question was taken from the house of the complainant and afterwards found in Mrs. F's house. The transaction occurred on Saturday last. The accused expects to prove that she has owned the counterpane claimed by Mrs. Stephens for the last four years, and in order that she might have time to procure her witnesses the case was continued till this morning. Mary, slave of Thomas Edwards, and Elizabeth, slave of Wm. F. Taylor, were charged with stealing a breastpin, valued at $3,000, from Mrs. John Johnson. The evidence not being sufficient to prove them guilty of the theft, they were discharged. The following negroes were ordered to be whipped: London, slave of E. H. Chalkley, charged with trespassing upon the premises of Samuel Tardy; Milton, slave of John Tabb, arrested on the streets after hours with no pass, and acting in a suspicious manner; and Frank, slave of Thos Totten, c
y. Mr. Goddin is the keeper of a general variety store on Main street, and has been in the habit of purchasing second hand crockery ware, &c, to sell again. When the case was called the accused failed to appear, and it was adjourned over till this morning. Bail was required for his appearance. Four little white boys, named John Edwards, Joseph Edwards, Henry Kreagle and Philip Taylor, charged with trespassing on the premises of James C. Ellett, were committed to the poor house. Elizabeth, slave of John a farmer near Chaffin's Bluff, who was arrested by watchman E. H. Hicks on Tuesday night as a runaway, was committed till such time as her owner can be heard from. She informed the Mayor yesterday that when the Yankees commenced their fighting at Chaffin's, a few days since, the shells came so near where she was living that she became alarmed and ran off on account of it. The charge preferred against a free negro, named Davy Robinson, of throwing a rock at Elizabeth H
s remanded for examination before the Hustings Court. James, slave of Peter Webster, and John, slave of Dr. Edward Epps, (the two negroes referred to above as having paid two hundred dollars to be taken across the lines,) were, after hearing the evidence against James and Charles, recommitted, by the Mayor, to jail till their action can be further considered. The case against Israel, slave of Henry Burns; Jordan, slave of Georgiana Charters; Lilian, slave of William H. Tyler, and Elizabeth, slave of Richard Taliaferro, charged with burglariously entering the Confederate meat-store and stealing about twenty-five hundred dollars' worth of fresh beef and pork, was taken up and disposed of by remanding the accused for examination before the Hustings Court. James Melvin, charged with unlawfully receiving a large lot of corn, oats, bags and soldiers' clothing, belonging to the Confederate States, was remanded for indictment by the Grand Jury. Bail was allowed in the sum of f
and evil- fame house, were each committed to jail in default of security for their good behavior. Martha, slave of James Royal, was charged with stealing four hundred and forty dollars in Confederate States notes and one dollar in silver, the property of some person unknown, knowing the same to have been stolen, and resisting Constable E. W. Robinson, who made the arrest. The offence having been committed beyond the corporate limits, the accused was sent to a county magistrate. Elizabeth, slave of Lawson Nunnally, charged with stealing a lot of wearing apparel, valued at one thousand three hundred dollars, one hundred and fifty dollars in Virginia bank notes, and twenty dollars in Confederate States Treasury notes, was discharged, the evidence not being sufficient to convict the accused. Ellick, slave of Rowland James, of New Kent county, charged with using abusive and insulting language to Miss Mary H. Vaiden, was ordered to receive thirty-nine lashes. The charg
Mayor's Court. --Among the cases disposed of by the Mayor yesterday we cite the following: James M. Munday, member of Ninth Virginia cavalry, charged with disorderly conduct in the street, and drawing a pistol on the watch, was held to security for his good behavior. The case of Ned, slave of Turpin &Yarbrough, charged with conniving at the escape of Lucy Ann, slave of A. Wolff, was called; but, for reasons which actuated previous postponements, the accused was again committed till a future day. Elizabeth, a slave, charged with receiving a lot of bacon which was stolen from James R. Childs some time last spring, was ordered to be whipped. Several parties were fined for permitting waste water to escape from their hydrants, thereby creating a nuisance.
Mrs. Elizabeth died at St. Louis on the 17th instant, aged one hundred and six years, two months and twenty days. As telegram has superseded the word telegraph, so, in London, the word "Paragram" threatens to take the place of paragraph.