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n one of the senators from Illinois. His canvass for that exalted office was marked by his characteristic activity and vigilance. During the anxious moments that intervened between the general election and the assembling of the Legislature he slept, like Napoleon, with one eye open. While attending court at Clinton on the 11th of November, a few days after the election, he wrote to a party friend in the town of Paris: I have a suspicion that a Whig has been elected to the Legislature from Edgar. If this is not so, why then, nix cum arous; but if it is so, then could you not make a mark with him for me for U. S. Senator? I really have some chance. Please write me at Springfield giving me the names, post-offices, and political positions of your Representative and Senator, whoever they may be. Let this be confidential. Robert Mosely, November 11, 1855, Ms. That man who thinks Lincoln calmly sat down and gathered his robes about him, waiting for the people to call him, has a
ary of War, who was ignorant of the request made by this department for the production of the Consul's commission. The Secretary of War ordered an investigation of the facts, when it became apparent that the two men had exercised the right of suffrage in this State, thus debarring themselves of all pretext for denying their citizenship; that both had resided here for eight years, and had settled on and were cultivating farms owned by themselves. You will find annexed the report of Lieutenant-Colonel Edgar, marked E, and it is difficult to conceive a case presenting stronger proofs of the renunciation of native allegiance, and of the acquisition of de facto citizenship, than are found in that report. It is to relation to such a case that it has seemed proper to Consul Moore to denounce the government of the confederate States to one of its own citizens as being indifferent to cases of the most atrocious cruelty. A copy of his letter to the counsel of the two men is annexed, marked F
th. The whole atmosphere resounds with the roar of artillery and musketry. surgeons soon establish a hospital at two private houses. The dead and wounded are brought in as fast as men and horses can bring them. For four or five hours I believe there was not an intermission of firing of more than two minutes at any one time — almost an incessant fire. As near as we can learn, the rebel force consisted of the Twenty-second, Forty-fifth, Fifty-fourth, and Sixty-second Virginia regiments; Edgar's battalion of cavalry, and Chapman's battery, of four guns — all commanded by Golonel Patten, in the absence of General Eckle. As to position, the enemy had the decided advantage. They selected a position where the road passed through a deep gorge of rocks, with mountains on either side and fearful precipices. The enemy was concealed behind rocks, trees, logs, and fences, a great part of the time lying on their faces. Their artillery was planted in front some four hundred yards from our
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 11: the Montgomery Convention.--treason of General Twiggs.--Lincoln and Buchanan at the Capital. (search)
e hundred more. They took possession of the Main Plaza, a large vacant square in the center of the city, and placed guards over the Arsenal, the park of artillery, and the Government buildings. A traitor in the Quartermaster's Department, named Edgar, had, at the first dash into the city, taken possession of the Alamo. Galveston News, February 22, 1861. Sketch of Secession Times in Texas: by J. P. Newcomb, editor of the Alamo Empress, page 11. Texas, and its Late Military Occupation and Evand at the ranche of Mr. Adams, near San Lucas Springs, twenty miles west from San Antonio, on the Castroville Road, he was confronted by Van Dorn, who had full fifteen hundred men and two splendid batteries of 12-pounders, one of them under Captain Edgar, the traitor who seized the Alamo. See page 267. Van Dorn sent Captains Wilcox and Major to demand an unconditional surrender. Reese refused, until he should be convinced that Van Dorn had a sufficient force to sustain his demand. Van Do
rried away. One hundred prisoners were taken, including Lieut.-Col. Finney, Major Edgar, of Edgar's battalion, several captains and lieutenants. Besides the loss oEdgar's battalion, several captains and lieutenants. Besides the loss of the field, their guns, their dead and wounded, and captured, and three hundred stand of arms, their army was greatly demoralized by the terrible discomfiture, and sted of the famous Twenty-second Virginia regiment, the Forty-seventh Virginia, Edgar's battalion, a part of the Fiftieth Virginia regiment, two companies of artille, by two volleys, broke the rebel left, composed of the Forty-seventh Virginia, Edgar's battalion, and two companies of the Fiftieth Virginia. Once broken, the leftrs, including Lieut.-Col. Finney, commanding the Fiftieth Virginia regiment, Major Edgar of Edgar's battalion, a surgeon, several captains and lieutenants, four fielEdgar's battalion, a surgeon, several captains and lieutenants, four field-officers, all the enemy brought upon the field, and three hundred stand of arms. How many of the enemy's killed and wounded were carried away by them is not known
ledged a loss of from two hundred to two hundred and fifty, and the Knoxville Register, a copy of which Captain Ferry had read, published the names of one hundred and nine killed. We lost but three killed; among them, we regret to say, was Captain Edgar, of the Sixteenth Ohio, who was on picket-duty with his company in advance of the Fourteenth Kentucky. He was a brave man, and one of the most accomplished drill officers in the service. His death was instantaneous, having been shot through the head. Col. Cochran had fifteen wounded in his regiment, and our total wounded was twenty-three. We lost fifty-seven men of Edgar's and Tannehill's companies of the Sixteenth Ohio, who were cut off before they could fall back from picket-duty, on the main body. Lieut.-Col. Gordon, of the Eleventh rebel Tennessee regiment, was taken prisoner by two men of the Sixteenth Ohio, and though their company was completely surrounded, they dexterously managed to bring him in to Colonel De Cource
or-stricken, routed army. It was late in the day, and we kept up the pursuit for ten miles, until after dark, when we went into camp in a field, around a sink-hole that afforded water for our horses, after achieving one of the most complete as well as brilliant victories of the war. The rebels were commanded by General Echols, and the forces engaged were the Twenty-second Virginia, Colonel Patten's regiment, who commanded a brigade, Fourteenth Virginia, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth, Edgar's battalion, Derrick's battalion, four companies partisan rangers, one section Jackson's battery, Chapman's battery, Colonel Jackson's battery of four guns, and the militia from part of Pocahontas and Green Brier were present. Rebel killed and wounded three hundred, and over one hundred prisoners, seven hundred stand of small arms, three pieces of artillery, and one stand of colors. Our loss was two officers killed and four wounded, twenty-nine men killed, ninety wounded, and one missing.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 7.48 (search)
ent when the royal fugitives landed, and was so struck with the beauty of the lady Margaret Atheling, that in a few days, he asked her in marriage of her brother. Edgar joyfully gave the hand of the dowerless Princess to the young and handsome sovereign, who had received the exiled English in the most generous and honorable manner Malcolm's existence. William the Conqueror on being informed of the arrival of the Saxon royal family in Scotland, sent an embassador to Malcolm demanding that Edgar should be delivered up to him, and threatening war in case of refusal. Malcolm, who considered it both faithless and cruel, to surrender his suppliant, his guest brought to him in England. The royal children were carefully educated. Prince David had remained with his sister, Queen Matilda, in England, while his brothers, Edgar and Alexander, successively mounted the Scottish throne. In 1110 he married his cousin Matilda, Countess of Northampton. Her father was Old Siward's second son,
the Hebrew Tabernacle was in the first apartment; a constantly burning light was a feature in the worship of most Eastern nations. A candlestick or lamp-stand was emblematical of the priest's office, and was used, in metaphor at least, as an emblem of acceptable oblation; as in Revelation, where rejection is intimated by the threat, I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, unless thou repent. Candlesticks are mentioned in England in the reign of Edgar, A. D. 957. Can′droy. A machine used to prepare cotton cloths for printing, spreading out the fabric as it is rolled around the lapping-roller. Can′dy. From the Sanskrit, kanda. Sugar is from Sanskrit, sarkara. See sugar. A preparation of sugar or molasses, either alone or in combination with other substances, to flavor, color, or give it the desired consistency. Sugar-candy, as known to the British confectioner, and known as rock-candy in the United States, consists of la
sion or politeness, as the case might be, on the part of the head of a feast to offer it. Not like the equally festive but less familiar wassail-bowl, from which the negus, or punch, was ladled At wakes and wassails. Ourselves do well remember the loving-cup with which the worshipful master pledged his guests and his lodge, and then, wiping the brim, laid the napkin in the handles, and passed it to the next, and so on around the table. The peg-tankard seems to have been ordered by Edgar, a man of little merit, and not strong in the head any way: pins in the wooden tankard divided the drinks. Betsy, wotever you do, drink fair. The canons allude to it: – Ut presbyteri non eant ad potationes, nec ad pinnas bibant. As the tankard held two quarts, and there were eight pins, the allowance was near half a pint to each, which might do if the brew were stiff. The moral was not very evident, for if any one went beyond the pin he was obliged to drink again. A fine tankard at