Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 1, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Early or search for Early in all documents.

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en unable to ascertain the number of our casualties. Some of the wounded were brought down yesterday. [from our own correspondent.] Army of Northern Virginia,near Mechanicsville, May 31, 1864. Yesterday morning about three o'clock Gen. Early, was ordered to move from his entrenched position on our then right wing, and reconnoitre the enemy's position, for the purpose of determining the strength of his works and some approximate estimate of his force. This Gen. E. proceeded to do, taking with him and his own divisions. He had not proceeded far before his me of battle, consisting of Daniel's and brigades, of Rodes's division, and brigade, of Early's division, meet the enemy about one mile this side of Be Church, the force of the enemy be Warren's 5th corps of Yankee infantry mainly. A severe fight ensued, and the enemy were repulsed and driven back nearly two miles, to their line of entrenchments, behind which they sought shelter, and which proving too strong for our
From Gen. Later army. Storh's Farm, May 31. --Bartle's and Daniel's brigades yesterday evening flacked the line of the enemy's skirmishers, capturing 136 prisoners from the 5th corps, who have been received here. Some heavy firing on our left this morning, the cause of which is not yet explained. [second Dispatch.] Battle Ground, Near Mechanicsville May 31--6 P. M. yesterday evening, about 8 o'clock, there was a considerable engagement between a portion of Early's and Rodes's divisions, of Ewell's corps, and the 5th corps of the Yankee infantry. The fight lasted about two hours. We drove the enemy back about a mile and a half, until they reached a strongly entrenched line of works, from which it was impossible to dislodge them. We attacked the enemy for the purpose of discovering his position, and found him strongly masked and entrenched on our right. The fight occurred near Bethesda Church, on the Mechanicsville road, about nine miles from Richmond.