Your search returned 399 results in 51 document sections:

lliam Pelam030024004 William Waite030000000 Deacon Jacob Parker030024000 Thomas Graves030036013 Ebenezer Tufts060000000 Thomas Brooks030000000 John Fillebrown030000000 Richard Martin030041005 Jonathan Tomson030041004 Edward Oakes03001210031 Caleb Brooks030013000 Matthew Ellis000034058 Abner Harris000036005 Jonathan Tufts000039000 James Wright0000011000 James Tufts0000310000 Joseph Wright0000011000 William Symmes000012000 Joseph Damon000005000 Jonathan Dunster000048000 Henry Dunster000022000 David Dunster000048000 Jacob Wayman0000010000 Samuel Francis000040000 Samuel Page0000010000 Widow Mary Tufts000012000 John Francis06009110210 Benjamin Parker0300106007 Richard Sprague0600510010 Joseph Tomson060041004 Samuel Brooks, jun.030048037 Total, ninety-eight persons. As a specimen of the town expenses and tax for one year, let us take 1747. They are as follows (old tenor):-- Balance due the town from last account£4153 Whole town-tax for 17474901
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Harvard University, (search)
mbridge, in honor of the university at which most of the Massachusetts ministers had been educated. John Harvard endowed the school in his will. The school was erected into a college, and named, in honor of its benefactor, Harvard College. Henry Dunster, a Hebrew scholar just arrived in the colony, was chosen its first president. A class began a collegiate course of study in 1638, and nine graduated in 1642. Efforts were made to educate Indians for teachers, but only one ever graduated. I500 areas in Cambridge and Boston, and has twenty-five buildings, mostly forming a large quadrangle in a college yard of more than 15 acres, ornate structures. See Radcliffe College. Presidents of Harvard. Name.Term of office.Remarks. Rev. Henry Dunster1640 to 1654Forced to resign. Rev. Charles Chauncy1654 to 1672Died in office. Rev. Leonard Hoar1672 to 1675Obliged to resign. Uriah Oakes1675 to 1681Not formally in stalled untill 1680. Rev. John Rogers1682 to 1684Died in office. Re
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Massachusetts (search)
651 Oliver Cromwell invites people of Massachusetts to Ireland......1651 French of Canada appeal to the people of New England for aid against the Iroquois without success......1651 Mint set up at Boston (by the General Court) which coins shillings, sixpences, and a few smaller coin......1652 [The date (1652) was not changed for thirty years. John Hull was first mintmaster, and, being allowed fifteen pence out of every twenty shillings coined, he amassed a large fortune.] President Dunster, of Harvard College, is indicted for disturbing infant baptism in the Cambridge church; is convicted, sentenced to a public admonition on lecture day, laid under bonds for good behavior, and compelled to resign and throw himself on the mercies of the General Court......October, 1654 Charles Chauncy accepts presidency of Harvard College......November, 1654 Edward Winslow, one of the Mayflower's first passengers and governor of Plymouth, dies, aged sixty, on shipboard near Hispanio
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Chapter 1: old Cambridge (search)
h Glover, a dissenting minister, had embarked for the colony in 1638 with his wife, his press, his types, and his printer, Stephen Daye; that Mr. Glover died on the passage, but the press arrived safely and was at length put in the house of President Dunster, of Harvard College; that this good man took into his charge not merely the printing apparatus, but the Widow Glover, whom he finally made his wife. For forty years all the printing done in the British Colonies in America was done on thisd of the college thus laid in literature, but the early presidents of Harvard were usually selected, not merely for soundness of doctrine,which was not always their strong point,--but for their scholarship and even supposed literary taste. President Dunster, for instance, was an eminent Oriental scholar and performed also the somewhat dubious service of preparing the New England psalm book. As originally compiled it had dissatisfied Cotton Mather, who had hoped that a little more of art was
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Index (search)
, 38, 91, 95. Collamer, Jacob, 161. Cooper, J. F., 35. Craigie, Mrs., 124, 129. Cranch, C. P., 58, 64, 70. Crichton, the Admirable, 155. Curtis, G. T., 16. Cuvier, Baron, 35. Dana, Francis, 15. Dana, R. H., 14, 15. Dana, R. H., Jr., 15, 191. Dana, Richard, 15. Danforth, Samuel, 152. Davis, Admiral C. H., 113. Davy, Sir, Humphry, 95. Daye, Matthew, 6. Daye, Stephen, 5, 6. Devens, Gen., Charles, 181. Devens, S. A., 76. Dickens, Charles, 123. Dowse, Thomas, 18. Dunster, Pres., Henry, 5, 6. Dwight, J. S., 57, 58, 63, 137. Dwight, Prof., Thomas, 94, 96. Elder, William, 67. Eliot, Rev., John, 6. Eliot, Rev., Richard, 7. Emerson, R. W., 34, 53, 54, 57, 60, 62, 63, 64, 68, 70, 85, 86, 90, 91, 104, 139, 158, 166, 168, 169. Everett, Pres., Edward, 14, 27, 44, 117, 123. Everett, Dr., William, 17. Fayerweather, Thomas, 150. Felton, Prof. C. C., 44, 69, 123, 124, 128. Fields, J. T., 69, 104, 106, 179. Fiske, Prof., John, 70. Flagg, Wilson, 70. Follen, Prof.,
-ernor, who built his house in 1631, on the site which is now the northwest corner of South and Dunster streets, and his son-in-law, Simon Bradstreet, who built upon the Boylston Street corner of Harle Square on the west. By 1635, the streets now called Mount Auburn, Winthrop, South, Holyoke, Dunster, and Boylston had come into existence within these limits. The northern frontier street, upon by Marsh Lane, afterwards called Eliot Street. On the north side of Braintree Street, opposite Dunster, and thence eastward about as far as opposite the site of Linden, stood a row of six houses, anows Lot. Another topic for the Puritan ale-house would be the damnable heresy for which Mr. Henry Dunster, President of Harvard College, was censured by the magistrates and dismissed from office in 1655. This shameless Dunster had publicly denounced the practice of infant baptism as unscriptural. In spite of august synods, in spite of the vigilancy of Mr. Shepard and other learned parsons,
Andrew Boardman, Esquires. This wall was removed some forty years since, and a wooden fence built, which in turn was taken away, and in 1893 the present substantial iron fence erected on Massachusetts Avenue, Garden Street, and the northerly boundary. This God's Acre, as it is often called, contains the dust of many of the most eminent persons in Massachusetts: the early ministers of the town, Shepard, Mitchel, Oakes, Appleton, Hilliard, and others; early presidents of Harvard College, Dunster, Chauncy, Willard; the first settlers and proprietors, Simon Stone, Deacon Gregory Stone, Roger Harlakenden, John Bridge, Stephen Daye, Elijah Corlett; and, later, the Lees, the Danas, Allstons, and Wares. It is much to be regretted that so many graves remain unmarked, and equally so that the names of tenants of many costly tombs are unknown by the very imperfect registration, or want of registration, in the town records. Some tombs of once prominent families, who have become extinct, wer
The Cambridge of eighteen hundred and ninety-six: a picture of the city and its industries fifty years after its incorporation (ed. Arthur Gilman), Harvard University in its relations to the city of Cambridge. (search)
familiar to the imagination of thousands of persons who never saw them its river, marshes, and bridges. It adds to the interest of living in any place that famous authors have walked in its streets, and loved its highways and byways, and written of its elms, willows, and chestnuts, its robins and herons. The very names of Cambridge streets remind the dwellers in it of the biographies of Sparks, the sermons of Walker, the law-books of Story, the orations of Everett, and the presidencies of Dunster, Chauncy, Willard, Kirkland, and Quincy. Cambridge is associated in the minds of thousands of Americans with scientific achievements of lasting worth. Here lived Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse, the first Hersey professor of physic, who introduced the kine-pox into America, and John Winthrop, Hollis professor of natural philosophy from 1738 to 1779, one of the very earliest students of the phenomena of earthquakes, the friend and correspondent of Benjamin Franklin, and the man whose lectures Benj
e young men was graduated in 1642. In the work of fitting boys for Harvard, Cambridge would naturally have had an early and prominent share. It chimes in with this theory of an earlier school that Mr. Corlett, when we first hear of him in 1643, was already in the possession of an established reputation as a teacher; he had very well approved himself for his abilities, dexterity and painfulnesse. His schoolhouse— the first one especially built for him in 1648, not by the town, but by President Dunster and Edward Goffe—was on the westerly side of Holyoke Street, between Harvard and Mount Auburn streets. At one time there were in his lattin schoole five Indian youths fitting for college. In 1642 the General Court made it the duty of Cambridge as of other towns to insist that parents and masters should properly educate their children, and to fine them if they neglected to do so. In 1647 the Court ordered the towns to appoint teachers for the children, whose wages should be paid eith
ennial Catalogue of the college, at the head of the list for 1647, stands Jonathan Mitchel, A. M.: Fellow. In that year, 1650, the second meeting-house was built on Watchhouse Hill. A very sad event in this pastorate was the declaration of Henry Dunster, president of the college, of his new views regarding the baptism of children. This led to a bitter controversy, which ended in Dunster's resignation of his office and his removal from Cambridge. But he asked that his burial might be in CamDunster's resignation of his office and his removal from Cambridge. But he asked that his burial might be in Cambridge, and so it was. By a singular error, the slab which bears the record of his virtues has been for many years over Mitchel's grave. Another incident in this pastorate was the setting off of the people of Cambridge Village, on the south side of the river, and more than four miles from the meeting-house, that they might have separate services. This was strongly objected to, but at last, in 1664, a new church was organized, and it has had a good history as the First Church in Newton. Rev.